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Mike Smith Cosmos

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Everything posted by Mike Smith Cosmos

  1. Quote Swansont ( previous post).------------------------ Do you think they wear high-heeled shoes to be comfortable? I know plenty of men who care about how they look. I see sailors preen and primp in the locker room at the gym, worrying about their hair, of which they have almost none. But again: science site. ---------------------------------------------------------- This is your observation . And I have my 30-40 years of observation . Surely that is a part of what science does . ' Observe ' gather evidence in support or contradiction of a thesis previously made by others ( or self ) The visible evidence I have provided by way of the previous photo of me with two of my daughters at a wedding reception , my two other daughters and wife being in the crowd in the distance . It is a Non contrived . The women are clearly seen looking delightful and overtly colourful , demonstrating the delight of a young child, and no doubt talking , as are the ladies in the background , discussing " did you know so and so has had another baby " and I am clearly seen clutching a pencil and paper so as to make notes of some latest scientific thought or theory ! Real live scientific observational evidence . , I might add a small amount of ' levity ' to the occasion , in an attempt to make life vaguely pleasurable . Mike
  2. The Astronimer Royal .. Sir Martin Rees , a few nights ago , came on Television , along with other Scientists , like Steven Hawkins and others . Sir Martin Rees was saying it was very , very likely we are being observed . Almost inevitably , because of the numbers , making up the expanse of the Universe. Martin Rees comments lead one to ponder :- If we are observed by a much advanced life form , it must be obvious we need a hand , to sort the current situation out . Apparently it is inevitable , civilisations , reach this stage of development , and do not make it . Which is what Michio Kaku was saying ? So it's "make your mind up time " for Earth Human Civilisation ? Is it not ? Mike
  3. . Well I have listened with interest to the two Peter Kakoo You tube comments. .... Quite interesting and thoughtfull.. The dangers of a civilisation not making it to Type 1 . Well that is quite a correct assessment , as far as I can see . We are in serious danger of ... So near and yet so far .. We could mess things up badly if we do not take extreme care , not to . The big question is ? What organisation is capable of taking a controlling hand in preventing a " disaster " ? We could so easily " screw up " ? Mike
  4. . Well yes . I am only following the previously released information , on the diagnostic research done on the examination of brains , accomplished by ( whoever does ' brain research ' ) . What I am suggesting is ,now that they have changed their mind as to the actual physical location of the ' information ' . It could still be ' notional memory' if that is the right word for it. Because , as I said , the general perception of most people is " that women are definitely different , in their approach to things , than men ( as a rule ) . I have first hand experience of this having lived with 5 women ( four daughters and a wife ) for 30 years . And having lived with my sister prior to that , as well as student years , while I at university in the 1960's when young ladies were showing us young men how pretty they were ! That's enough for any man ! To experience in one lifetime ! I still find them , a complete mystery ! What I mean , is " that's enough for any man to attempt to get to grips with what they are ' all about ' ! " Like while I want to do electronics , think about how things work , have tools all over the place to make life easy'er and to hand for convenience . All they want to do is banish me, and all my bits to the shed , and jumble all my tools and electrical bits up , so they look tidy and ' neat ' . But I never know where everything is . And when they are at social functions , I must be in a stiff suit with a nice neck tie , throttling me, while I want to be in an 'open neck shirt ' . And they all to ' to a woman ' want to talk about babies and other people , an stand around looking beautiful , and I want to talk about the latest ideas of the ' cosmos ' , and swing ' to and frow , in a hammock ! ' If that is not proof of the difference , " I give up " ! Mike Is there a way of hiding my thoughts , If they read this ' they will banish me to an Island somewhere ! Ps even the grand child is female (childs ) as she ( they ) prances all over me while I am ' trying to ' having a quiet drink in the hammock under the shady tree ! At a wedding of yet another female relation ! Notice my right hand , desperately trying to write some ' cosmic ideas ' while enjoying the swing , in the shade ' still they stand about looking pretty! QED ( quad et. Demo stratum )?
