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Mike Smith Cosmos

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Everything posted by Mike Smith Cosmos

  1. Already two books are available , on this subject of the 6th Mass extinction . One is sited below . So it is clearly an area of consideration . Mike
  2. Could my "Suns radiation conversion project " , not come into its own , on such a project . Radiation conversion project :- Link :- http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/89737-worlds-energy-requirements-may-be-within-our-technological-grasp/page-2#entry873880 Drawing of system dish :- http://www.scienceforums.net/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-33514-0-57660900-1435694901.jpg Mike
  3. BBC Report " New 6th Mass Extinction Event " now underway . The following link will identify this report . To quote this report :- " The Earth has entered a new period of extinction, a study by three US universities has concluded, and humans could be among the first casualties. The report, led by the universities of Stanford, Princeton and Berkeley, said vertebrates were disappearing at a rate 114 times faster than normal. The findings echo those in a report published by Duke University last year. One of the new study's authors said: "We are now entering the sixth great mass extinction event." Apparently it is already underway . " link :- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-33209548 Image caption " Climate change and deforestation are among the reasons we may be facing an extinction event " Mike
  4. . I have added a few extra ( attractive and repulsive , sometimes destructive forces , and even they are not ALL ) . Clearly , to make a universe , you can't just blow everything apart and then pull everything together , and hope it makes a universe. However , the mechanism of ( attraction and repulsion ) does seem to be a vital ingredient , in one very complex nature or another . Perhaps it's like having two sharp blades in a pair of sissors and some pretty strong glue when making a paper castle . But an examination of the attractive forces present at the very small scale , in atoms ( including positive protons , negative electrons . Quarks with the strong forces holding them together .) is very beneficial. As you say Gravity with, Suns, stars, and black holes, dark matter, dark attractors, as well as repulsive supernova, exploding stars and dark energy . The forging and anvils of creation are many and manifold. But the balancing , relentless forces of disassembly, within the processes of entropy and other , moderate things in such a way as to give us the universe , with a growing presence of ( self aware ) life , rather than just a massive explosion, with bits and pieces everywhere ! All that is described here , is purposeful, and getting better all the time . Mike
  5. . Yes ! This really is BEDROCK . The universe has acquired two abilities . ( whose origin is purposeful and intelligent) The universe contains in its mechanism ( it's scientific , cause and effect - Creative Mechanism , as well as Breaking apart - entropy system ) ( A ) the ability by a process ,to be broken up , to break down to small and smaller and smaller pieces ( eg large hadron collider, Suns etc ) .Entropy in action .( a breaking up into many smaller and smaller pieces) ( B) the ability to combine by Gravity, and other attractive forces, ( Suns centres, atoms etc ) , so as to produce , more and more advantageous pieces ( eg atoms , planets, Suns , living things , conscious living beings , and complex atomic/ molecular / elements ) .also. By an adaption system within reproduction, So as to furnish life and the full scope of mineralogy , with better and better features. CREATION IN ACTION . ..... I'M IMPRESSED . So indemic in the universe are two opposing , yet , creative operations, so as to Create the universe we are discovering. I have to say that is ' one hell of a Purpose' . And it's getting Better all the time ! Mike
  6. . Well getting ' real basic ' is exactly what is needed here where we are trying to work out :- --------------- The purpose of the Universe , and whether it is getting better as it ages? ---------------- If you follow the motorway north from Exeter to Bristol you will come across the " willow man" Clearly the artist had a purpose ? But what is it ? Whether the Universe is getting better ? ........ Well on the one hand .. Entropy is creating disorder as it tears things apart into pieces . ........ Whereas on the other hand as time moves forward Gravity and Life ( amongst other things ) is making things more ordered as things are brought together in complex molecules and Sentient Life . Surely a Grand Purpose ?
