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Mike Smith Cosmos

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Everything posted by Mike Smith Cosmos

  1. Are you guys getting into the spirit, of the seriousness of this matter, or are you humoring me. ? If I am right and there was some higher, benign superior life forms there then you might miss out. No questions! No Answers ! if i am wrong , then I just need to take a rain check. Ask the g.. d.. Questions. " He who does not ask does not get. " They are under some form of Non insistent intervention self governing laws. So they cannot respond unless Asked. Surely you followed the series STAR TREK Non Interference Protocol . Where were you guys, when we were glued to the TV in our younger years? Mike Ask the g.. d.. questions !
  2. Why does it need to be dense or of substance. Many things we are designing now-er-days are not solid concrete or solid steel but are skeletal . So does some of the natural environment incorporate this concept where required ( birds, dandelion seeds, bones etc ) So we do not necessarily need a dense soup to make up space. Also the nature of Dark Energy and Dark matter could be anything. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NOT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY ( the following ) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX Just for the sake of a pure guess type solution .which is not intended to be serious , but just to show , at the moment with no real observations or evidence of these two Darks .( Energy and matter) . There could be a thumping,great heevy type perforated singularity in the center of everything , with a massive circulating dynamo type attractive field permeating space within which the 4 % E-M and Radiation by photon operate in some form of equilibrium state. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Between xxxx's NOT TAKE SERIOUSLY ( above ) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX Mike
  3. Well, in the case of (1) electro-magnetic waves , that has already been done. Say by maxwell. And they move off at 186,000 miles / second. And by scientists who have worked out that photons are spinning and circularly polarised so have no alternative but to travel in a straight line. And that photons are quantised in discrete amounts. So a lot has already been done by science. There it is out there ( electro magnetic fields , ) doing their photon, spinning thing, in discrete packages, zinging along in strait lines. (Ish) . Now at the same time (2) matter and gravity and (3) dark matter is doing its attractive thing according to various laws. And (4) dark energy ( which we do not seem to know too much about ) other than it appears to be quite a lot of energy and It is doing its repulsion thing ! Out there ! So what is wrong with the idea that ,that is what space IS those four mixtures of things . Rather than these four activities work. IN space . Which we then are left with trying to work out what this space is and how things relate to it ? If all there is , is the four things, all we are left to find out is :- (3) and (4) what is dark matter and what is dark energy ? Not what is space , because space is the blend of these four things . (Say) . So really the BIG players are DARK ENERGY and DARK MATTER being 96% of the whole thing of space! The electro magnetism and the mass being the 4% minor perturbations of e-m waves and gravity distortions caused by photons and atoms . We appear to have a lot of science yet to do 96% yet to do . That is assuming we do not unearth some even greater unknown in the future. Eek ! Mike Ps if space is composed of something like 96% that we do not really have a scientific clue about. Maybe we would be better employed tending geraniums ? That is it then ! The two big players, dark matter and dark energy are the pushing apart of space and the pulling together of space like some vast potential energy sprung system and within it at a minor perturbation level matter and photons making up the night sky with all it's microwave background radiation and it's shinning stars and galaxies and dust ,gas and planet matter . The whole lot having entered in , what could have appeared to us , from an orthogonal sideways time line, some 13.7 billion years ago in our universes history . our time line up-down . Orthogonal Time line outside (90degrees) to our universe . Across the top Big Bang top left. What is wrong with that ?