  5. Having read the quoted research results to do with actual brain scans , it Would be difficult to challenge the findings here. However as the evidence of much difference , as to male and female behaviour , one could posit that 'a notional right brain ' and , 'notional-left brain' are set up in the brain by its own particular pathways . I would call to mind how hard discs used to work , I think or other computer memory , where random access chose available vacant memory , but recorded the location address ( if I have that right ) things I believe did not start from address 0000001 and proceed step by step up the memory , I think the message could be chopped and put all over the place , but able to be reassembled ( I could have this wrong ) . So the brain ' may use notional areas ' which are different by function but not by physical location. ( as visa versa ) You have only to look at how most women look and dress, and talk about people, babies , dresses and flowers , and then look at men , to see they ' have a different 'take ' . Talking about motor cars , houses , salaries , and how some record has been broken . I don't want to go too far down this route on my own or I am likely to get a woman driving down my drive on a JCB Crane giving me ' what for ' . So women are very very creative and take a lot of account as to their looks , men are very very good constructors and engineers , as a rule and end up covered in dirt and grease , looking like nothing on earth. Now exactly where physically these personality resides in the brain , might be up for grabs , but surely I am not the only one to notice the difference ? Mike
  6. . Did I blink? , when did the , right brain - left brain (preference for issues ) phenomenon , get debunked? I always thought this left brain right brain , link to the male - female preference. This concerning a possible preference for science/math. or art/appearance , was established, was it not ? ( How it Works -- What it looks like, it's appearance ) In most of the art groups I attend now in the year 2016 , the ratio of female to male in attendance is a major leaning toward female ( like 6 female to 1 male ) And when I attended Brunel University , then mainly science and engineering based , in the 1960's , girls were like ' gold dust ' . Mike
  7. In Cosmology : From 'Source' to ' Sink ' ? . In cosmology the ultimate Sourse and Sink has surely driven our minds throughout history ? There is both scientist , philosopher , and religious people who one way or another looked to the beginning ' Source' of the universe as associated with some ultimate source of Light Energy . In quantum plasma , issuing out from some central points, as it expands to meet its ultimate ' Sink ', black hole implosion, dark strange attractor , abyss . In the science arena, Gravity seems to play a key role in the journey from the light 'Source' to the heavy 'Sink' , does it not ? Mike
  8. Surely if we follow plato's " analogy " , then The animals and plants when illuminated , cast a shadow , where :- A whole world of shadowy animals and plants existing in mutual coexistence , across the whole undivided expanse of a shadowy world . Although this is not the world of humans of different types , but just the shadow of what ' could be ' . If we follow Platos theory , then if we want reality , we must go outside the cave . Away from shadow , into reality. So it behoves us , as a whole world, to exist across the whole undivided world without borders ? As previously specified? Yes / No? One could argue ( yes but you are just making it up ! ) , but I would say No ! Because the shadows were generated from a real living system , that geological history shows '( Actually , was a Reality ) ' so now they act as 'The shadows in the cave ' which can indicate a real Human environment enacting a reality BUT following the style of ' The shadows in the cave ' Mike
  9. A new book out by Brian Clegg called GRAVITY , starts off ( in chap 1 ) reviewing the growth of modern science up through the Greek , Renaissance , and 1800, 1900 thinking , and how they delt with :- * ref LEVITY ... LIGHTNESS .. Falling toward GRAVITY ... HEAVYNESS. Again thinking ( though not in the same words ) of SOURCE to SINK ( Levity to Gravity ) * Ref ' Gravity ' by Brian Clegg ISBN 978 0715644072 Mike
  10. Well that , as a scientific statement , is Profound in its own right ! As you commented in an earlier post ( it is born out in entropy and the laws of thermodynamics dynamics. ) Unfortunately , both those laws although accurate , and the basis of much of today's machinery , tend to hide the direction of flow due to the ' counter intuitive ' to the ' sound of the direction of flow and quantity, . Is that not so ? ( more disorder , etc ) Also as an over riding principle , perhaps this can be of use in cosmological , and astronomical enterprise? Mike
