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Mike Smith Cosmos

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Everything posted by Mike Smith Cosmos

  1. I am not sure what excuses we are going to come up with , to explain away our last 100 years of performance. Mike
  2. . Yes. I do appreciate what you are saying . Unfortunately for me. As in the past I have indicated about my school and University life . I can actually do the maths, but it really , really , really HURTS my brain. Yet , I LOVE , pictures, images, things I can see , and gaze at and think about.. .. Think very deeply about . My head is full of images, I can't help it . ( maths hurts , pictures delight and help me think . ) I have this sneaking feeling , that's why sight is our primary input . ( however that is another , different subject ) by the way my father was an architect , might have something to do with it . He probably got the quantity surveyors to do all the math ! ( and yes if they did not do the maths correctly the houses would fall down ) Mike . ----------- MEDIUMS IN THE COSMOS ----------- . Having now thought this through with the information available to me . And the development of ideas , at this stage it would appear to me that :- Whoever or whatever created this Universe, set out using TWO ENABLING MEDIUMS MEDIUM 1 One ENABLING MEDIUM lay a structure for where matter , mass , would be concentrated . This consisted of , what we currently call 'Dark Matter' . This medium spread throughout , what is now the whole universe . It's constituents was such as to provide for , and direct the growth of the mass part of the universe we see today . The particles of all sorts gathered and were attracted by the gravitational pull felt during various stages of development . So we see the galaxies ending up as they are today seen in channels , and voids , making up the image we have seen . THIS MEDIUM Is where all galaxies are , and as such gravity , with its gravity waves will work along these channels. MEDIUM 2 The Other ENABLING MEDIUM , Was and is composed of the Dark Energy , which spread very quickly across the whole universe as it expanded . Throughout the universe ( not as channels ,as the other medium ) This was in the form of a complete 3 dimensional lattice , making up the Electro Magnetic fields , suitable for all the photons and other lightweight particles , to traverse the universe , usually in some form of wave nature . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . MEDIUM 1 .. MEDIUM 2 If this is not how it is , I have given it my best shot to date . Mike Ps. I need to think of some way I can ' tease out ' the validity of these two ideas . Seeing as they are half way across the universe , that is not going to be too.easy?
  3. . Yes , I sort of appreciate that , although I am not really an expert on ' quadrupole waves' ( but appreciate the model of squeezing rubber ball) . The flow I speak about with both the super cluster ' Laniakia ' and the rest of the illustrated images produced of the Universe as a whole produced in recent years, definitely gives one the image of ' Flow '. ( what with the dark attractor etc ) . As an ( sort of ) Artist , attaining this flow is one of the ' secrets of success' , that one tries to attain. The delicate feeling of flow. Which as previously explained is often achieved by the use of a ' medium ' . So I would Posit that in some respects ' MEDIUM and FLOW ' is/are the great architecture of the COSMOS . Mike
  4. . O.k. Then surely I can point to two areas of science style proof. For the mass based medium . I would point to , dark matter recently identified as the ' shaper at Galaxy level ' ,( probably now the shaper of the whole darn Universe) , and the model of reflected waves in the swimming poor giving a very close fit to the actual layout of the universe as recentely gained by observation of the cosmos . Including the clear picture of 'flow ' usually associated with a fluid medium as illustrated with the super cluster ( of which we are a part ) , namely ' Laniakia ' . Appearing in this weeks ' Scientific America ' For the lighter medium . I would point to the argued reasoning for the derivation of both ' the cosmological constant ' / dark energy . Having an early entry into the universe at the separation of the electro-weak force from the early supersymetry of the Very early universe . This becoming an all pervasive e-m field across all of space as it expanded. In some respects I can only point to the results achieved by the entire scientific community in recent years . With their various scientific research . And try an make some sense of the picture coming out of all this combined research , and get a bigger picture of the ' Whole Thing ' . Mike
  5. . I am suggesting that the two different sorts of medium , go out across, in , with space in different ways . (A) The Dark Matter as a heavy mass containing medium , carries with it the mass like particles , and they behave as illustrated previously in patterns of reflection Very akin to the established layout of the universe . With areas of concentration , as well as more void areas . On the other hand (B) The Dark Energy , the second medium spreads out fairly regularly and evenly across the universe. Within this medium the electro magnetic field are set up across pretty well all of space and and become the propagating medium for light and other electro magnetic waves . These fields are not subject to the gravitational waves present in the other medium , and so are fairly linear across all of space . ------------------------------------------ ILLUSTRATED THUS ------------------------------------------------------------ (A). Type mass medium dark matter , heavy particles . Mass concentrated on the lines produced by gravitational waves as illustrated. . . . (B) Type massless medium dark energy , light and zero mass particles . Spread out fairly evenly across space , as illustrated. . . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In principle ! Mike
