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Mike Smith Cosmos

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Everything posted by Mike Smith Cosmos

  1. If I were doing the research . I would first look for my vehicle for my energy to the Earth . Namely the wave that is the frequency for modulation of sunlight. My first look would be to frequencies that are similar to the old days of radio , known as LONG WAVE . Just off hand I think it was around 1500 meters . Long wave used to also be used, and may still be used for communication to submarines. We are first starting to look at Amplitude Modulation . Namely the amplitude of any wave . Say the waves coming from the Sun , would , for the portion (minute) of Sunlight that we would here be intercepting , would have their amplitude modulated with a 1500 meter modulation wave. ( assuming the BBC no longer use this frequency ) . The energy for the modulation , would be drawn from the incoming Sunlight . This of course would need to be processed , from some 100's of nano meters to 1500 meters. By using a (yet to be designed/researched ) , modulation device , will be restricting the amplitude of light waves , with a 1500 meter modulation wave. A receiver , on earth, (yet to be developed )would home in on the signal , and demodulates the signal and extract the source of energy. Coming from antenna platforms some kilometers in size or 100 kilometer in size , should provide enough energy for both private and commercial use. In brief .. Mike
  2. Only , as an Amateur Geologist , in my retirement! Thought I better get to know the Earth That I have been walking about on throughout my life. Before I ' Pop my Clogs ' . That does not look right. * . I give up ! Mike * " to pop your clogs " appears to mean to take your clogs in old England , to the pawn shop. " to hang up your clogs" to retire . Or to die ....eek !
  3. . I thought all these subjects were supposed to be in the ' climate change forum ' . Leaving this forum to Earth matters , Rocks, Dinosaurs , rivers and things ? Mike
  4. Yes. Well of course this is how the greenhouse effect works currently . All radiation' ish comes in , but infra red tends to get trapped in. I can't be responsible for the workings of the ecosphere, however if some serious testing can be undertaken , I am sure there will be a way of using some of the raw ' Sun waves ' to help in a selection process so that a small proportion of the Suns composite carrier wave may be ' harvested' to produce a much lower frequency modulation wave. This will be the wave to carry the energy of a specific modulation frequency ( say if suitable 0.1 MHz to 0.5 MHz ) . I am hoping this will ride on the back of the existing Sun's carrier waves. As an amplitude modulated carrier wave . Of course this will only apply to those waves going through the antenna collecting grids ( these may be several miles/ kilometers wide or even 100's of kilometers ) . So a small user would need to pick up ( like a wi fi user ) the ambient low energy strength. The bigger user would need to focus on the main beam coming from the antennas. I imagine this following a similar ' field strength ' pattern as experienced by a yagi. antenna . Mike . Composite picture of radiation patterns of energy , coming in the form of a modulated Sun Wave . Several antennas around the Earth , illustrated as radiation patterns. . Mike
  5. Your quoted article , shows there is genuine interest in seeking ways of transferring energy from space to a land based venue. For the reasons of public opinion not being keen on microwave frequencies being used ( being cooked ) , I am suggesting research in the long wave frequencies downward being a less harmful and less dangerous frequency band to investigate ( say 100,000 to 500,000 Hz - ) resonant circuits in space , where size is not an issue would be o.k. ) it's the reception apparatus that might need some ingenuity. It's all to do with Resonance. But drivers and receptors do not need to be continuous . The example of a kiddy in a swing . You only need to supply the accurately timed little ' shove' now and again , to build up the swinging motion to a large swing ( oscillation ) . So accurately produced or synchronised oscillation may be the 'key ' ! ( in radio terminology this is known as Class C amplification ) . Mike
  6. Yes. As long as there is radiated energy in the form of modulated ( amplitude modulated) this can be picked up by low energy users. Heavy users would need a base station connected to the geostationary transmitters. Principle of operation :- Mike It's a bit like being able to get WI FI everywhere! Except that is WI ENERGY not just signal .
