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Mike Smith Cosmos

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Everything posted by Mike Smith Cosmos

  1. I must admit the way Swansont was portraying my suggested project, equally made me ' laugh out loud' . In fact I laughed so much it brought tears to my eyes! However , it is not intended to be the way he says. The spread out energy source , is intended to be low intensity . As I said only 10-100 watts per square meter. As sunlight is 1000 watts( 1kw/ sq m). And long wave is less aggressive than sunlight , this makes it very safe. There are a lot of useful devices that could be powered by 100 watts ! Equally that is continuous. If it were part of a cumulative users device that could peak at say 1000 watts( 1 kW) , while ticking along at much less in the low consumption part of its cycle. Say for instance a new form of personal transport . ( 0 watts while free-wheeling part of cycle/ 100 watt another part gentle movement / 1000 watts short acceleration peaks) . A whole host of mobile facilities could be supplied by a distributed energy source of this nature. Heavier consumption could by supplied by the more conventional solar panels at set fixed locations , or I do imagine using this long wave link at static large plants but positioned where they are out of harms way , but positioned by a directed beam from one of these discs previously illustrated. Again even if these were run at 1000 watts per square meter ( that would be no more intense than sunlight ) yet less harmful and more reliable source of energy ) . This due to continuity ,reliability , positioning reasons etc ) Mike Ps Any way it would be good for us to turn down the ,level of our energy consumption to ten percent or less of our current usage. We have 'been living beyond our means ' for the last 100-200 years and have stripped our energy bank nearly dry . If we revert to a less consumptive amount of incoming energy we could build a sustainable society , living well within its energy means. Ray Bradbury wrote an interesting si fi book " silver locusts" where we went to Mars and picked up the history of a society that once lived there , used up the resources and now could only drift about I. Flying feather like craft to get about ..... Very good read ..
  2. One of the comments a few viewers have made " why bother to do it in space , do it down here on earth? " Two major points on that are :- Being much much shorter wavelength , sunlight is very directional . Tends not to go round things. Whereas long waves , diverge more and refract more . So to their advantage in this use . A beam that is spread out and ' homogenised a bit' not sure one should use that word with RF signals. However , it is in our interest that the energy is spread out a bit and available to a dispersed set of users. If one was reliant on a light beam then you are either ' in signal or out ' Also light is of course seen :- if you shine it about it will be seen . If you shine long wave about they will not see it. The other advantage of this project being in space is this distribution issue. Today electric pylons span the landscape. Some would say in an ugly way . By mealy pointing a space born energy source , distribution is altered. Perhaps this is best appreciated , with the advent of ' mobile phones' and ' wi fi ' . I can operate my mobile phone in the middle of a field , I can use my I pad nearly anywhere as I have a little portable device that tunes into the net. ( on a bus, strange town, etc ) . When a power source is available ' anywhere ' it will be great. The space grid does not need to be near , I am sure there are a number of orbits that could soon provide global coverage . Like global positioning systems. The high power links may need to be more fixed. Mike
  3. I think it's all to do with size of objects compared with wavelength. I think microwaves are able to resonate with water and human kidneys, thus are dangerous. Long waves being long like. 1500 meters can't make much resonate , even though they probably still go through the body. A coil and capacitor tuned to that frequency. ( ie an old fashioned radio set . ) This is what I think , but am not certain ? I think ( only think ) , this is true of everything , it either interacts , or not . Hence neutrinos pour through us but do not interact. The cities could be the Energy zones ( 90% sunlight 10% longwave energy) The countryside could be (100% sunlight . ) Don't suppose anyone would notice the difference , except they would have free energy available for all sorts of uses. Transport , flight, factories, homes, pocket radios and iPad charging etc. in the countryside we can make other arrangements for gaining access to the long wave energy . Mike
