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Mike Smith Cosmos

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Everything posted by Mike Smith Cosmos

  1. Zapatos said " --------------------------------------- Unfortunately each family's 'family space' can be quite large, 1000 square miles or more in the case of gray wolves. It feels like you are looking to animals for an example but then abandoning the details to arbitrarily choose the size of a family space that sounds good to you. If animals can choose to be live alone, with a nuclear family, or in herds of millions, why shouldn't humans do the same? Why limit human packs to single digits? " --------------------------------------- Well , I must acknowledge , you provide a good counter argument to my reasoning on ' animal behaviour ' . However I would say ' the wolf , behaviour ' is perhaps an ' exception , rather than the rule ' . Although if we follow the behaviour of many generally migrating animal types , I suppose the predictors , migrate quite often with their prey? Such is the case you and I both are quoting here , namely the Canadian and Alaskan migrating Calibou . I have personal association historically with such ' Wolf ' behaviour. The location of our Italian home in Umbria , exists near Gubbio, up in the hills . Here we can look for miles down the Appenines and nearly see Assisi ( the past dwelling place, of St Francis of Assisi) . His reputation was one of familiarity with animals . It was said the Authorities in ancient times called from Gubbio for St Francis to come to subdue the Wolves surrounding Gubbio which were stealing children of the town . He came and there are statues of the large wolves standing up to human height in front of St Fransis but to no harm to him. He is said to have returned to Assisi , unharmed , and no more did the wolves attack the children. Now yearly many pilgrims walk the famous trail down the Apennines to Assisi , near our house . ( see picture below ) I appreciate this is ' folk law ' . But although the wolf packs no longer roam , occasional isolated , wolves remain . I was not trying to make ' heavy weather ' of the particular animal behaviour , in my argument . Other than to point out that the animal kingdom does not seem to lay down ' inpenatrable borders' that can not be crossed by others. Namely , the animals , before humans , and even now in parts of the world , move about over large distances . And whilst doing so respect each other's family space ( apart from times of predation ) . Whether you feel this is not a good example . That is fine . But I think the mass carnage of wars of the 20 th Centuary have gone way beyond predictor and prey . Mike View to Assisi
  2. . No, not at all , And I was not really meaning the border to our family houses. But to countries with borders. Earlier ( post # ... 47 * see link below ) I was suggesting we should follow the shadow from Platos cave, in looking at how animals functioned for thousands upon thousands of years before ever Humankind spread about the globe. Namely they roamed the world wherever they could for food, space , water etc . And I was saying we should follow this shadow and go wherever on the globe as they were able ( NO BORDERS) . I further stated that the animals did in fact respect ' each other's family space ' . Nest , warren , lair or whatever a breeding couple tended to use as its own family space ( metres not 1000's of miles , namely human country borders) . So all country borders to be opened totally, keep a small family patch ( up to an acre or two say ) . Produce and print a fair single world wide currency . Each person being issued a basic survival allowance ! Worldwide. Individual entrepreneurial earnings could be accrued to a fair level as explained previously . Mike * link http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/93919-interaction-interventions-accidents-coincidence-there-appear-to-have-been-notable-events-throughout-history-are-we-going-through-one-now/page-3#entry916934
  3. A view of marabou on a mass migration between two countries , show no borders, no fenses, no passports . 70,000 marabou just migrate each year , to where they know they can get food. The lands are not owned by them but they have an inalienable right to migrate there and exist . We have a bit of catching up to do and copy the Marabou, and allow all people to cross all borders . It is their inalienable right ! We must do this before it is too late Still the human migrant problem remains unresolved in the Mediterranean Sea amongst other places as 10,s to 100,s of thousand remain stranded , unable to pass . We do not even do this to the animals . As illustrated above . We can not just leave this, and hope it will get resolved ( somehow ) . Ps . We need to lower ALL borders everywhere instantly . And establish a new FAIR world currency instantly . " Where there is a will , there is a way " Do this within two weeks ! There are no excuses ! mike
  4. . I will need to get my local library , on to that one . Looks like a fair , heavy , tome . Fishermen landing difficult haul of fish Mike
  5. . Maybe ..? " Geoscience ". Should become a compulsory subject in school , like maths is ? Mike Ps oops ! Your salary just doubled overnight !