  11. Further research , has shown that ' Sourcesink' has been utilised and modelled in biology and the environment , particularly in the 20th century . Models have been introduced in many disciplines , probably , (as would endorse the idea that it has uses in many scientific disciplines. ) . The particular discipline that introduced, by others , the idea to me , was that of ( system design , mechanical engineering , particularly with relation to Helicopters) . I , in turn have illustrated its use in Electronic Design . I am sure if Livingstone could be asked, he would lay claim to ( from Sourcesink) , in his endeavour to find the . SOURCE of the River Nile , near Lake Tanganyika to the SINK in the Mediterranean Sea . Or Stanley ( I Presume ) his further link of the Congo river SOURCE. near to Lake Tanganyika over the mountains , going to the SINK in the Atlantic Ocean . All this diverse use of The Sourcesink model, I would say , does illustrate a diverse use and possible future use in undertaking research and development in ' other fields of scientific discovery' where , perhaps the Sourcesink model is not currently utilised? May that be the case ? Or would you say ' No ! " that is the first thing we think about ! " I can only speak of electronics as we are always thinking of flow from ' positive to negative ' and flow from ' input - process- output ' ? If it is not widely used . Well it's another ' tool' , is it not for Research ? Mike
  12. So , the choice is ours, is it not ? Do we take a look and comprehension of the shadows on the wall ( the way the animals and plants shared the whole earth . ) Do we ? Live in reasonable harmony , with totally shared facilities , access for all the resources of whole shared Earth ? Or do we limit who goes where , and who has access , and spoil the Earth and face the consequences of so not doing? Mike
  13. Plato' s Story of the people in the cave and the shadows of the Animals :- Quote " Imprisonment in the cave Plato begins by asking Glaucon to imagine a cave where people have been imprisoned from childhood. These prisoners are chained so that their legs and necks are fixed, forcing them to gaze at the wall in front of them and not look around at the cave, each other, or themselves (514ab).[2] Behind the prisoners is a fire, and between the fire and the prisoners is a raised walkway with a low wall, behind which people walk carrying objects or puppets "of men and other living things" (514b).[2] The people walk behind the wall so their bodies do not cast shadows for the prisoners to see, but the objects they carry do ("just as puppet showmen have screens in front of them at which they work their puppets" (514a)[2]). The prisoners cannot see any of this behind them and are only able to see the shadows cast upon the cave wall in front of them. The sounds of the people talking echo off the shadowed wall, and the prisoners falsely believe these sounds come from the shadows (514c).[2] Socrates suggests that the shadows constitute reality for the prisoners because they have never seen anything else; they do not realize that what they see are shadows of objects in front of a fire, much less that these objects are inspired by real living things outside the cave (514b-515a).[2] Departure from the cave Allegory of the Cave. Left (From top to bottom): Sun; Natural things; Shadows of natural things; Fire; Artificial objects; Shadows of artificial objects; Allegory level. Right (From top to bottom): "Good" idea, Ideas, Mathematical objects, Light, Creatures and Objects, Image, Analogy of the Sun, and the Analogy of the Divided Line Plato then supposes that one prisoner is freed, being forced to turn and see the fire. The light would hurt his eyes and make it hard for him to see the objects that are casting the shadows. If he is told that what he saw before was not real but instead that the objects he is now struggling to see are, he would not believe it. In his pain, Plato continues, the freed prisoner would turn away and run back to what he can see and is accustomed to, that is the shadows of the carried objects. He writes "...it would hurt his eyes, and he would escape by turning away to the things which he was able to look at, and these he would believe to be clearer than what was being shown to him." [2] Plato continues: "suppose...that someone should drag him...by force, up the rough ascent, the steep way up, and never stop until he could drag him out into the light of the sun." [2] The prisoner would be angry and in pain, and this would only worsen when the radiant light of the sun overwhelms his eyes and blinds him.[2] The sunlight is representative of the new reality and knowledge that the freed prisoner is experiencing. Slowly, his eyes adjust to the light of the sun. First he can only see shadows. Gradually he can see the reflections of people and things in water and then later see the people and things themselves. Eventually he is able to look at the stars and moon at night until finally he can look upon the sun itself (516a).[2] Only after he can look straight at the sun "is he able to reason about it" and what it is (516b).[2] (See also Plato's Analogy of the Sun, which occurs near the end of The Republic, Book VI.)