  6. . Yes , I understand what you are suggesting . But some of these issues have already been suggested for aether and disproved to a limited extent , because of the assumptions raised with those proposals . Say to do with passing through the aether rather than going with the aether . ( no measurement , no aether ) . I have suggested a different approach , by looking at the type of enablement achieved , rather than looking at the enabler . However , I appreciate there is the need of some form of clarification. In a way , we need to say , as far as I am concerned , if I were part of a super race , beyond imagination , HOW WOULD I CONCEIVABLY GO ABOUT MAKING THE MECHANISM FOR CREATING A UNIVERSES? ENABLING such a thing to come about . Obviously at our state of advanced understanding we are probably too limited in our thinking to get close. On the other hand we have advanced quite a lot in the last 150 years . We could have a stab at it ! Then do some tests , possibly ? Duplication by positive feedback always bubbles up in my mind . To establish massive expansion . Two sorts of contents . 1 . Massive and heavy . Structure . 2 Light weight , control , Efemeral . That is a start . So I would say I need an 1. ENABLER MEDIUM to contain , move and structure the Heavy Massive Parts . Say dark matter is the Medium . 2 . Another separate ENABLER MEDIUM , to communicate , control , and deliver the Efemeral element of the universe. Then I need to start the whole thing going by constant duplication by positive feedback , from an original set of STARTERS . In both the enabling mediums the contents goes along with the medium , much as I illustrated in my ' painting sky ' example mentioned earlier. I think the content aspect is well covered by eg ( matter , anti- matter pairs ) Now as regards testing this , I suppose one could build some models . I did play around with this idea , to some extent , years ago , when home computers and ' BASIC ' software came out . However , :- Mike
  7. If we look at the layout of the super cluster named ' LANIAKEA ' . It has the connotations of Flow . And we know that there is also a comparitivly near ' Dark Attractor ' . If I search my observational experience , for examples 'akin ' to these buitiful lines . I am drawn to my painting experience. We have been taught on many occasions that a good way to paint ' skies' . Is to lay the parchment paper down flat , spread delicately some water on the surface . Pick up the paper gently , and tilt the paper so as to let the water flow naturally , gently . And with style , say sideways tilt as well. Then drop some blue in randomly , and let it flow . Then dry . It produces clouds , like no other . My point being , as in this case the medium is water . In the case of ' LANIAKEA' no doubt the medium is Dark Matter , or something . I do believe there is merit in looking at these things , on a Super Galactic scale . While taking examples as a model , from real physical demonstrations.. ( we are after all in the same universe ) In LANIAKEA , we do see here , ( if my model is correct ? ) as with the paint and water . A mixing of gravity and a potential ( ENABLING MEDIUM ) . Mike
  8. . Surely the flow along " THE ENABLING MEDIUM " can be seen , everywhere ! From the Flow of our host Super Structure of LANIAKEA ,with Galaxy upon galaxies To the sculpting of our Planet by Water , creating the habitat for life To the beauty of life and plants themselves. Mike
  9. Two riders ,on this subject, have arisen in the last few days . 1. One of the most famous recent scientists ( who's name escapes me at the moment ) , was heard to repeat ,over and over , " the border of a border is ZERO " So taking a position ( figurativly) , way beyond and above the boundary or border of the Universe , Takes us to the 'gods eye view ' of the Universe. Here we can figuratively see the Supersymetric view of all forces before they symmetry break into the gauge forces between the various rotational symmetries. Such a view is 'impossible' I think , for us to see , as we cannot get up there. However this is where , I imagine , maths may be able to take 'one ' ? 2. Yesterday I was in attendance with a group of other artists( learning ) . The man ( 85 years old ) giving the instruction and oversight , himself an artist ( but in early life had been an aircraft designer.) . He came up to me afterwards and commented " Mike, I know you always paint in ' acrylics' , which I do , he said " I never see you using an acrylic MEDIUM ? " . Eh ? I have been painting in acrylics for 5 or 6 years , without using an acrylic MEDIUM ! I questioned him very closely for some time , also giving him the reason for my ( more than painting reason for probing him deeply ) His reply was very enlightening in view of our / my quest for the greater Medium of the Universe ) . The dialogue that follows is interesting ! " Come on Mike, you are an engineer and artist ! You should know that tubes of acrylic paint are just 'pigments' , mixtures of various minerals, particles of earth born , granuals of different elements, mineral substances that give the various colours you want for your picture ." THEY HAVE TO HAVE A ...MEDIUM ... FOR THE RANDOM PIGMENT GRANUALS, TO BE MOVED AND FLOW INTO THE SHAPES AND EFFECTS THAT YOU WANT TO ..... CREATE .....IN YOUR PICTURE . The profundity of what he had just said was quite tangible . ( the wisdom of older people ) A MEDIUM IS NOT AN OPTION TO CREATE A UNIVERSE IT IS AN ' ESSENTIAL ' INGREDIENT FOR THE CREATION OF THE WHOLE , BEAUTIFUL, COSMIC EVENT ! Eureka! Mike