  6. . In the last week or two , I have researched small water disturbances many times , under the influence of wind. This by careful observation, so as to form an explanation for some particular waves on water surfaces. Whether this provides any useful ground work on other wave matters remains to be seen ! But there is a hint of something , reasonably profound ! The area of water ruffled by the wind , appears to be ONE entity .like one Violin string , or one other vibrating entity. So , if this is so, ? the area on the surface only works by dint of the breeze or wind having sufficient energy to start and maintain the " WHOLE " area , patch . Like a whole string or whole ' gong ' . This then presents a threshold , before which the patch will not start a wave pattern off , until sufficient minimum energy is present . Even then it appears to be , the lowest possible frequency/ energy required. When more energy is present , a possible harmonic of double the frequency is generated in the water or just chaotic waves( yet to identify which ) . This existing more in the centre of the patch. See the pictures below:- Here the start is the Energy in the Breeze. Can this be of use in understanding many different Sciences ?: I spoke to a colleague yesterday who has spent his career on inland water areas investigating pollution by factories . He listened to my interest in wind turbulence on canal waters . His comments were that , I should look at " Turbulance flow and Laminar flow and the Reynolds number " . Having started to look at this area I can see that although this is normally applied to movement of streams , rivers and water in pipes , this could have a bearing on very gentle Turbulance or restrained Laminar flow , in the issue I am looking at on the surface of Canal water . Could this be so ? Could it be that this Reynolds number represents the difference in states between the flat water existing in ' laminar ' mode and the wave water existing in 'turbulent' mode . This then representing this quantum style change that I have previously been describing as necessary to go from ' flat to wave like ' .? Hence the line like edge to the patches of roughness ? Here is an illustration of moving from " Laminar flow ( parallel surfaces sliding over one another ) to Turblent flow ( things going up and down at 90 degrees or angularly , offset , against the parallel flow ) . * * whether ' Turblent can be applied to offset / angular movement of a sinusoid variety , under the definition of "turbulent " I am not sure ? The picture is purely illustrative . It is taken from an image of smoke breaking from laminar to turbulent flow . The water version that I am discussing , has clearly been disturbed from the laminar flow to a more complex state ( a wave ) . Thus , I wonder, if " turbulent " is not just a human definition ? Where a lower energy state ( parallel flow ) goes to the next suitable energy state ( either wave or complete random movement ) namely turbulent . See this reference discussing Turbulance and waves Under the reference 'Turbulence' in Wikipedia :- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wave_turbulence Notice quote from opening paragraph :- " Examples are waves on a fluid surface excited by winds or ships," Mike
  7. . Ghost like ! or infant universe like ! You are likely to become instantly famous when you get it right ! Mike
  8. . Discussions are going on in the u.k. ( Bank of England ) At a very high level as to the fragile nature of the current Economic Condition world wide . I have heard other debates in the USA between high ranking individuals , as to the current stagnation in the various major Countries economies , and political systems , for that matter . This condition surely begs a major change , WorldWide ? Does it not ? Is this yet another ' Coincidence ' , or ' Tipping Point ' ? Perhaps it could also be called an. HIATUS . ( Hyatus ) Definition :- https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=hyatus&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-gb&client=safari Mike
  9. . Here is an illustration of moving from " Laminar flow ( parallel surfaces sliding over one another ) to Turblent flow ( things going up and down at 90 degrees or angularly , offset , against the parallel flow ) . * * whether ' Turblent can be applied to offset / angular movement of a sinusoid variety , under the definition of "turbulent " I am not sure ? The above picture is purely illustrative . It is taken from an image of smoke breaking from laminar to turbulent flow . The water version that I am discussing , has clearly been disturbed from the laminar flow to a more complex state ( a wave ) . Thus , I wonder, if " turbulent " is not just a human definition ? Where a lower energy state ( parallel flow ) goes to the next suitable energy state ( either wave or complete random movement ) namely turbulent . See this reference discussing Turbulance and waves Ref :- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wave_turbulence Notice quote from opening paragraph :- " Examples are waves on a fluid surface excited by winds or ships," Mike