[3] Return to the cave Plato continues, saying that the freed prisoner would think that the real world was superior to the world he experienced in the cave; "he would bless himself for the change, and pity [the other prisoners]" and would want to bring his fellow cave dwellers out of the cave and into the sunlight (516c).[2] The returning prisoner, whose eyes have become acclimated to the light of the sun, would be blind when he re-enters the cave, just as he was when he was first exposed to the sun (516e).[2] The prisoners, according to Socrates, would infer from the returning man's blindness that the journey out of the cave had harmed him and that they should not undertake a similar journey. Socrates concludes that the prisoners, if they were able, would therefore reach out and kill anyone who attempted to drag them out of the cave (517a).[2]. Unquote " ( quote and image from Wikipedia as per previous post ) Ps . It would be very easy to dismiss this and other stories, from these Ancient Greeks and Latin thinkers, yet these were the people who laid the Basis for modern science, coming up through the ages to , today. They introduced both the procedure and words of science , what with ' observation' , ' hypothesis ' ' theory ' , all probably traceable back to the 'Greek ' and ' Roman ' , language. The Middle Ages experimenters would refer back to these early thinkers to support their investigations , and so to our current research scientists. Maybe the words of earlier thinkers speak wisely to our present generation, do they not ? Mike
  14. Well! It's Tomorrow , here, let's see if its started? When the Berlin Wall came down , some years ago , there was no stopping that, change, was there ? Perhaps we have reached that time for a start of a complete World Change? ( 18 th April 2016 ) ? Are the shadows on Plato's cave wall , small compared to the illuminated shadows cast on the Future by humanities adaption of the model set by animal and plant life over the last aeons of time where there were no national boundaries . Just One complete World ? Mike Link to Plato's cave wall :- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegory_of_the_Cave Also worth accompanying dwelling on this by listening to Faurer 'in paradisium ' Link :- https://www.youtube.com/in paradisium
  15. .Well we can do it way before then ! We just need to do the science thing . Look at Nature what has she done and succeeded in over 100's of millions of years . Before we were even on the scene , the plants and animals had it ' Sussed' solved. They shared the whole planet . No borders , nationally or internationally. ZERO BOARDERS..yes within the whole earth they were free to roam Anywhere, if they could get there. The only bit they temporarily guarded was their immediate nest, patch or basking area ( immediately within their very very local vicinity, and even that without sustained malice . . As a small family unit ( for breeding). Even then they usually gave that totally up , as they roamed onward. We could implement that tomorrow ( totally open the boarders tomorrow ) anybody goes anywhere! What's wrong with that ? Yes we might , or definitely will , have to give up all national sovereignty . We have only spent the past 5000 years fighting the most atrocious wars leaving millions dead, homes wrecked, misery and set back. Just to insist on and erect national barriers . Well we would need to abandon that tomorrow . Land ownership would go apart from temporary , small ,homesteading ( like our family animals ) . The current money system would need to go overnight. I appreciate a few people might jump out of skyscraper windows , or accept the matter . Yes we could barter and work our way up to a worldwide coin for ease of not lugging , a shoulder bag full , fish or carrots, or tv's and I pads . ,if we still want them . There are probably a couple of other things I have not mentioned in this Post . But it's quite "do able , tomorrow ,ish . " --------------------------------------------- I used to teach business studies in Sixth form amongst other things , for a few years . Each year 5 lessons were spent abandoning every text book ,on business ,and getting an extremely large piece of joined up paper ( half the size of a classroom) the students all sat around in front of their piece ,( their local drawn homestead ) in front of them . I then talked them through a space story , going as a group to another star system , another Earth-like planet . They . Get out around this lake they had landed by . "Now you are not going home EVER . Now get on with life from here ' tomorrow ' " Boy did we have some fast learning , fun , trading , Looking after their own little patch . Moving about the planet . Meeting others , doing a bit of bartering , occasional 'spats' . Boy , did they learn the rudiments of life survival and of Busness in 5 lessons . . Then we considered business studies , from the text book. ------------------------------------------------/- Let's start Tomorrow . It's got to be better than what we have got ? Has it not ? Do you think it could work? Mike Ps . Oh yes, I forgot . Level playing field for every last darn person . As of Tomorrow .?