  7. Yes , I always thought it was ' bucket' which is silly of me , having invented a ' buck minster fuller " geodesic dome for fallout shelters , in the 1970's .:- This then , I suppose is only possible with global positioning style orbits. However , might be better to have ' geostationary ' for the main system . One would have to design in some form of coverage for large Northern and southern latitudes( possibly low earth orbit repeaters) . Mike Next energy and frequency flow charts . Sun to orbiting conversion grids to repeater stations to surface earth users.
  8. Correct . These are just proposed ideas. I am suggesting geostationary orbits I. A bucket ball configuration . With these sub harmonic sampling , creaming off a portion of energy for re transmission at lower frequencies for surface energy use. Mike
  9. Just to throw into the pot . Arthur C Clark proposed space elevators. I am not saying this is the solution . But now with carbon fibre technology . What was not possible in yesteryear . Now may be ? Link to space elevator. :- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_elevator Also examine you tube arthur c clark space elevator. :- arthur c clark space elivator google search Mike
  10. Here is an example of satellite configurations . This for global positioning , purely as an example Link :-
  11. Certainly. Firstly I am proposing , that we should look into having a bucket ball style of devices , positioned in orbit about the earth . These antenna style devices can intercept the radiation coming from the sun toward earth . That a sampling technique is used to reduce a proportion of the incoming radiation to a Sub harmonic of the Suns radiation , ( say 100's , 1000's , 10,000,s of Htz ) . That this captured AC Electrical EM energy can be re radiated towards earth at harmless frequencies and magnitude . This energy can then be picked up by any user, anywhere on earth , as a low level AC Electro Magnetic wave. Thus , in effect , we would be modulating the suns radiation , at a fairly low depth of modulation , at a harmless frequency. It is by de-modulating this signal can an individual or an industrial receiving station collect AC Electricity anywhere on earth . The energy required to provide the initial modulation of the Suns radiation , with this low frequency modulation , can be drawn from the vast supply of energy integral in the Suns radiation. Mike
  12. . Yes, well it was Tesla who first started talking about using " above Earth systems " for distributing electricity. I think he got into a bit of bother when one of his demonstrations went ' hay wire ' Link to Tesla :- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikola_Tesla Modern satellite systems have been discussed and researched However what I wanted to discuss was the principle of taking the Suns radiation towards earth which historically and currently radiates toward earth in sufficient levels to provide more than enough energy . This level of radiation in our direction is way, way , enough , to satisfy our current demands for energy . This in more than enough quantities . Mike
  13. Our current usage of coal, oil , uranium and other resources , has given concern that we may be ' or rather are' in danger of stripping our store of energy reserves dry. With our current technology , and a lot of advanced thinking , It may now be , technologically possible to tap into the SUN's supply of energy directly , other than by earth bound solar panels. A project of this nature, is both beneficial for earths resources as well as employment in research & development and the ensuing, industrial engineering projects on an enormous scale , that would be , of necessity , involved. All this in addition to the new ' User' facilities whose need will arise , in due course, as the Suns energy becomes directly available for use World Wide. Mike
  14. . Here is an interesting ' Colourful ', gem , that is in some obtuse way relevant to the discussion . Lewis Dartnell , in his book The Knowledge ( How to rebuild our world from scratch ) Isbn 9781847922274 2014. On page 65, brings up the question of the ' Carrot ' , which has for many western countries become a crop for eating. The carrot as a root vegetable by nature is either white or purple, historically. In the 17th century agriculturalists in the Netherlands , selectively bred the Orange Variety to honour " the Prince of Orange " , now we have the Orange Carrot , as a popular Carrot , coloured Orange , as a main crop. ( at least in the West ) Mike
  15. Well that gives me something new to think about . To see something about myself in my paintings . Eek physiological analysis of me ? Rather phycological ! Mike
  16. Hi pzpjfk I dread to think what ' Neural Networks ' would make of my pictures. They would probably give me a new insight , into what makes me ' tick ' ? Mike