  10. .I think we have allowed machinery in manufacture ang all sorts of activity , to take over , or replace humans as producing or doing anything and everything. Whether this be food , equipment , transport , or just making bits and pieces. It's all done by machines ( nearly all) . So whereas in the past humans would make something or do something and receive money or a reward for making something , or doing something . The money now goes to the machine owners NOT to the people . Somehow the money or reward needs to find a way back to the human population in quite a large proportion. The machines can still do the work and some people can own them , but a reasonable , large proportion of the earnings from the machines must go to the human population , worldwide to every person . Then we would not have this huge gulf between the ' haves' and the ' have nots' ( the rich and the poor ) Mike
  11. I spoke to a colleague yesterday who has spent his career on inland water areas investigating pollution by factories . He listened to my interest in wind turbulence on canal waters . His comments were that , I should look at " Turbulance flow and Laminar flow and the Reynolds number " . Having started to look at this area I can see that although this is normally applied to movement of streams , rivers and water in pipes , this could have a bearing on very gentle Turbulance or restrained Laminar flow , in the issue I am looking at on the surface of Canal water . Could this be so ? Could it be that this Reynolds number represents the difference in states between the flat water existing in ' laminar ' mode and the wave water existing in 'turbulent' mode . This then representing this quantum style change that I have previously been describing as necessary to go from ' flat to wave like ' .? Hence the line like edge to the patches of roughness ? Ref :- https://www.princeton.edu/~asmits/Bicycle_web/transition.html
  12. It's blending colour you need . As opposed to just colour . Where It slowly changes from one intensity to another intensity,. Say from dark to light . Or occasionally , only occasionally from one colour to another. ( judiciously ) This sort of thing but not so intense ! Mike
  13. . I enjoyed reading your comments Alan . I once lived and worked up in thelakedistrict area. There are issues around the Globe that alarm me and I am sure millions of individuals likewise. What has troubled me in the past and currently , is:- with some of these issues why is not somebody doing the 'obvious thing ' . Like currently the world appears absolutely full to bursting with manufacturing machinery , churning out products ' left right and centre' without ,hardly a human being in sight. Yet other data shows we have an employment problem worldwide. ( with some parts of the world people roaming rubbish tips, in droves ) . The solution seems obvious to me , but nobody seems to have their eye on the big picture and doing anything about it ? I find in quite incredible . Similarly with other Huge issues ? With all this ' fighting and killing ' and ' migration issues' this last 100 years has been quite horrific , and still not a solution ? Mike
  14. I like this one . A lot . Are you able to add colour ? If so try these following colours :- diluted down in strengths ! Mike
  15. Mike Smith Cosmos


    . I like the word ' Native ' , applied to ' Studio' , it's got a nice ,ring to how I think of him ! Humm . Native ! Humm! . What , with a spear ,you mean ? or running around with few clothes on ? Either way . It's good ! Mike
  16. . That is so beautiful ! Did you draw it ' ajb' or was it a computer driven image ( I guess so) . I appreciate the 'non symmetry ' . In art , that is essential . Maybe even in life , the universe as well . Broken symmetry . Mike
  17. . As far as I can make out , it is possible to get live pictures from the bottom of the 'trench ' ( Mariana Trench), see original Link. I have not managed that yet , though my original three pictures were live ( as far as I am aware) . Mike
  18. Mike Smith Cosmos