  16. ( "Instant Fix" ) I think we should use this very special junction in world affairs to :- Make the ' Most Radical Change' in the state of governance in world affairs and Borders. This , so as to change some of the massive major issues in one stroke. but they would need to be worldwide and almost instantaneously , simultaneous everywhere ( Global ) . This would solve the migration problem at one stroke ! Together with other current stresses and strains. RIGHT NOW There is a large part of a model already in existence ,with procedures already tested , with a lot of information documented . Mike
  17. DEFINITION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Definition of :- source - process - sink . As a system . Source - origination of an entity . Process- manipulation of the entity . Sink- destination of a manipulated entity . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Simple Explanation of Source to Sink Source , and Sink are in the first instance , possibly best described ' in no doubt,' the way they were first coined. Namely , the SOURCE of our water supply ( in simple terms) , being up in the sky , in the clouds( ignoring for the moment how it got there ) ! The SINK , very much being , illustrated by as the word itself infers, a hole in the ground , where water can run away in . In the case of all the water , coming down from the clouds as rain , running off the land , down the rivers , to the Sea ( the ultimate SINK ) . So SOURCE to SINK , being ( in this simple illustration ) Clouds to sea ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thorough example Source to Process to Sink Putting it into an Engineering/ Electronic context ( one I am more familiar with) . An example of Designing Source to Sink , through some worthwhile active process or function . Then we could think of an Electronic Amplifier ( transistor radio or valve Guitar Power amplifier ) . Here we have ( one of the sources ) being the supply of power from the mains or Battery . This is designed to come in from a positive supply rail on a circuit board . (A) From a control point of view , this is directed down through the circuit to set the components to a 'good ' linear part of the components ( called DC bias ). And is taken to the EARTH rail as the SINK of the circuit . (B) From a Signal point of view ( namely the Radio music signal, or Base Guitar string signal ) this is taken by clever circuitry through either transistors or valves to carefully and with many interesting PROCESSES , to produce the signal that you require . Namely either beautiful symphony music in your earphones , or blood curdling guitar music booming from some large loud speakers at a rock concert . In this case there are two ( source to sink routes) (A ) electrical setting up circuit to operate on their flow from the SOURCE electrical supply Rail , to the SINK namely the ground Rail on your circuit board . namely the DC direct Current aspect and ( B ) The processing of the Input signal ( Source ) , your required Signal processing and Amplification (Process) , so as to supply your desired result at the output ( Sink ) . AC alternating Current part of the circuit . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Normally this is best illustrated in an engineering context by Block Diagrams or Circuit Diagrams . But in a verbal description we have the above journey described as a Journey from SOURCE TO SINK with PROCESSING on the way . Mike
  18. . Similarly , In very large Projects . Where an individual , or small group of individuals say managers , were unable to oversee large projects in their heads. A Critical Path analysis , was constructed based on a PERT ( Progress, Evaluation , and Review , Technique ) which could calculate the various routes linking, events and activities , from Beginning to End of a project . A computer program could calculate the possible Critical Path/s though a project so as to monitor and control , otherwise very difficult to 'see ' time sensitive , routes. Again an example of (Source,s to Sink's ) . Is this still a going concern in modern day design and projects , or am I out of date? Mike