  17. . On the other hand , they could look identical to us, ( or make themselves look identical, to us ) . It has been said , " some , unbeknown to themselves , have entertained Angels " . As the word 'Angel ' basically means " messenger" , may be some have walked amongst us , and we did not even notice them? Maybe they slipped a message or idea to someone , then quietly vanished? How would you know , if it was another human being , or a messenger ? Link Wikipedia ' angel ' :- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angel Mike
  18. I cannot really compete with Tar and Mordred's remarks as regards colour mix. However I am beginning to have more simplistic considerations , which might be of value. Taking a view from two directions 1 ) the build up of colour from an atom up direction 2) the desirability for a particular colour from an environment , desirability , from a ' top down ' direction . 1 ) colours may be endemic in a species due to the various elements and molecules giving rise to a mix of colours stemming from their spectrum colours. The more these colours get mixed , the more towards a muddy brown , I would have thought appear. Certainly this is what happens when you mix colours of tube paint ( say acrylic) on a pallet . The mix soon moves toward " muddy brown " 2 ) colours may have become desirable due to a preference to eek out a safe space for themselves in the environment. Hence a Hornet , has made itself fairly secure by buzzing around with YELLOW. and BLACK stripes. Together with a nasty sting , most things will give such a flying ' hurting machine ' a wide berth. Mike
  19. . COMPOSITION Having discussed composition. This week ( Tuesday ) I went out with a painting group to Up Ex . This is a rather beautiful bend in the river Ex , which flows through Exeter into the English Channel at Torbay , the beginning of the Jurassic Coast. This has both Geological and Art in Science connections. Up Ex , as it's name implies is " a little way up the Ex river from Exeter. " This first photo , is looking up the river from the bend to the location I painted from ( in the field in the distant right ) looking back to the bend. I spent quite a while wandering around looking for a naturally occurring ' Composition ' . This payed off , as one of the other painters , when he saw my finished painting said " good composition " . Strictly speaking , the composition is not mine , the position to give the composition WAS mine , as I chose it.. Here is the painting , looking back from the field . The natural composition , was by careful adjustment of my position . There it was :- Note :- although the painting needs a little finishing off ( maybe ) the composition , can be clearly itemised. 1) the entry into the picture from the bottom , from a few aspects , the left grass track , where I sat leads the eye toward the ' bend in the river' one of the focal points. At , as near as I could make it ( to one of the golden section points ) . The river itself , from the bottom , also leads to the same focal point. ( at the golden section ) . The right hand field leads gently into the picture. 2) the sigmoid curve , S , sweeps along the river, up through the woods to the cottage . ( a balancing golden section focus) , and up through the trees and clouds to the Left Hand Top side of the picture. If you squint your eyes you can trace the reverse 'S' ( start bottom right , up to bend , across to cottage , up through RHS trees , then gently diagonal ,with the clouds running and raising from right to top left hand corner. ) . So bottom right to top left with a revers 'S' , sigmoid curve . 3) the balance of the cottage to the bend , does give a slight conflict of having effectively two focal points, which is not normally a good idea . However in this instance ( as the cottage could , ( only could ) be viewed as the main focal point , with the bend giving the secondary , minor , balancing . In this case it makes for a good adventure in the river, bend, woods, cottage ,sky , journey . A picture adventure ! Mike
  20. . I think we could easily face a ' differential problem ' if and/or when contact is experienced. ( with this Alien Scientist ) . What I have noticed , while considering this issue over the last few days is :- My dog of an evening , about 9 pm , not set, comes and sits in front of me , and barks, shakes a bit in excitement/ anticipation. I have been trying to interpret this activity. She is trying to communicate some request. Is it an evening dog biscuit? Is it a door open to pop out into the garden for a leak? No I have come to the conclusion it is an anticipated, prolonged, walk in the park. Now this different species, lesser intelligent, yet close, still finds it difficult to communicate what quite, precisely, she wants, of me, or for equally me to understand. A species, well removed, in size and intelligence , say an ANT . I go no where near, do not even try to communicate, would not have a clue ( apart from leaving a trail of treacle to a venue ) . There is very little link in communication. Only a fellow human , or close domesticated animal is even a poor communication possible . So let us say our visiting alien is far more intelligent to us, difference in size similar ratio as us to an ant . Surely we