  4. It is interesting that Sunlight, which is a composite group of high frequency electro magnetic waves are themselves falling to earth, say on a human body at 1000 watts ( 1 kilowatt ) of energy over each square meter , which is approximately a human flattened out . This is of course at very very high frequency , which is penetrating . So compared to my long waves ( comparatively low frequency - much less penetrating ) of 100 watts ( 0.1 kilowatt ) per square meter . I think we could accept this showering of energy from above a good thing ? Mike
  5. Swansont said Quote " The "unpalatable" quote is not from that wikipedia article, but the link has a table of SAR values, depending on the regulatory organization and type of exposure. So how can you then state there is no danger attributable for long waves? It's a few watts per kilogram." Unquote I agree it is something that is relevant , as absorption ( unwanted) is an energy issue . I was assuming any of the bodily parts are very , very , small in comparison to the wavelength of 1500 meters. Even the whole body is 1/1000 th . However if we are dealing with Kwatts of energy it becomes 1 watt . Not sure that 1 watt is going to do much damage. 100 times would be like an electric blanket, ( 100 watts ) . 1000 times is going to be a kilowatt that's like an electric fire ( that would hurt ) . So need to keep the exposed R.F down to less than 100 KILOWATTS PER SQUARE METER . say . It was the exposure to microwaves oven magnetrons and mobile phone UHF next to the brain and MRI scanners that got people concerned. Clearly a few tests need to be done . I guess I need to offer myself as a test piece ! Mike
  6. SAR is a measure of danger with radio waves. " quote Basic RF Radio frequencies are simply another way to say radio waves. They are a natural consequence of wireless and electronic devices. Radio waves are most closely associated with broadcasting media, such as radio and television. Anything that has an antenna, built in or otherwise, emits RFs and this includes wireless handsets. Microwave ovens and x-ray machines also emit RFs. SAR The Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is a number that indicates how the human body absorbs a measure of RFs. The entire topic is unpalatable at besthow your body sucks up radio waves leaves you imagining much more than just a rate, or a number; you likely want to know exactly how those potentially harmful electrical emissions zing along through your bloodstream, seep into tissues, and ultimately: Are they harmful to your DNA?" Unquote Link :- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specific_absorption_rate So far I can find no danger attributable to LONG WAVES . In fact the opposite appears to be endorsed by research , that the higher the frequency , the more the penetration. Your comment " You can't ship at night, unless you are storing it, which is the same issue on earth (no advantage there). Satellites get blocked by the earth too." This is not really relevant . As a working system , would have multiple grids satellites , giving permanent coverage . Around the globe . Your comment " Yes. But my objection is that you don't have any 10 Hz photons in your beam, so a material that is transparent at 10 Hz but opaque in the visible will pass zero of these photons through it. Modulation doesn't work the way you are describing it." This was just a simple example of how it is easily possible to 'vary ' the amplitude of sunlight ' which is surely what amplitude modulation is . Tonight I saw dimming and rising intensity of sunlight occurring through my window . Leaves were interrupting the suns rays and swinging about in the breeze . Creating this change in amplitude. I was suggesting a high speed spinning metal ball like a Pulsar ? Your comment " What signal are you going to use for heterodyning? What is the efficiency of this method?" It needs to be similar to light frequency but 200khz less than light frequency . Then it should heterodyne against the light producing a 200khz signal . Efficiency , I am not sure of but I believe it must be satisfactory as it has been used by radio for half a Century. If not longer . Your comment " That's not modulation. How are you going to do this conversion?" My answer " don't know yet . But quite excited about the idea ! " Mike