  4. YES! We do have evidence. It is written all across the sky , from every direction. The cosmic background radiation. Scientists are examining it in the minutest detail that our modern instruments can bring to bear. When George Smoot, leader of the first team to analyse it , saw it. He was shocked, and said " I have seen the face of ...... " We have reached up in recent years and been able to examine in ever increasing detail the ' evidence ' of that early crossover of TIME LINES . It flooded in , all that energy from a realm where this amount of energy could be easily gathered and manipulated, by superior ,benign , super scientists that would make us pale into oblivion. It is all there for us to examine, and reach out and ask about , should we be so inclined? It is as if the people on the ground in the Amazon jungle , did call out, were able to examine the helicopter and to be given evidence etc etc. Ask the G.. D.. Questions ! Mike
  5. THE BIG BANG On this time line the Big Bang can be occupying many 100,s 1,000,s 1,000,000 ,s. Yes millions of years or more . ...............I ...............I....here ...............I . In the picture above our time line could be represented by the descending grid line , starting with the Big Bang at the top, The term THE BIG BANG could not be a more misleading name : [The] infers one. where as many scientists feel the activity of the big bang was a multiple activity , including what I am suggesting above with the big bang being contrived across the orthogonal top time line. [bIG ] If was not big by current recconing, somewhere about the size of an atom to a pea. [bANG] Bang engenders the idea of a sudden explosion, which is uncontrolled, shocking , pretty random, beyond analysis because an explosion is over before you , can run, take cover and come to terms with what has happened [ fireworks, quarry rock mining etc]. Whereas If this was a well constructed project , controlled , monitored and part of a sequence of parts arranged in an orthogonal dimension , and only the final process passing into our time line , Then less of a shock mystery as to how it could be done . True conceptually the orthogonal time line with Observers ,might be a different paradigm, to get your head round . It is however Yes its right, or No its not . mike
  6. There are : 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 photons [ 10 to the 89 photons ] in the universe that shot out of the recombination of atoms at approx 300,000 years after big bang . now mainly seen as the cosmic background radiation [CMB] . presumably most of them have electro magnetic circular polarised spin fields . spread about . Could this not be a major ingredient of space. Then there are the gravity fields caused by matter , 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 neutrons/proton/electrons [10 to the 80 particles ] and dark matter [? fields ], and dark energy . [? fields ] ------------------------ ---------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------------- .....?? ......Could all this not make up space , as opposed to being in space .....?????..... ------------------------ ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ------------------------------------- Ref for Numbers :- http://www.quora.com/Physics/How-many-photons-are-there-in-the-universe mike
  7. I can't quite work out what is going on? All these locked blogs ? Not sure how it all works ? Mike
  8. Sorry , Not Deliberate . It went like that on me . I will try and sort it. or ask a moderator to sort it. . Sorry again Mike
  9. There is a type of Polarization of Electro- Magnetic waves that is called I believe SPIRAL or CIRCULAR Polarization Namely the waves are Spinning around and propagating through /in/of space spirally. To detect them , I believe , one needs a Spiral Antenna , or in the case of a captured photon , a new spinning electron. ? Would this not fit in with The Electron Spin [ or with it's spin] being the source of the Photon ? If this were to be the case, would this not support the idea that space is made up itself of Electro Magnetic Fields [ even if they are spinning] ?...[ Everything is spinning, has spin .Or not as the case may be ] mike
  10. John Scott Russel Apparently discovered the SOLITON By noticing a Bow wave Set off one day in front of his barge, and because the barge was in a narrow canal , like a TUBE , The SINGLE wave continued ahead of him up the canal for ever without loosing amplitude. His discovery of the SOLITON apparently gave rise to the later development of the FIBRE OPTIC CABLE ...Tube .. Now that is interesting ! If that is not a " tube of opportunity " . I do not know what is ? Mike
  11. We did go through quite a lot of definitions in the early days of this thread. This because of inferences. However we appear to have the loose description of cleverness, in the way that " if i come across a circuit or system inbuilt, in a piece of equipment , , I am likely to say to myself :- " that's a clever way of doing that " But more formally we have addressed the issue of Entropy winding everything down in the universe, and for want of a better word I suggested Generation as a word for winding everything up in the universe. And we established that three things gave a valuable [ and could be said CLEVER] way of doing things wre : GRAVITY :: LIFE :: OPEN SYSTEMS . So without any who,how,what ,why or anything else ,at this juncture, we can use " CLEVER " in either a formal or informal way. It would be fitting to mention Arc's quote from Richard Feynman at this juncture : quoted by Arc 26th/April /2014 mike