  7. . In order to put a probe down , and make a test, at this present time , into the Universe centred currently on our situation here on earth. ( For Purpose) We need to restate the definition of Purpose :- Definition of the word , " Purpose " on Google is :- ------------------------------ -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- PURPOSE " the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists." Eg. "the purpose of the meeting is to appoint a trustee" synonyms: motive, motivation, grounds, cause, impetus, occasion, reason, point, basis, justification More From this definition , Initially, we have three pertinent words :- " reason " given as a cause , " done ". , "Created " QUOTE ................ " the REASON for which something is DONE or CREATED or for which something EXISTS " UNQUOTE --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Something that 'EXISTS', has been 'DONE 'or 'CREATED'. And thus must have a 'REASON' or 'PURPOSE'. It clearly has been 'done' or ' created' , by SOME MEANS OR OTHER , with a reason to be OBSERVED with the reason and purpose of APPRECIATION by the ' conscious , living species, existing in this Universe' . currently only proved to be at our home world Earth . Similarly OBSERVATION and appreciation by ' CREATOR ' , whatever that is (A Nothing spontaneously starting everything , A body of Creators, A Creator ) Yet to be agreed . It is anticipated that this reason / purpose , after a correction process, will be duplicated , many , many, many fold throughout the universe * , which if duplicated to the same standard will provide the opportunity , to make a test , at that future time . Judging by the progress of conscious human existence over its history , we can anticipate further improvements over the coming eons of existence . ( at that time , we can anticipate an immensely more widespread , heightened , existence , following the general progress over civilised history being extended into the future, ( NOT including the recent Centuary of unique world wide , warlike behaviour. Otherwise we will not survive ) . Thinking mainly of the intellectual state of human consciousness , we can anticipate a ' betterment ' of living existence. Thus things will always ultimately get better . This is inbuilt into the Universe . This is bedrock . Otherwise it would not work . ' Then' , the whole purpose of the universe will be a success . Mike Ps. If not , the whole thing would be unthinkable and a complete waste of time and resources. Which is not , I would think, the original Purpose. These latter comments are perhaps a little presumptuous . However considering the intellectual progress , over the millenniums , and the capabilities of humankind , it would seem the ingredients for optimism are strong. * I have done a little research to assertain the Future density by ' human' occupation of the universe .
  8. . Yesterday , I chose to ' Create ' a painting of the restless sea. I use this word ' create' as an example of how artists can dabble in the issue of creation. I chose previouse references to the restless sea and added my own distinctive feelings of water, sea , and sailing. As mere mortals ' we can create' of sorts ! . Mike
  9. . To make an explosion the size of the universe is not necessarily as difficult as one might imagine . When I was on holiday in France many years ago , with not a lot to do . I worked out how many generations of doubling a meter cube , over and over and over continuously . How many generation it would take . I can't remember but I was shocked how small it was .... Something like 450 times or 2700 times , I can't remember , other than I was shocked. It is on a par with folding a piece of card 45 times and it will reach the moon , or a grain of wheat on the first square of a chess board , double each square . And there is not enough grain in the whole world to fill the last square. The major item you need is a duplicator ( X 2 ) .......and so on . So a creator of the universe matter could be quite small compared to the size of the universe. Obviously there is a bit more to do than make a lot of matter all over the place . And maybe a lot of maths ( perish the thought ) . Some of the detail , will no doubt be pretty ,hairy. But if you want to put on a good show , and a place for conscious life to live , well....... .. Well I quite liked listening to your comments there 'tar'. It's time we did some more experiments ! Mike
  10. .I am not totally clear " what exactly you are keeping a secret " ? Do you mean , the whole universe being an experiment ! ? Mike
  11. . We should not shy away from the word 'Create' . My mother and farther created me some 72 years ago ( I am glad they did ) . They obviously had a purpose . ( to give me life , a child ) , I think they hoped to be proud of their creation . A create something nearly every day ( a Painting) . I usually have a purpose. Today to illustrate the Ocean . I hope I will be proud of it . I have done one this morning , fellow painters said ( Mike, I like that) When it comes to the Universe. We should not shy away , and go all twitchy . When we use the word ( Create ) . There is a universe here , no doubts at all. All one needs to do now , is to fathom what is the Purpose, and what exactly is its Creation. We can , if we keep our head , and not go all twitchy , and investigate . Mike
  12. .That is a very impressive reference to the NASA comments . Here it explains how little we have observed or understood of what is out there . So a purpose , if there is one , for all of that described ' dark matter' and ' dark energy ' , let alone the small fraction that we are starting to observe through the modern instruments , telescopes , and spacecraft . A purpose for all that ,is beyond our ability to observe . That is true. So the questions remain ( a ) can something exist , without a purpose ? And without observation by any one Or (b) does it need some form of originator to give it purpose , to act as observer. And originator . By way of a ' mental experiment ': One could imagine , from here on in , the human species continues to expand somehow , across the universe. It finds itself in zillions of years time spread out comfortably across the whole universe. At that time the communications systems could be beyond imagination , making the ' internet' look like a toy . At that far future time , the whole universe would be observed , thus could have purpose . Which would be something along the lines we described earlier. The universe was there for its occupants to enjoy life and it's originators to be proud of its existence. You can argue about who created what , but it fulfills the idea of purpose, and observation , .. From original definition " Quote "Is there any meaning to the 'definitions use' of the words ( Reason, Done , Created) " unquote but leaves the issue of origination ? ( I did it, no you did it , no nobody did it ?? ) ( what " created that lot ? ) So by our mental experiment we have managed to zoom back to the present day , with a satisfactory , purpose , by observation . But we seem to have captured an ' originator ' in our net into the future . Mike Now we have derived a purpose ( all be it via a thought experiment setting ) . We can make a test , by making a measurement . We are saying betterment ( being an increase in a value of state of purpose) . And we have two different times to make the measurement . 1) now , today . How is the universe ' fit for purpose ' right now . 2016 June/July 2) then zillions of years time . How is the universe ' fit for purpose ' , then . 2,000,000 years or however long, in the future? Failing all this ( no purpose whatsoever) . How could all this lot just appear out of nowhere? One moment absolute zero . The next moment ' everything ' , sounds a bit ' Hitch hikers guide to the Galaxy?