  7. Yes I do see what you are saying . But I do not think we are " on the same wavelength " , if that is not too much of a " pun" . I will try and come at this from a slightly different angle. ... Give me a little thinking time ! My thinking is that "long wave" is far more able to penetrate things like water and cloud . And is far less dangerous than intense sun light ? And far more steerable , for distribution purposes, and / or spread out for reception purposes. Thus , " if " we can convert the Sun energy. Up at giga hertz odd down to 100's khz long wave , we can ship the energy down to earth without the downsides of shadows, night time , distribution issues, AC rather than DC . Dangerous over exposure . Etc My idea was to use modulation for this purpose,( even thinking of a spinning source , like a micro miniature pulsar style of device , such that the frequency of rotation was 200,000 revs per sec. ) however that is not mandatory . Could be any way of processing the sunlight so it's energy is translated from giga herz odd to 200khz approx . Some form of frequency conversion . Say heterodyning. They used to do this in old radio sets . They heterodyned a signal frequency ( say 3 MHz ) with another local signal similarly radio frequency ,only removed by 465 kHz . ( say 3,465 kHz ) The resultant signal was 465 kHz ( fixed ) which was then amplified and generally processed , at this much lower frequency , more easily . So I am thinking of some form of processing of light. ( say for illustration ) , you waved your hand in front of a light beam , at 10hz , surely it would be correct to say the light beam was modulated ( dimming and brightening at 10 hz ? No ? Hence the comment , on pulsars , some I understand , sound like a buzzing sound. A light source spinning At 200,000 revs per sec= note of 200khz? No? Mike
  8. Very long waves appear to penetrate very well . They have been used for submarine communication. See quote and Wikipedia ref Quote " Extremely low frequency (ELF) radio waves of about 1 kHz are used to communicate with submerged submarines. The ability of radio waves to penetrate salt water is related to their wavelength (much like ultrasound penetrating tissue)the longer the wavelength, the farther they penetrate. Since salt water is a good conductor, radio waves are strongly absorbed by it; very long wavelengths are needed to reach a submarine under the surface. " I think this apply to cloud cover , also . Source: Boundless. Radio Waves. Boundless Physics. Boundless, 01 Jul. 2015. Retrieved 07 Jul. 2015 from https://www.boundless.com/physics/textbooks/boundless-physics-textbook/electromagnetic-waves-23/the-electromagnetic-spectrum-165/radio-waves-592-11171/ I am thinking through the modulation process. If this can be made to operate as an endemic system ( namely that it works as a product of its construction) rather than on some piece of equipment . ( thus alleviating the need for service facilities) . If I had already cracked this I would be a very rich man . As it happens I have not risen far above the level of most engineers ( fairly ordinary standard of wealth , teetering on the brink of poverty and survival ) . However I am confident that should the principle of sending energy by a modulated , signal being sent containing energy , to a defined point . Then it could be scaled up to sunlight being modulated by long waves . ( using amplitude modulation ) Class C is a type of amplification that does not require a complete sine wave , but can work with a portion of a wave . Natural resonance can make up for missing parts of the wave . So if we were to find a natural mechanism that could rotate at 200,000 times a second 200khz ( .1500meters ) so as to chop light to some degree , we would have achieved modulation of light by long waves I am imagining a demodulation process at the receiving device . ( giving received energy ) . The principle of this mechanism is that ' sunlight' acts as the ' carrier' . The 200khz signal becomes the specific package of energy being shipped from ' space grid ' to ' earth based receiver ( either small user , or large base station ) . You could ask , what happens to the carrier ? In some transmission systems , (which might well not be relevant here , as we are talking about energy rather than intelligent communication messages. ) , the carrier is suppressed at the transmitter and only the side band modulation is sent . The carrier is then re-introduced at the receiver. However , as I said this is for information, not energy. Maybe one could just use the side band only , as the energy , and never re-introduce the carrier , as you perhaps never need it. As you are only interested in the Energy . Mike Ps presumably a very large version of the possible mechanism is a pulsar , is it not . Do these not rotate at high speed and give out a sort of modulated wave sound ? Link : Pulsar : - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulsar
  9. .Well the big advantage of my proposed space based ( modulated sunlight) system ) is that it can be distributed so easily by pointing the focused beam to the specified location. Also it is AC. It is also less susceptible to shadowing or down time . Also if necessary there can be a concentration of Power . Mike
