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Everything posted by Mike Smith Cosmos
My graph was not meant to be literal .it was only a swish of the fingers to say, that in answer to your question " how would you go about proving it ?" I am illustrating , that an investigation as to the possible correlation between the change in speed of em waves (light) in different environments. Namely. Glass, water, hot air, space, absolute vacuum. Alternatively ,it might even be that space is a one off broad band wave guide for e -m waves. , covering most of the e-m spectrum . Mike Possibly not, but there does seem to be some very clear dominance of electro, magnetic. Fields, light, atomic charge, magnetic moment, floating about , heavily in connection with space time.I Mike
Yes ,well I am inclined to agree with you. I did think this through one time: And came up with .why do we not set up a computer to do the " set of monkeys ,sitting at keyboards bashing out random sentences . Soon or later the complete works of Shakespeare or a new formulae about the theory of the universe would appear one day. Yes , but would you recognise it. Might you be looking away at the time. Then I realised. , ! it was the recognising , and capturing the thing ,that was an equally important function. Then I realised it . The system is already in place The universe generates all the random ideas but as realities. The mould aspect of the universe ,tests them out. If they work they stay. If they do not work they fade away , or disappear quickly. -------------- What we are left with is what we have got ! ----------- Mike
A lingual theory of everything
Mike Smith Cosmos replied to Mike Smith Cosmos's topic in Speculations
We need to establish , what quite is/ has been going on in the " tubes of opportunity . As far as I can see, the centre line of a 'tube ' is in fact a field line of the least resistance if not zero resistance. A field line as such, of course does not exist,. There is no line that we can grab hold of or see. But we can feel it . To demonstrate. : we have all walked gently down a hill side. Not rushing, in fact trying to eek out the maximum from gravity, by just allowing enough to pull us ever so gently down the hill. Or contrary wise to go up a slope with the least amount of effort. Zig zagging side to side , up the slope. I have come across this in my latest travels. See the following illustration. : - Notice the track lines on the opposite valley side, no doubt started by the original guanchy natives who colllonised the islands as they regularly struggled there way up the volcanic slopes and returned regularly to the sea to fish. By not climbing directly up hill but by a gentle line slope and descending a gentle line slope ,they , we FEEL the contour line, or field line. Clearly on the moon this would be felt more obviously. And in outer space in orbit could be enjoyed to the full as a complete free feeling orbit. As indeed satellites enjoy. As one strayed away from the central field line , one feels more distinctly field lines of a stronger nature. In other words , in the hillside illustration, one can feel a pull away from or towards the optimum line. Hence there can be a containing influence to stay on the centre line . Perhaps this is more aptly felt in a valley bottom . Where the tendency is to remain as water does central to the flow. Many of the phenomenon of nature clearly follow this path. What is not so obvious are the so far unused field lines. Or " tubes of opportunity " Mike -
GOT IT! You measure the velocity of light / e-m waves in air, glass, water and free space .( and if possible absolute vacuum ) The velocity is clearly different ,demonstrated by defraction in glass via colour spectrum , diffraction in water by visual observation of fish and toes. Mirage over the horizon . Ascertain the densities of glass, water ,shimmering hot air . Draw a graph showing where it crosses the line at free space and the axis at absolute vacuum .This SHOULD show a figure comparable to the measured density of free space . QED. Mike Of course the difference between absolute vacuum and free space as regards energy , is the Energy of free space. ,! .