  10. . ------ But what happens if they do " show up " , as you say ? ---------- Do you think our last hundred years performance , and our current state of chaos , look good ? Surely we look like a, teacher coming back into the classroom after slipping out for 20 minutes to see the ' head master ' , and when the teacher returned , the classroom was ' bedlam' and the classroom was an utter shambles? " What ever has been going on ? " the class master bellows above the sheer ' bedlam ' . " What can we say , about the state of the last 100 year history of the world , including today ? It's been and still is , an utter disgrace ! A complete shambles ! Even currently . There are people wandering about all over the place, not sure where to go, falling out of rubber boats as they flee for safety , mothers children and family , only to end up dead in the sea. People blowing others up and killing them , threat from terrorism quite disturbing , the resources are squandered, the environment in places is pretty hacked about , the population growth ,out of control . And nobody really knows what the future holds for our children. Surely any visiting overlords or intelligent designers ,and creators , are not going to be , TOO , IMPRESSED Mike
  11. Yes I agree , we are quite capable of intelligent design . But sometimes our designs go a bit , off track. Eg I suppose Nobel learned to regret inventing Explosives , if I have my facts right . Dynamite must have blown millions near to-billions of people to pieces. Perhaps not such an intelligent design. ALSO we could do with quite a lot of intelligence to get us as a human society , settled into our immediate future ? Is that not a point ? Mike
  12. The biggest Coincidence that appears to be happening 'ALL at once ' in this recent time period ( the last 100 years ) , is the accelerated changes to our life style . Technology Development , Population , Science , Technical capability , Space Exploration ( both physically , and by observation ), Education , Self distruction , Computational capability, Living coverage by humans of the land surface worldwide. If there are any Intelligent Overlords, or an Origination of Matter and Life in the Universe by some Intelligent Designers , ( as commented on in the " Science News item " ----------------------------------------------------- " DR. MICHIO KAKU " I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence." ----------------------------------------------------- Then NOW , would be a very appropriate period for the " Overlords or Creators " to return and have an Inspection , would it not ? I think we need to take this 'POSSIBILITY ' Seriously ? Not flippantly, or dismissively! To our cost ! Mike
  13. . Wait a minute what is that white dot? I cannot quite make it out ! Mike
  14. .I could not be sure that anybody really knows. One can but surmise. I would posit, that whatever gives space its structure ? Is pretty well up there with the edge , of space . Then I would surmise that whatever hangs on hard or grips the structure is there or thereabouts . Then I would go with my medium , settled well into the fabric of space and structure . Then whatever ( not all ) requires the medium would be nearby . Then NOTHING . In NOTHING , NOTHING CAN BE SUPPORTED. The end of the physical Universe. No more of the physical 'stuff ' there , nothing supported. Only my surmise ! .. We could go on to ask ? Is there anything beyond the Physical Universe? Mike
  15. . Why cannot the evidence , be the very incontrovertible evidence, that space is absolutely proved to be :- Full of all sorts of " stuff" . Ranging from dust, gas grit electrons , hadrons , quarks , neutrinos, positrons electrons , electromagnetic fields , dark energy, dark matter , virtual particles , Higgs bosons , and a whole host of other things I have not mentioned. Why cannot this soup of " stuff " be, and act as a MEDIUM? Or at least some of it , can act as a medium ? And all of it makes up Space . Outside of that . IS NOTHING , ? Mike
  16. --------------Science , somehow has got , like hung up , on this aether thing , because of the " Michaelson Morely " experiment etc . Whatever is happening in space , just up in space , immediately away from Earth. To me is an unknown , is it dragging space around ? Or is it moving through space? -------------- For the time being , I wonder if there is not a medium , some way or other, in whatever form . Which act like dominoes, first one photon goes over, hits next one, it goes over , and on domino after domino ...photon after photon . ....The dominoes do not travel just fall.... The first photon does not go anywhere ! Just knocks into the next dominoe , produces a new photon , etc etc throughout the medium of space . Nothing goes anywhere, JUST THE ENERGY TRANSFER OF THE QUANTISED PHOTON .? The EFFECT GOES AT LIGHT SPEED . .across the MEDIUM of SPACE . This is exactly what happens in the conduit of copper wire in a CONDUCTOR . Electrons drift very slowly (DC) if not at all but oscillate (AC WAVE ) . The EFFECT travels very very fast , nearly the speed of light . The electrons oscillate , and go nowhere , or drift at walking speed . IT is the EFFECT that travels . For that to happen one needs a MEDIUM . MIKE