  10. Yes, but I am a Visionary .. That's my middle name ... Something I noticed on the M25 motorway around London . Two days ago ! . Mike
  11. . Here , we in our cognition , are able to say 'yes ' This is a sailing boat , yes they can have a hull that is soft green ( though unlikely ) sail white , fairly normal sea blue yes but a bit odd reddish . Sky odd should be blue yet it could be sunset . Ok. No way this boat is all violet , violet reflection , no this is all wrong , sail indigo not really unless It was a London barge . But yes the sea and the sky look o.k. Well I do not know what to make of this. So we use colour in our perception and identification of things . Or not as the case may be. Mike
  12. Whatever theory Just an interesting observation which , May or may not , have any use, in your discussions . We identify a car we own by a registration plate , say WYO 774 . Which allows for reasonably a large amount of individual numbers , so that I do not have the same number as a " Robber " and end up in prison by accident ! But your Colour coding principle sounds like it can provide and " Humongous " amount of identification colour 'tabs' . If nature has chosen colour as being a distinguishing feature for ' very good reason ' it will be very interesting ,how this pans out. Light seems fundamental to the operation of the universe, and as Isaac Newton showed with his prism experiment :- light is a combination of a rainbow full of different colours, which current spectroscopy has further investigated into a very ,very large science . Mike
  13. I have started to look through the requirements of the different authorities in the different countries. Some like America start their range 300khz to 500ghz . Others like the U.k. Speak in terms of O hz to several hundred Ghz . I think the lower limit sounds a bit arbitrary . However you did say something about the soft tissue. Do you have any knowledge of that . As if Rf at any frequency is dangerous then , my sending down high energy at even very low frequencies is going to be met with"" danger "" . Do you think that is the case , even if I am suggesting 200 kHz ( 1500 meters ) ? Mike
  14. Well I must say that that article is very impressive. It certainly shows how it would be possible to get what is needed from land based solar panels ,if that is the way you want to go . We are still left with this problem of distribution, DC Supply , cloud cover, darkness and having energy while on the move . So I guess that takes the pressure off feeling we are going to be buried alive under solar panels . I do however think that the scheme I am suggesting has a lot of merit, particularly when the subject of distribution is considered as well as the issue of Energy available anywhere . I also am impressed with what the previous poster ( Externet post #44 ) was saying about turbines in straits ( Gibraltar etc ) Mike
  15. Well I must say that article is very impressive. It certainly shows how it would be possible to give what is needed from land based solar panels ,if that is the way you want to go .
  16. Well the aspect of losses ,with radio transmission , is that to some extent it is in our hands. The amazing thing with both light and radio waves , in principle there need be no losses. A photon of light or radio wave (photon ) , setting off from the other side of the galaxy , will arrive intact with no degradation, unless it hits something . Then it will suffer 100% loss. What looks like loss is is really the spreading out and dilution on the surface of a sphere ( inverse square law) . This is the dilution of number of photons per square meter on the surface of the expanding sphere. If we choose to make the photons travel in a tight column , there in theory there will be no loss. I know that is simplistic , and life isn't like that. But I am saying , that if we point a tight beam , from an antenna in the sky , towards a fixed receiving station , there should be very little loss. If on the other hand or also , if we let our signal ,spread out ,like the surface of a sphere , then the inverse square law kicks in and our signal will go down by the square of the distance . If on the third hand we tighten up our cone of radiation we can improve on this a lot . That is why I suggested a mixture of the two. Mike