  13. What do you know about Chesil Beach , that just down the road from us. I thought you were over in Newzealand or China somewhere ? Now seriously , the Universe is sculpted by something . Whether it is sculpted by waves, water , energy , entropy ( and the opposite of Entropy ) , bugs , slugs , eels , fish termites , earthquakes , meteors, erosion , deposition , Gravity, pressure ...... Whatever creates the universe is a creator. Now if you want to go into what a Creator is, looks like, ...............that is a different subject altogether. But why can we not think of all the composite forces that you could go on to list , exhaustively , why can that not be given the name " creator" as a means of aggregating all those processing activities . Mike
  14. Yes but I could do a similar activity list for car manufacture .:- Some sheet steel gets delivered to a large factory. Machines that just happen to be there press out some body's Engines that just happen to be on a conveyor belt , get dropped into a chassis Tyres in a pile , that just happens to be near the line , are screwed onto chassis . Someone joined all the wires together , because that's all he has done all his life. A car is born . A real purpose because the factory owner wants to make a profit . Got a similar lilt . So ! We need to look for the ' driver ' Mike
  15. But the definition of " Purpose "" --------------------------------------------- 1. the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. "the purpose of the meeting is to appoint a trustee" synonyms: motive, motivation, grounds, cause, impetus, occasion, reason, point, basis, justification " --------------------------------------------- All these synonyms are surely , energetic, driving , causal Inferring an energy and direction . If you are saying an energy floating about directionless , bumps into something that gives the previously random ( energy direction pair ) Come to a chance meeting with something that will find this new pair a ' benefit '? Thus back dating this as a purpose ? Is this what you are saying . Mike
  16. Then no purpose , no universe . Unless you are somehow saying , it's possible for a condition to arise, fulfilling a purpose that was never raised. Surely this is Non Scientific ( cause and effect ) ? Unless there is a new miracle particle which spontaneously creates itself out of nothing ? " the sponticle "? And then goes on replication with an inbuilt automata , program . Mike
  17. . Yes well these are all ingredients to a possible " Much Bigger Picture " possibly ? Especially in the pre Cambrian period the sea was dark and life was sparse . Weeds, few bacterial cuschons , then trilobites in the Cambrian period , fish , land animals etc as the ages past . From a dark pond to land sea and air to the seathing life of today . One 'hell of a pond ' A purpose fulfilled . If there was such a purpose .? One could ask How does a purpose like that arise ? From ' nothing ' , from 'something ' . From some greater truth of the universe which we do not yet understand? So ! Is a purpose able, or possible or arise , to arise out of Non conscious matter .like an inert universe? Mike
  18. Tonight I sat in front of my fish pond ! It passed my mind . That here was a pond I have nursed for the last couple of years. No fish , black no nothing . Slowly I have introduced pond weed , tall pond grasses, , Lilly's . And 9 gold fish . Daily I look for signs of life . The fish appear hesitently with signs of life . There is an example here . My purpose for the pool was two or three fold . (1.) I wanted to create an environment where I could sit and enjoy watching living fish , flit about in their pond. Also I was pleased to for a few pounds (2) supply a nice environment for them to enjoy life .(3) I also wanted to be proud of my pond of goldfish . Surely this must have a parralel with the universe . It is in existence for us to enjoy life , and flit about . The universe is there for the purpose of creatures having and enjoying life . So it would seem we are just at the beginning as life is sparce so far . Let's hope the universe has a purpose for much life . We are just at the beginning ? Things surely got better for the fish . 18 months ago , it was a dark , blank pond of stagnent water . Now it is full of life, colour , activity , reproduction and much ' to boot ' Mike
  19. Maybe not obviously , but none-the-less, there are things that we can ' tease' out' , which could lead us to A ) is there a purpose B) what is that purpose C) Is there any meaning to the 'definitions use' of the words ( Reason, Done , Created) Mike Remember I am only part way through my ' week ' ! I am giving it a lot of thought ! So far , I am finding it quite interesting , there is this " cause and effect " rearing its head ( science style ) Also most of the words in the definition mentioned above , need ( awareness, recognition , consciousness etc ) . That needs conscious life to quite a high degree , for these to operate .