  12. Link to Post 1 to remind us what the original post was proposing. .......................link :- http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/82736-is-it-possible-we-are-being-observed-by-a-higher-life-form/#entry801642 This should set the scene for considering Post # 46 as the orthogonal time line with its possible observing occupants should have moved up to the current time on our time line . We are not alone [ maybe ] mike
  13. It is possible that there in another time line running out from the Big Bang that is NOT the same as our time line. They could be orthogonal such that our time line which appears to start on or very near to the Big Bang comes in our direction , where the Big Bang episode appears to last a fraction of a second , the size of an atom, coming out to the universe we observe today some 13.7 billion years later. Here we think in term of each year being the cycle around the sun by the earth. Could it be that another time line also emanates from the location of the Big Bang BUT emanates out( or inwards for that matter) On its own time line, with its own different measure of time running at 90 degrees to our time line . On this time line the Big Bang can be occupying many 100,s 1,000,s 1,000,000 ,s. Yes millions of years or more . . In the picture above our time line could be represented by the descending grid line , starting with the Big Bang at the top, coming down 13.7 billion years of time on our time line . The one at the top running horizontally " could " be the orthogonal time line within which any advanced benign observing civilisation could exist. They could have contrived the whole project of our universe and taken there time doing all the necessary sums, preparation , gathering sufficient energy, and with precision set the whole thing going. Of course merging in to our starting time line. It is likely they are much bigger than us , and indeed their source of energy much greater than ours , otherwise it would have been an almost insurmountable energy drain. As such , any communication with us or observation within our universe may be like us looking at ants or microbes as proportion in size . For that reason , although their capabilities would more than equal our abilities to conceive nanotubes and nano particles. Were WE TO WISH TO OBSERVE THINGS ON THE NANOSCALE WE WOULD REQUIRE NANO TOOLS AND NANO CAMERAS. Hence it is likely any observers from this other time line, would require representative observers in our universe and time line. Such observational equipment is likely to be fairly sophisticated and also interpretive. Who better to do this than MAN. himself . Just maybe WE are free agents , enjoying life in this beautiful universe, but at the same time gathering observations of THEIR initiated Universe MIKE
  14. Great quotation from Feynman Here is an art impression of different time lines coming from the Big Bang Mike
  15. Stars, Consciousness, and Black Holes Floating, aimlessly,as a distant speck, Aeons passing, in a sea of black. Nothingness,spreads it's cloak Inviting restless happenings. Amidst the stream of time,comes The merest tug, beckoning from afar. A star is born. ------------------- An isolated response, knows no place Alone, it wanders the cosmic expanse. Ten thousand before it,wander abroad Alone yet,missing a companion. The gentle tug through time Brings, direction and goal A travelling companion - Meaning. Now together, we are drawn to others of our kind The more we join, the more we feel. -Feeling. A flash of understanding - Consciousness ----------------------------- And so we journey, where nought else can go A distant constellation, proves no boundary. Skipping across the intergalactic void M89, invites us, into its rim. The central core, the inward voyage. Sucked by immense forces, no turning back. Puncturing the event horizon, and all is change. Inside the black hole, still and peace. On towards the centre, where a thousand suns have gone before To the quantum foam, singularity, alone. Through right angles, join the plasma gun Thundering at light speed, mass and sun. Cacophony roars 1000 light years out. The universe again , is sprayed with dust and light. ----------------- MKS ------------------------ ---------------
  16. Young man... I would like you to take your Zeno and your paradox gobble-de-gook. Pack it in a Brown paper parcel. Head out down the road from your University, Stanford or otherwise, and book in at a FINISHING SCHOOL for respectful behavior . My further suggestion is,, you do not speak like the way you are currently speaking,,in a Pub that you keep referring to..lest someone less tolerant of your behavior than I , should remove you to the outside of the pub. and shove Zeno down your throat . Please , I have tried to be civil with your provocative , base , behavior . But I really want you to go somewhere else, other than in front of me. There's a good chap, I really am tired of you. Mike