  17. The number that is relevant at the present method of using solar power is : On a good sunny cloudless day 1 kilowatt hour will fall on the surface of 1 square meter in one hour . However this is reduced by inefficiencies (clouds, night time , general losses ) to 100 watts to 200 watts. Output from a solar panel ,over a 24 hour period average. So to be pessimistic or realistic 0.1 kilowatt hour per square meter of solar panel. 10 % - 20% efficiency. And it's not in a form AC that we usually like to use but in DC so needs inverting to AC . This is o.k. We either need to slow up on our consumption of energy , or seek additional alternative supplies. If the Sun gave us all this originally to make things grow to make oil and coal . It seems a good idea to tap in to the Sun directly. While doing this , we may as well consider the distribution of the energy . We are all loving wi-fi . No wires. Mobility. Information on tap. All I am proposing is wi-fi style energy distribution . Long wave as it seems harmless and possibly suitable. And the possibility of mobility. Also rather than cover our entire countryside with solar panels . Harness the energy 'up there ' , do two things , point it where it is needed in quantity and , Give a sprinkling of general energy that is available anywhere. So the idea of using harmless radio frequency to distribute it or send it on the back of existing sunlight. There are some efficiencies associated with radio wave amplification. Class A , Class B , and Class C . Class C is particularly efficient as conduction only occurs over part of a cycle , not the whole cycle . It relies on momentum or resonance to invoke a sine wave . Mike Reference :- http://www.theecoexperts.co.uk/how-much-electricity-can-i-generate-solar-panels
  18. .Well there is all sorts of ways . The important thing is to use the incoming source of sunlight to be the driver to producing the modulation signal. Frequency divider to provide a chopping signal, sub harmonic, or other counter to provide a signal to vary the amplitude of the suns rays at a long wave frequency . I appreciate one is handling a very large signal . So it will require some ingenious methods. However we are ONLY Varying the levels of amplitude. An electronic clock working at the desired long wave signal rate , could be amplified up ,in such a way as to electronically restrict the flow of sunlight in a synchronised way . Again 10,000 square meters of sunlight might take a bit of handling , ....but .. I am sure ingenious ways of restricting light flow electronically can be derived, with a bit of research . After all there have been a lot of experiments in quantum mechanics trying to isolate individual photons. ..' Just ' .. . needs scaling up a bit ! Mike
  19. .------------------ A) a modulated sunlight wave is still an E= hv albeit a more complex waveform if sent as illustrated. The sunlight passing through the massive antenna Grid , would continue uninterrupted , other than being tampered with by a modulating signal , derived from incoming sunlight , converted to a much lower frequency .( long wave) . The resulting wave envelope would have much the similar level of energy as the incoming unmodulated sunlight. The difference being the output is now sunlight with long-wave ' hitching a ride ' . This is unfocused distributed energy that may be demodulated on earth as useful distributed low energy requirements. --------------------- B) the other energy, sun derived , long wave signal , present on the antenna platform , can also be focused to receiving stations on earth. Note this signal DOES NOT have a sunlight content. ( or it would 'FRY' everything it touched. The focused beam , would be pure long wave energy .The level of energy here would have been restored to a much higher level due to the focusing far in excess of the original. It will be AC ( alternating current ) and at a harmless frequency . This will be usable for distribution to bigger users. ----------------------- Mike
  20. .. As per your comment . See end of previous post ! Arthur C Clark Ideas before technology now available . Link :- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xdr6zXXrTbg Mike
  21. Yes , I appreciate your comments . The term RADIATION , makes most people go ' freaky ' with associations to Radio activity. However , I believe the principle here is resonance . If there is no way of resonating , then I would have thought the incident of such waves ,would pass with zero ,interaction? Is that not so? Do we not exist in a sea of waves , that do not interact with us . It's only those like microwaves that make interactions with water and metal that cause problems ? I remember , hearing about engineers who worked with early microwave oven technology , getting cooked, and people near RADAR antennas being warned off . But to my knowledge Long wave , has been passive in this respect? Is that not so ? Ps. The only way I can think of it is :- If someone comes into a room , and invites you to get out of your comfortable arm chair , in order to shake your hand. You get up and they come across to you , shake your hand and give you a warm hug. Then invite you to sit down and have pleasant conversation . You sit back and relax . ..then a day later , another friend comes to visit you and treats