  19. .Well if the principle has any merit or worth , it should be quite compatible with many of the laws of physics which involve , movement or change of state from one place to another, with some possible process in between , or from one form to another. This conversation started from a simple discussion with a ' Helicopter Designer ' . I asked " How do you start , to design a Helicopter ? This was over a ' cup of coffee ' , when many interesting discussions often start among Engineers/ Scientists. . I said , " well go on then ! Where do you start? His reply was " With a very Big piece of Paper , we mark out All the ' sources ' and the ' sinks ' they go towards! Then go from there ! Hence the question , -------------------------- ---------------------------- --------------- "Can this be of use in understanding many different Explanations of how things 'are' and 'work ' ?" --------------------------- --------------------------- --------------- Mike
  20. I was once told quite succinctly that in Aircraft design , Drarfsmen designers often start with drawings defining the many . SOURCE . Leading to :- SINK . Areas of design . In my own area of Electronic design , similar definition points can be specified and circuits often sequentially developed. ( say positive rail flow to ground rail , ....input , process, output , ....etc, etc ) . Could this :- "SOURCE . Leading to :- SINK . ... Principle... ". be of use to other areas of science ? Or is it already established in all areas as an indispensable tool of , " Understanding and Design " Mike
  21. .There appears to be something indemic in the human ' state ' , that makes us all feel we need to travel , often at fast speeds , vaste distances to reach something much ' nicer' , ' better' . That's why a lot of people opt for going to the opposite sides of the world to have a ' holiday of a lifetime. ' . Two years ago , I was almost at the point of saying to one of my daughters , ( then doing the back pack around the globe to Australia. Including , near the Great Barrier Reef ) . I said , ( me loving swimming ) " I will fly over (never having been around the globe before ) , and meet you on the beach , near the Reef . ( " I will swim out to the reef amusing myself , while I wait " ) . Little did I know , that it was 50 miles out to sea , highly dangerous , and needed guides, and boats, and lots of money! ( chump ! ) . I never did go , as they put me straight . I had a good trip instead down to the lovely Coast in Sw England , only half an hour away ( that summer) . The moral of this story is :- One is just as likely to find the most satisfying solution , as to where to explore ...:- NEXT DOOR ' Mike
  22. A Story . Mike found himself on one of his walks along the coast , like any other day . This time he had chosen to go that extra distance to be away ' as far as possible from other people . He rested for a while , looking out to sea . That morning he had one of those ' Eureka ' moments when he felt intuitively that he had developed a perception of the Universe which made a lot of sense from the very small to the Cosmologically large . He felt so refreshed with this perception that he looked forward to running with the idea . At that particular moment , he looked out to sea , and on or in fact encompassing the horizon , was the strangest of Orange cloud spanning the entire sea from one side to the other and appeared to be coming nearer. He thought " oh my goodness , is this ' the change ' coming upon the world? Having just had his ' eureka moment ' he pondered how he could bury the thought , such that it could be rekindled or re discovered the other side of the change , either by himself , by way of a reminder , or others to fathom it out. He had no materials to write on, let alone materials that could survive , ' the orange storm of all storms ' Prior to this moment , he had discovered a fossil inside a stone , he unpacked it , and with a small stone with a pointed end he quickly scratched a single mark in the centre of the small ammonite fossil impression . He felt content that he had left the reminder to himself and for others who survived the change and the Orange Cloud ! Mike Ps . Oh yes ! The Eureka Moment was so simple :- Everything is Spinning , from the very small to the very large ! It's ALL spinning . Atomic particles are spinning ( or have spin ) . The Earth is spinning . The solar system is spinning . The Galaxy is spinning No doubt the whole universe is spinning . If you mix Spin in with Gravity you pretty well have the whole shabodle ! And of course it's all ' just right ' ' goldilocks ' by dint of Pi. Link to pi. :- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pi