  17. I have just returned from A Visit to a Water Engineer , residing near Lake Trasimeno nr Perugia . He has a perfectly round pool of 5 ft deep . I provided waves emanating from 4 sides of this round pool . Note all show the sort Of waves that I am suggesting illustrate by a model form , movement in a medium of waves reflected from the border of a container of medium . Toward each other producing by interference , the sort of shapes found in the 3D computer representation of the Universe . Judge for yourself , whether these have a remarkable , similarity ? . Mike .. Well it all depends , what is driving the expansion ? If the expansion is caused by the sheer , mass of products in their entirety , of the expanding universe, then surely everything will just grow bigger in its own time like 'fire prevention foam ' . ( or rather the equivalent , in the ingredients of the expanding universe ) . Having established itself , over some finite period of time , conditions may arise , as illustrated , in previous pictures . When the nature of the universe is such , conditions of oscillations or waves may start to arise. These could grow to become reflected , standing waves in the whole fabric of space time , in the way a Tibetan gong starts ringing harmonically when struck . All and any of these analogies or models , can work in an environment of 'MEDIUM ' , but not without it ? Resulting in the illustrated concentration patterns , shown in the models. I do not see that a refractive index is needed as the waves are not going through a change in medium. Possibly some form of reflective constant may be required . Although.i am not sure about that ? Mike
  18. Who said anything about a " balloon " ? And who said anything about a 2 dimensional surface? There is nothing beyond the surface of the expansion . That edge is " open circuit " . Any wave reaching an open circuit , will be reflected , like as in a transmission line . The boundary will be the extent of what is inside, which is the sum total of all the expanding contents , as listed previously . Any waves travelling in that medium , will reach the boundary ,as I presume the boundary is moving out at a less than light speed . You can't have all the contents , moving at light speed surely . Any photons bussing about at light speed will surely act like they do in the sun . Colliding and bouncing about ? Surely . Mike ? What's on the other side of the boundary .? Nothing , absolutely nothing , you could not even put your hand through. There is no stuff , no medium for anything , no space , as we know it ,Nothing The boundary is just the front of everything expanding , and occupying more of the nothingness and becoming something ! But this edge is indeed the edge of everything in the universe? But these waves would have been happening somewhere on the way up. Working there way through the medium of everything reflecting from the boundary and possibly setting up some form of standing wave , much as in a wire or in simple terms rope . The dark matter and energy , might well have been part of this cockophony , being as how the dark matter ended up shaping the galaxies and universe . Perhaps ! To produce :- Mike
  19. I am not so sure all your figures are necessarily right, about those very early days of the expansion of the universe. There was an awfull, lot of stuff about , in a very small space at that early time . After all it was this expansion of dark matter , ordinary matter ,light , dust gas , medium and a whole lot of stuff in a small space expanding to make space and the classical universe . The walls would not be a surface of 2 dimensions but a sphere of three dimensions . As I have previously shown pressure waves do travel in three dimensions in a medium even like water .let alone space filled to bursting with ' things '. --------------------------------------------------------- As regards . Consiousness and the medium . Quote " Mike Smith Cosmos, on 19 Jul 2016 - 9:08 PM, said: . Carlo Ruvelli , calls on our human Consiousness , as a final source of understanding of the Universe . As human observers , he says we stand at a very important position , in understanding the Universe by our observation of it . He recommends both Spinoza the Dutch philosopher and Lucretius as esteemed philosophers , who help us understand the importance of human Consiousness in beeing the important observer of the Universe. As such we command an important postition in the understanding of the universe . He recommends both Sinoza and Lucresius as philosophers of repute in this endeavour . Unquote " . Ruvelli takes up the story with our early ancestors sittin around a camp fire . Thinking how the signs worked with broken twigs etc. He explains how observation of the universe and thinking about it philosophising, guessing what signs they can find and what they mean , has led us to a greater scale of Consiousness. His thought on this is .....the universe is only of any point if it is observed. And we above all others that we know if our building up a Consiousness , which has a close correlation to the number of stars in the known universe. So his reasoning is ( if I am representing his thinking process correctly ) that although the universe is a vaste place, with trillions upon trillions of stars , so also is our brain of comparable ( memory for star proportion ) although not exact by any means , we do have a brain that can comprehend the universe and Metaphorically sit by the camp fire and contemplate our understanding of the universe and how it works and exists. What has this to do with " aether " or as I would have it Medium ( aether has a bad press ) . We can , we must contemplate " what is what " and what is it all about . We have the brain , go for it ! Like our ancestors by the fire, like the philosiphers of today and the thinkers of tomorrow . We have the brain, we have the Cosmos ..... Mike