will reach the same difficulties as me and my dog . ( what quite do we want ? The alien will need to work out , what in our activity is the equivalent of a wagging tail or bark will be very difficult . ) the intellectual gap might produce difficulties, will it not ? Do WE really bother that an ant does not know what we want or communicate . Yet it could be argued, " yes but we are streets above lower species. " but it could also be argued " ants are doing some pretty clever things, the way they build up their civilisations , housing , food provision etc " Are they already here , in a different form, in the clouds, in the sky , on the moon , in the sun , at the centre of our Galaxy , in a black hole , .. invisible? ' why not '? Streets ahead of us , yet still perplexed what we want ? ( bit like me with the dog , not certain what it wants ) After all we are going around rather strangely killing each other, and a few other nonsensical things ? Mike
  21. . I think this thread with its ' hypothetical question ' is a good test for our thinking . That is, as to how we would present ourself to a way far advanced intelligent life form . Most 20th/ 21st century films illustrate our not handling the meeting at all well. Sci - fi books often make a better picture. "2001 - 2010 a space oddesy " was quite good , origin Arthur c Clark .. " Contact ". Origin , the writer of Cosmos . Carl Sagan Good Books Foundation , foundation and empire, second foundation , writer Isaac Asimov. Good etc However , they usually always show or illustrate that current scientific understanding ,is far removed from what ' could be ' understanding of the universe in the far future . ' Maybe this is why ? One of the amazing attributes of the human mind is :- IMAGINATION . Personally , I think we should prepare ourselves , to ask the right questions, without arrogance . Or too set , preconceived ideas. Have an open mind ! Mike Ps tonight on BBC TV was one of the " transformer " series . A representative of the CIA. Or some spokesperson for earth was on a 75 meter high platform , having a conversation with the face of one of the " transformer " beings . Needless to say , he ' screwed up' . And these particular ' transformer beings' , were here to save Earth , from the bad guys !I think this thread with its ' hypothetical question ' is a good test for our thinking . That is, as to how we would present ourself to a way far advanced intelligent life form .
  22. . See if these pink flowers in my garden post ok. And see if the colour is reasonably consistent from flower head to flower head? . Mike
  23. The attached pictures, illustrate how we as active social humans , even in sport use ' colour ' as identifiers. Notice the various colour flags , and sails , identified the different yachts in yesterday's arrival of competing sailors as they stoped over at Torquay , during the cross Ocean race from Spain to France to Ireland , to England , in the :- " La Solitaire de Figaro - Eric Bompard Cashemire ". yacht race We seem to use colour as a major identifier , . so do Plants, Animals, Minerals etc . This proposed colour classification system , could prove to be interesting , as well as very colourful ! Notice this spectacular finish off Torquay harbour shows , the three competing winners ( green , blue and red ) This was the more dignified colourful start :- Mike
  24. The number 256 has a special place in computer use . 255 is the maximum value of a memory of one byte . Namely. 11111111 most early computers worked with Bytes as one byte of memory, had 8 bits ( 0 or a 1) . The American standard code for information interchange ( ASCII ) was coined to represent most of the letters, numbers , type writer strokes of a Qwerty keyboard It became a multiple of computer memory and early microchip function . Mike
  25. Quite! I thought this through ,once with the idea of having a computer generation of " monkeys sitting at a keyboard, typing out random junk . Sooner or later , they would produce something ' profound' . The problem was , having some way of sifting all the humungous amount of junk to notice that " one " gem of new idea. That after 597 hours 4 minutes ant 23 seconds ,or 20,000,000,000 years . Then the monkey typed it , then it was gone ! The solution that I thought would work would be .......THE UNIVERSE ......, But then I thought , that's a lot of monkey time , just wasting away typing for 20 billion years . So why don't the monkeys and everybody else and everything ,do interesting, enjoyable things , while waiting for the 'profound comment to be typed , and hope upon hope the universe does find it profound. ( when it comes ) . So that is about how it is! We and everything is just beavering about doing things ! Some enjoyable , some just counting time. The universe is testing things out all the time , some works , some doesn't work so well. Just waiting for that profound idea , to be 'typed' figuratively. Hope someone is watching at the time and can recognise its ' profundity ' Mike
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