  23. . 6 . ROCKETRY . It would be very difficult not to mention NASA. Here is a quote from a NASA site " Rockets have always been a big part of what NASA does, and someone has to make them fly. But what is a rocket scientist? The truth is, a lot of them are actually engineers -- men and women who take the raw science of Newtonian physics and apply it to design vehicles to launch things into space. As NASA research engineer Tom Benson put it, "Call them what you want, scientist or engineer. People who work on rockets have to eventually build an efficiently working piece of machinery that has many complex physical and chemical phenomena present that must be fully understood. The success of the rocket depends on the knowledge and experience of the builder." Again we see this crossover of Science and Engineering. From Ancient times to today people have experimented, played , and designed Rockets that are currently viewing outer parts of the Solar System . Do you want to be a Rocket Scientist : Read on :- link :- http://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/rocketry/home/#.VwGi2ie9KK1 Mike
  24. . 5 . The SUBMARINE The recognised inventor ( apart from various underwater , non confirmed reports before ) was Cornelis Drebbel Link :- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornelis_Drebbel Note he became famous across Europe . Associating and sharing skills and inventions with some of the famous names of Science ( like Huygens , Galileo, etc ) . He was recognised for his skills and innovations . Quote " Drebbel: A great innovator! The Edison of his time, he was a brilliant empiric researcher and innovator. Drebbels constructions and innovations cover in particular measurement and control technology, pneumatics, optics, chemistry, hydraulics and pyrotechnics. With Staten General he registered several patents. Drebbel wrote some interesting essays about his experiments with air pressure. He made beautiful engravings; the subject was The Seven Liberal Arts on a map of the city of Alkmaar. 'Measurement- and control technology/pneumatics': Famous for his Perpetuum Mobile, builds and navigates with a submarine. Builds an incubator for eggs and a portable stove/oven with an optimal use of fuel, able to keep the heat on a constant temperature by means of a regulator/thermostat. Designs a solar energy system for London (perpetual fire), demonstrates air-conditioning, let it rain, makes lightning and thunder on command, develops fountains, fresh water supply for the city of Middelburg. Involved in the draining of the moors around Cambridge (the Fens). Develops predecessors of the barometer and thermometer, the "Drebbeliaensch instrument", harpsichords that play on solar energy. Optics: Develops an automatic precision lens-grinding machine, builds improved telescopes, constructs the first microscope ('lunette de Dreubells'), camera obscura, laterna magica, manufactures Dutch or Batavian tears Chemistry: Develops an innovative way to improve and produce scarlet red dye, establishes a dye works in Stratford-at-Bow-on-Lea. Develops a methodology to re-gain silver ore. Makes probably- oxygen for his submarine. Hydraulics: Makes theater props, moving statues. Is involved in plans to build a new theater in London Pyrotechnics: produces torpedoes and seamines and a detonator with Batavian tears, uses fulminating mercury aurum fulminarum- as an explosive. In 1619 Drebbel designed and built telescopes and microscopes and was, with Gerbier, involved in a building project for the Duke of Buckingham. William Boreel, the Dutch Ambassador to England, mentions the microscope that was developed by Drebbel.[6] Drebbel became famous for his invention in 1621 of a microscope with two convex lenses. Several authors, including Christiaan Huygens assign the invention of the compound microscope to Drebbel. However, a Neapolitan, named Fontana, claimed the discovery for himself in 1618.[7] Other sources attribute the invention of the compound microscope directly to Hans Jansen and his son Zacharias around 1595.[8] In 1624 Galileo sent a Drebbel-type microscope to Federico Cesi (15851630), a wealthy noble man in Rome who used it to illustrate Apiarum, his book about bees.[9]" UNQUOTE I think this shows an aptitude as well as performance for the advanced sciences of that time . Apart from designing and building a Submarine . I don't really see , how he could have done this catalogue of achievements in association with other recognised scientists , without using science , as a means of recognising the function of nature , and it's structure, in order to make all these things work ? . .
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