  20. Definition of the word , " Purpose " on Google is :- purpose ˈpəːpəs/ noun 1. the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. "the purpose of the meeting is to appoint a trustee" synonyms: motive, motivation, grounds, cause, impetus, occasion, reason, point, basis, justification More 2. a person's sense of resolve or determination. "there was a new sense of purpose in her step as she set off" synonyms: determination, resoluteness, resolution, resolve, firmness (of purpose), steadfastness, backbone, drive, push, thrust, enthusiasm, ambition, initiative, enterprise, motivation, single-mindedness, commitment, conviction, dedication; informalget-up-and-go "Middlesbrough had started the game with more purpose and menace" verbformal. From this definition , Initially, we have three pertinent words :- " reason " given as a cause , justification , " done " "Created "
  21. .That one, "Does the universe have a Purpose " will probably take me a week and a few walks up the canal to work out ! Give me a mo I started the week search and think , by doing what a lot of us do ( Google ....' what is the purpose of the universe ' ) . I did that a moment ago. Here is the first link : - http://io9.gizmodo.com/5981472/what-is-the-purpose-of-the-universe-here-is-one-possible-answer Mike
  22. TESTING for BETTER. To establish a measure on the universe to see if things are getting better , we need to set a marker and a unit/units of measure . This will enable some form of comparison against time , seeing if there has been an increase in the value of the marker , with time ( a reasonable amount of time . ) I suppose firstly we need to ask " What is the purpose of the Universe? So we can determine a unit/units of measure ( How well is it fulfilling its purpose) .? ( size , worth, goodness, prettiness , usefulness etc ??? ) Mike
  23. . A lot! We are in ' down time ' . :- http://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2014/11/the-creative-scientist/382633/ According to the research done by " Jung" in the quote from ' Atlantica ' , Creativity becomes active after a session of learning , followed by some non related " down time " . Just drifting about , on a walk , or playing drums , or having a day off. ( See * below ) The discussion about " Things will always get better " in the universe . Is endorsed by ' Yungs' argument about creativity. Applying his point :- If there is ' creativity ' present in the universe , then things will get better . So whatever the structure 'is ' in the universe , it appears to be creative , therefore it will get better . ( original OP ) . So if creativity is a necessary driver in research , in producing better results , it would follow that the Universe ( which is getting better , as seen by the resultant Universe , out there ) has creativity embedded in it ? Is that not so ? Mike * Specific comment by Prof Jung " I always advocate for recess, Jung said. This is where imagination often happens. That downtime is really important for kids after they had their time in class, so then they need time to think about something they learned in class or absorb the material in a different way by getting away from it for a period of time. In a blog post on his web site, Jung notes the value of what he calls imaginability, or the ability to play out ideas in ones mind. This sort of exercise can only be done with the default-mode brain, Jung said, while the conscious mind is busy doing something else thats not too taxing like cooking or making sure your teeth are brushed. " Or having a walk by a canal with a Jack Russell ( Mike )
  24. .. Essay ! Great ! Just searched one on your reference sites :- Quote " Creativity in Higher Education According to Graduate Programs' Professors" Peer reviewed de Alencar, Eunice Maria Lima Soriano; de Oliveira, Zélia Maria Freire Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2016 " There is an increasing awareness of the importance of fostering creativity in higher education. The benefits of creativity to individuals and societies have also been increasingly recognized, as well as the key role of higher education in the information age. In spite of this recognition, there has been little research exploring creativity in ..............." And as you say " many more besides " Mike
  25. . Here also .... To quote " the Atlantic " "Society needs creative scientists for continued innovation. But does the process for teaching scientific creativity differ from artistic creativity? And can creativity be taught?" Link :- http://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2014/11/the-creative-scientist/382633/ Mike
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