    Most waves are caused by 'something ' , going up and down , or in and out , fast . ( mechanically, electrically etc )! If you do the same with a rope that is being held at a far end by a rock or a person . If you then take the loose end of the rope , and move it ,up and down , fast . You will see a wave travel down or along the rope. That is a wave . You can see it . Sound waves are similar, radio waves are similar , mechanical vibrations are often waves. ( these three types of waves are there , but you can not usually see them ( you can hear one sort ' sound ' and feel ' mechanical ' . You will need some electronics to see the radio waves . We usually use something called an ' oscilloscope ' . Most electronic laboratories have an ' oscilloscope ' . This covers your problem of " how do we see them ( waves ) ? " Electronics people ( engineers ) usually have access to an oscilloscope , this enables Engineers to ' See ' how the waves look and perform . Here is a picture of one . And a link to a web site :- http://wonders.physics.wisc.edu/oscilloscope.htm Mike
  19. Sea was a bit rough , over the Mariana Trench today :- took a bit of hanging on , to see those " bottom living creatures! Mike
  20. Here are some shots taken today , and released by remote cameras . Worm , Fish , and ' thing ' . Mike ( pictures following ) Supplied by BBC tv . Link :- http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/36226983
  21. . The three pictures in line here , are informative 'Science' in their own right . 1. Mine is typically a bit " Indeterminate ". Meaning , my fascination with the wild deep ocean ' plays' to my intreague with blue sky research and ideas ( waves of all sizes , yet all over the place ) . Yet here I am trying to make scientific ' rhyme or reason ' , out of ripples from the wind in a canal . 2. Ajb's is typically " well ordered" , no doubt generated by a special piece of precise computer code ( mathmatical in origin ) . Regular and symmetrical , beauty . I expect this crops up in his work and research . And prove very useful in determining the direction of fields ,of some sort . 3. Ed's , gave me the shivers of emotion , when I first saw it as some poisonous spider . However I have got to like it , as I do not realy have to worry about it biting me. Beautiful colours , and I am sure seen through the ' eyes ' of a creature person , it is a work of art . Just keep it over there ! I like the sound of the new telescope ! All three from 'different corners'. (Of science) , yet all three beautiful 'Art' , in there own right ! . ? Mike
  22. . Did a picture , today , ( Painting of a bit of deep ocean ) . While doing it over a couple of hours, I realised the link between Art and Science . Here I was immersed in Art , yet my mind was still on waves on water on a canal ( how they form in patches, and how they are all part of one system . ) I found that as I did the painting above , that to make it look right , I needed to make the individual ' peaks and troughs' become ALL of one system . At least in the immediate region . So here is how the close observation or composition is necessary for the sea to appear correct , and in so doing gives a ' clue ' or possible mechanism , as to how much smaller delicate waves in a canal , could possibly, behave ? ( as a sub-system , of the whole ) ? Mike
  23. The area of water ruffled by the wind , is in fact ONE entity .like one Violin string , or one other vibrating entity.So the area on the surface only works by dint of the breeze or wind having sufficient energy to start and maintain the " WHOLE " area , patch . Like a whole string or whole ' gong ' . This then presents a threshold , before which the patch will not start a wave pattern off , until sufficient minimum energy is present . Even then it is the lowest possible frequency . When more energy is present , a harmonic of double the frequency is generated in the water .( more in the centre of the patch ) I See the pictures below:- And Here the source is the Energy in the Breeze. The sink is the waves in/on the water surface . Mike
  24. This progression from a higher point to a lower point ( source to sink ) was treasured by , philosophers to scientists to great thinkers , from time immemorial . Aristotle's. firsts thoughts were of some internal DRIVE , prompting things to seek out the centre of things. In his day the idea of the centre of the universe was his goal . Later renascence thinkers , still agonised on ' gravity ' like Copernicus and Galileo ( his major contribution was Experimentation ,Mesurement and Observation ( leading to house arrest for his hypothising ) . Our master scientist of the 1700's , Isaac Newton progressed things in a mathematical way , with Einstein giving us the distortions in ' space time ' ( site ' Gravity' by Brian Clegg .2016. ) In the last week or two , I have researched small water disturbances many times , under the influence of wind. This by careful observation, so as to form an explanation for some particular waves on water surfaces. Whether this provides any useful ground work on other wave matters remains to be seen ! But there is a hint of something , reasonably profound ! Mike
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