  17. I was sitting down to answer " sambridge question " when the stuck record is there again . I appreciate you have a pet philosophical ,contortion that you like playing with , but I am afraid I don't want to play your game. I wrote what I thought was a reasoned, and written answer to your points, at some length , I hasten to add. And rather than have the decency to reply , you put your stuck record , on to play again. As you continue to be disrespectful and rather tedious , I would ask you to go and find someone else to be abusive to , and annoy. If you wish to humbly discuss a specific ,"ordinary " point or aspect, or question relating to the theory I have proposed, then fine. But if you continue "bleeting on" about this Zeno repeat tract, I shall have to ignore you, until you hopefully go away. ( please). Now I will try and answer " sambridge" , maybe something I say there will help. That is if you have a genuine desire to discuss. If not. Please GO AWAY any take your ZENO pet with you. Thanks Mike Sambridge, I know you like to come and go, but I will try and sum up. We are talking here ' like a blank sheet of paper ' It is nice to sit down with a blank sheet, as there are no pre-requisits. So if blank , the sheet is crying out for anything, everything . So with this theory " anything" , " everything is possible , if there is no reason ( blank sheet , anything goes ) , to be writ or happen. Once one commits to some design, statement, drawing or whatever on the blank sheet. Then there are reasons, restrictions , pre- requisites for things no longer being allowable, restricted etc. Such is the case with the Universe. . To begin with there was a blank sheet. Nothing there ?( Possibly? ) Anything or Everthing , could or did start ( somehow ) to happen . Big Bang , whatever. Once radiation, matter , fields started to happen , there were increasing reasons why things should or should not happen . However, clearly evident , the universe is full of spaces as well as restrictions on things happening. The opportunities for things happening easily are where A) the initiative is present. B) the space is there for the happening c) if there are restrictions the course of least resistance is followed. It would appear that from the quantum field upward to the universe at large, things, everything type things, any things are indeed happening within " tubes of opportunity " as well as in clear space. The presence of things already , act as a mould to things trying to happen . The natural selection process acts as a negative feedback system to control the growth and stability of the universe, while allowing and utilising the humendous scope of the universe at large. The current state of the universe has many , many spaces to offer opportunities of things happening. Clearly things like tube based life, has already taken advantage of these opportunities. Astronomic , star systems, and space travel have taken advantage of Lagrange points and trajectories and sling shots to navigate space. I believe this lingual theory has great scope to identify already present uses, and encourage future opportunities, using the three simple sentences described in the theory. Mike
  18. Freedom , Initiative, and the great Wave The silver mill pond, expansive threads, tranquil, still and untouched. Forever yours and yours alone despite the clamour of lifes cyclone. the individual only bears the right, to touch this medium of light. yet once set free by a mark of thought, will never, ever, return with nought. As now it lays, awaiting , unmarked, Forever, ready, to be sparked. The mystery is! from where does it come?, creative thought! its born alone. Soon to fade, like cobwebs in the dew, lest a favoured lodging place does ensue. Only its host can provide a way, to give this newborn, energy. But now with impetus and ownership, the idea,gains strength, for a trip. Launched from the loch gates of self, the new initiative embarks with wealth. Millions mass on leaving their respective ports, something wonderful forming, unable to abort. A wall, bracing, seeking time ,space, and a way, beautiful, relentless, reaching to touch the end of day.. This Tsunami, raging forward like a wall of thought, Flows through now, making something of nought. As yet undetermined and without form, The Future, like a void, bows to all who storm. 'Makers of the Future' surf on , in exquisite delight, Ten billion souls, go with this ' Great Wave of Light '. MKS
  19. I have not looked back through the tread , so you may well have covered this. I designed a fall out shelter for indoors and a Lambing shelter for farmers on fell tops. both were based on " Buckminster Fullers Geodesic Dome" where he had developed Three ratio's to the sides of a triangle 'A' ',B' 'C' if you used his ratio the base of the half globe, or one third of a globe, came out level at the base, , so you could build it as a building. His designs have been used throughout the world to build vast stadiums and Exhibitions. But you may know all this. just a contribution.. The farmers thought i was mad,, although one chap wanted to rear Eagles in them , and people never bothered to go much for fall out shelters. however I did make the 'Press' at the time., . Not sure if it was good press or bad press. Oh and pedal chargers for Fall Out Shelters. They did get sold around the world for a little while ! Then moved into computer cables. Then teaching physics , then retired. Short history from Geodesic domes for sheep to retirement. Mike
  20. its like Wysiwyg What You See Is What you get . This is Wwalwiwwhg What you are left with is what we have got Bit cumbersome Mike