you similarly .....Is like Long Waves. H.F. Or higher frequencies are like someone , grabbing you by surprise, and shaking the living daylights out of you. Then throwing you to the floor. Then doing it again and again and again .... It's all to do with the ' speed ' of change . Surely ? ( Frequency of oscillation , or wave ) ? Distribution of intensity with wavelength . Long waves far to right, off screen . Suns radiation main radiation hump shown here , centre graph . See Wikipedia for clear diagram :- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck%27s_law The Sun itself is bringing all the main frequency waves to earth . We and other creatures live with this . All I am talking about is siphoning off a little bit of this energy , in outer space. Converting it to a long wave , safe signal . Then putting it back onto a fraction of the suns rays , in the form of " A Carrier wave ( sun wave), with a modulation wave ( long wave ) , being sent to earth in a harmless capacity, to be freely available, as a manageable and safe form of Energy . I agree we do have to get the antennas with their inbuilt converters and modulators ,up there . The space elevators suggested by Arthur C Clark , are likely to be feasible shortly using carbon fibre technology. Link :- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xdr6zXXrTbg Mike
  22. Alternating Current or an oscillating wave is a far more satisfactory way of storing and maintaining energy than Direct Current. As was found in the distribution systems for Electricity developed for the National Grid electricity systems here on earth. Storing electricity in Batteries has always , and still does produce problems. Energy and Frequency have a relationship, so I would imagine long waves will have a more manageable energy level than Sunlight which goes right ,up to , the Ultra Violet level. Showering down Long Waves to Earth is likely to be far more acceptable to the population and human health than any of the higher frequencies. Nothing in the human body would resonate at such frequencies , so it would be quite safe . Whereas reception stations could be set up with antennas of say Quarter Wavelength ( 375 meters) . Just ! ( maybe less. I would have thought ALL waves contain energy ( Planks law link :- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck's_law ) . Illustration of Planks law . Link :- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck's_law Mike
  23. I am proposing that in order to transmit the required energy toward earth , an unmodulated sample of sunlight waves are modulated , by a resonant wave induced in the antenna . The antenna sections would need to be 750 meters long to represent half wave dipoles . However it is unlikely the sunlight will directly induce this resonance in the antenna sections , without some form of signal processing of the incoming sunlight waves. The long term aim in the signal processing , is to Amplitude Modulate , the sunlight. In other words cause the peak amplitude of the sunlight , to fluctuate in intensity in sympathy with a resonant , 1500 meter wave. This in all arms of the antenna grid. Thereby transferring a portion of energy suitable for transmission toward earth stations . I think the level of energy , capable of being transmitted , is likely to be limited by the current capacity of the antenna structure. Mike
  24. Whatever theory , I think what is happening here, is you have got hold of a massive subject area here , which is so huge that it's like say " I will analyse LIFE. The number of types , categories, etc are so many , vast, diverse, interesting that it's difficult to know where to begin. Living things are being analysed by myriads of people all over the world. Similarly , COLOUR , is such a vast subject, it's difficult to know where to start , and how to categorise. I am not an expert on colour analysis , so I would not know where to start. You have appeared to start in your specific area of investigation . I would say ,it's such a big field , you are free to choose what aspect you are going to look at. Or you are going to look at it ALL .and look for a pattern that excites you . And choose to look in detail at that hint of a pattern. Which is what I sort of think you are doing. ( and what I would probably do. Look for the hint of a pattern somewhere? ) Keep going . It's a nice field to be in . With all these lovely colours. All the current technology . Great ! Yippee ! You have to analyse if the Jack Russel Dog , is alive or made of concrete ? The Jack Russel is on the case ! Mike
  25. A very perceptive comment I intend to paint my visit to Torquay to see the Yacht Race , using this image . What is your ' take ' on why I have picked this image to paint ? Mike
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