  20. .That is precisely what I am suggesting was happening in those early years of the universe . Dark matter was present in the medium , together with the gravitational waves , created at the Big Bang. These waves reached the boundary , at that time not so far away . They hit the boundary and were reflected in the way I describe with a standing wave in a transmission line. This had the effect of causing voids and concentrated threads.. In the dark matter , existing in the medium . From these threads the newly forming stars and galaxies formed . This the current state we see much expanded, in the galaxy structure today. .. Mike
  21. . Waves , signals , Bouncing back is the same way that signals down a transmission line . Can bounce back or be reflected from an open circuit or short circuit . Mike
  22. This recent model , of a medium and a resultant image , is born out in evidence by the recent cosmological work . Namely ,:-. Here, waves are produced in a medium that has boundaries, namely the sides of the swimming pool . So in pointing to the evidence of cosmological distribution of galaxies. It would surely point towards two things . Accepting that this is 2D. But 3 D I have shown has similar types of results are possible from 3D .During the growth of the early universe, just after the recombination at 300,000 years out , when it was , much much smaller , say 1/4,000 th the size it is today , or maybe less if expansion is not linear. The borders of space may have been much nearer to the source of the spreading of space , and waves could have bounced back. These could have formed the concentration of early matter as patterns shown previously . This model does however require a medium . it would appear there are different levels of existence of the nature of the NATURAL cosmos . ( excluding any possible higher spiritual status . ) . But in the Physical Universe. :- 1 . Beyond space .....Nothingness. ABSOLUTLY Nothing . Maths is incapable of mapping this , because it is not there . 2. Space . ..not nothingness , occupying dimensions , capable of mapping by maths with all its geometry , coordinates, and if I understand it correctly may be at the source of possible ' strings ' of string theory ' or ' ' . Ashketars ' At the source of loop quantum gravity. But also including some form of medium which may contain a whole host of Fields, grid , grit, micro miniature particles, virtual and otherwise enough to make some form of lattice capable of ENABLING the Mass of (3) to follow No doubt this region includes the enabling dark matter . And also including the cosmological constant , dark Energy . 3. Massive bodies , more recognisable as stars, planets , asteroids , galaxies, and other mass and atom orientated particles . Mike
  23. ? Quite so ! The new flavour on this model , which I find intreaguing. Is that in my reading of Carlo Rovelli 's dissertation on all this. That in the very bedrock granuals of everything . Although there is present all the things , like particles forces, etc THERE is NO TIME characteristic showing up . No connection of what we conceive of the passing of time . NO TIME . Not really sure what the significance of this is , though I do get a glimpse of how I perceive time , is being in relation to much bigger things , like a day , related to the sun and earth cycles , etc . But down there, or back then , there is or was no Sun , to break up a day into day, hour , second etc da de da Mike Ps this has echoes of when instead of an overseer saying " you have three days , to complete this project " rather the overseer says " no worries , ' Do it , In your own time '. . .
  24. . Well, I must say your points are very eloquently put ! So , I suppose :- If the string theorists win , at the bottom are little strings, ? If the Loop quantum gravity win there are minute loops? If the mathematicians win there is just Maths and number? If the God fearing win ,then there is God given micro miniature 'star dust' ? Perhaps the " star dust " is some beautiful ' Lucretian ' seed or granuals of ' Everthing , including Consiousness, all bundled together , drifting about in my ' much sort after Enabling Medium ? We can but dream . Mike
  25. . Carlo Ruvelli , calls on our human Consiousness , as a final source of understanding of the Universe . As human observers , he says we stand at a very important position , in understanding the Universe by our observation of it . He recommends both Spinoza the Dutch philosopher and Lucretius as esteemed philosophers , who help us understand the importance of human Consiousness in beeing the important observer of the Universe. As such we command an important postition in the understanding of the universe . He recommends both Sinoza and Lucresius as philosophers of repute in this endeavour . Mike
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