  21. To refer back to tubes of opportunity. Posted 31 July 2013 - 11:16 PM Mike Smith said July 23 2013 :- Quote It was brought up at the time , how one could know where / when one was in the centre of the tube and when was getting near the boundary of the tube, or indeed outside the tube ? An event or sequence of events that is available for observation , that utilise field lines as " tubes of opportunity " are the northern and southern lights , whereby particles emanating from the sun , join the magnetic field lines of the earth and are drawn inward and directed to the earths poles for observers to see. This is a natural phenomenon, using naturally occurring " tubes of opportunity" to produce an example of this -- " lingual theory of everything " -- known to work within the bounds of magnetic field lines , of particles coming from the sun . Mike I think an examination of this ONE facet alone of "tubes of opportunity" of a theory , which is suggested " OF EVERYTHING" can release many used and as yet unused versions of these tubes. Whether this be neutron stars spinning and producing pulses of radiation (PULSARS) , or micro tubules proposed by ROGER PENROSE as being in existance in the brain for brain function, or carbon graphine nano technology as nanotubes, or whether by nature they exist in atoms or elsewhere, yet unused, they beckon . However if, by chance , we do have hold of a phenomenon of unfathomable scope. Then it is hyper important that the " INITIATIVE " is well thought out and the "SPACE " in which to function is sought with care. Or the Genii in the bottle may give us more than we bargained for! Mike
  22. Sorry, yes I scribbled that a bit hastily and got it upside down and inside out a bit. Put it down to my enthusiasm. Believe it or not , at the work bench , measurement and calculator , I can be nauseatingly thorough, believe it or not. But at this stage in my life I am a bit time conscious. Mike Yes no , I have not been following Sokal , but sounds right ish .Have not seen you since my jungle trip! I need someone to get all my thorns out. And my brain has been scorched . As you can no doubt tell Mike
  23. I am not sure if you are painting this picture of yours as similar to the big bang. If so then it is my understanding of ENERGY [ which itself is not an easy subject to comprehend in itself. ] Then as I understand it. :- All the Energy required for the universe , was put in [ somehow] ALL IN ONE GO.at the start. All the expansion since has merely spread the energy out , but it, in total is the same as that early amount. {no more no less. So as it is in the universe as radiation ,and any conversion of radiation into other forms of energy . The total is the same ,just spread out. NOT INCREASING. mike ps How this all works out with Dark Matter and Dark energy I am afraid I have lost the connection. Whether these are all included in the equation I have lost track. I can only ,at this stage think in terms of the 4% [excluding dark matter and dark energy } Interesting . The wind playing on the sea, can generate huge waves given time. Look at the volume of water contained in that one wave. If you had to lift it bucket by bucket from its lowest point on the wave to the highest. A LOT OF ENERGY REQUIRED over and over. . So with the build up of Energy across space , building up through all the Electro- Magnetic Radiation . mike
  24. I still find your approach unnecessarily abrasive. However if that is your style good luck to you. Answering your points as abbreviated above :- a] about studying for a number of years. When I was 21 and at University , I was desperate to share my thought with other people. Now I am 70 years , I am grey, I have seen a lot ,thought a lot, done a lot ,witnessed a lot . Still want to share my thoughts with others. { bit more rounded out thoughts] b] [your 1.1] A set of principles. Well Isaac Newton came up with a set of principles. That " if anything was still, it would stay still, unless acted upon by a force. " If anything was moving , it would continue to move with constant velocity, unless acted upon ,by a force. " a lot of what I have said in my Lingual Theory of everything is Precisely that. Except I have expanded it beyond motion to include " Anything and Everything " Why ? Because it works ! As regards calculus, One of my admirations of Newton ( ds/dt you can not feel velocity ; d2s/dt2 you can feel accelleration ) , and beyond d3s/dt3 difficult to discern. Integration well a fine set of tools. if you know a boundry condition . c] [your 1.2 ] A direction as this is a theory of anything and everything, so to make a test, ,you have to specify what it is you want to happen. then go find a place,or condition where it can happen. If you do not want to specify what is to happen , ,then you will have to let things go off automatically, { only where conditions are right for them to happen ] This appears to be how the universe has behaved. This is where an initiative is either present or not. d] [Your 1.3 } Well Maths, can come into play or not like calculus mentioned above. But Maths being a specific interpretation of reality is too cumbersome for what I am discussing here. That is why I have used the more flexible ,and more able to describe namely Language [Lingual] It would be very difficult to describe Anything and Everything mathematically . Where Language [lingual] can approach describing Anything or everything. I am not sure whether your "Zeno's , Achilles and his tortoise, " can cope with what I have said above. .All i can say is , I did not come up with it ,over quite some serious observations , thinking and experiments , with them in mind .[sorry] mike
  25. I have been trying to think why anyone should be quite so abrasive in their approach? I can only think it is possible , as some form of an attempt to provoke. You clearly have latched on to this " zenocks paradox " as some form of pet goad. Perhaps by quoting Stanford University you feel I would be intimidated. I think I would be more impressed, if you quoted some of your own ideas, with some original thinking. This would excite me more, that something original was going to be brought to the table. If all we have to work with, is what has gone before, we are not likely to make much progress. I am quite happy to reason , and argue things out with you. But abuse and flagrant rudeness ,I can do without . mike
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