Over a period of a few years I have asked some of the profoundest of questions you could imagine . Questions can be asked from the Mundane to the Most Profound. Such a spectrum of questions , IF answered could Shape the future of scientific inquiry . Mike You could muse " If I did have the opportunity to ask a really profound question, what would I ask ? "
This is not what I am proposing as likely to happen. But if a being walked out of the jungle, looking like no human we know and carried a device that they said could cure cancer if you waved it over someone. Would you say is was not science, because this strange looking stranger said something that was outside of current science .? mike ps as regards your comment : This is likely incorrect on both counts. 1. it was repeatable over several years. 2. it need not be subjective , as you , i believe could repeat it, so could others repeat.it. I suspect you and many others would not be seen dead, or thought of , as having conducted such an investigation. That however does not disqualify it from being science. I am sure many current and past scientists have conducted some “bizarre”experiments just based on hunches,only later to formalise the experiment that worked and abandoned the strange ones , that did not work. mike As I can see you prefer things in more down to earth format. I could moderate my story into something slightly more center stage. Several years ago I entered a writing Blog competition , funded by Microsoft and The New Scientist publication. We were asked to describe in 500 words what the World of Science would be like in 100 years time . I did not win outright but I was invited to the award ceremony in the science Museum London. Several Professional Futurologists gave talks. They were professionals who advised big institutions for commercial reasons, how to steer their companies into the future.. One of the predictions that the Professional Futurologists made was :- That technology /science would so advance from a greatly extended version of the internet. This they said , you would just speak out into the air your question , and immediately it would be processed and by a grand style world wide wi-fi to your head the answers would come, automatically. . This does not sound a mile away from my experiences if you forget the shuffling in the undergrowth , which could have been coincidence. So if that is more palatable may be you can relate. How one gains access ahead of the future, well that is a different issue! Mike We are limited in time. 500 years could see a world wide Wi-Fi system able to answer most of our questions of science , directly into our brain , following our spoken Question 500 years is so, so small in time.( to develop a World Wide Wi-Fi automatic to our brain in response to a verbal question. Light and Electromagnetic waves are trapped in time. Perhaps information is not trapped in this bound of time .Perhaps we have access to knowledge of the future outside of light waves.and their comparative slowness in the universe. This could be science of the future mike
1 ] Before I go too far down this route we need to establish something that I notice you say when discussing science . BEDROCK as far as I am concerned is REALITY. Current Science is an interpretation of reality, changing as further discoveries and theories improve, as is Maths an interpretation of reality, as is language, art and every other descriptor that we choose to use. SCIENCE ITSELF is NOT reality, just an interpretation ( which can be wrong from time to time or in part ) of Reality . 2] I can only talk for myself. However on the few occasions I have felt confident to discuss these matters with others, there do exist other people with experiences. All I can say is you need to find your own private space, perhaps out in the countryside,,alone , quiet, content , not agitated. Then say, o.K I am a scientist, genuinely wanting to know if there is in fact any intelligent life up there somewhere that can understand ,that I am asking " Do you exist, and are free to indicate that there is someone intelligent out there ?" Immediately, in the loose undergrowth beside me came a strange abrupt shuffling .My immediate reaction was to say out into the air." yes " but that could just be coincidence. This was immediately followed by a repeat abrupt shuffling. I examined the close spot. .Nothing. What followed, was setting a protocol to interpret profound questions and answers, . based on three unambiguous positions. 1 ] to the right meaning one thing 2] to the left meaning the opposite thing and 3 ] straight forward meaning an in between meaning. . Over a period of a few years I have asked some of the profoundest of questions you could imagine . Please do not dismiss this as nothing . But you did ask , and I have no right to refuse you the answer. What you do with this information is your choice./ mike
But it is already happening. Individuals are asking " Is there anybody there ? " and getting a response . I am not personally talking from ignorance , as being a sincere seeker of Reality ,truth, current science based or otherwise. I have asked a few questions , as quoted above and questions extending on from this . mike
It all depends what the answers might have been . ! Perhaps the answers were not what was expected ! or difficult to relay for some reason or another ! It might have been such a shock to the individual(s), that they are sitting on it, or more likely waiting, patiently , to be asked . Like previously proposed, the observers were " waiting to be asked ". Perhaps now the recipient (s) are having to wait to be asked. [ Us males do not understand this . females are just waiting to be asked , chosen, ( for to marry I mean ) ] Now there is a thought ! Some of the answers may already be here , Waiting to be asked for ! Almost like the internet, many an answer is there waiting for the question to be asked. Maybe in this case we are discussing, some of the questions have already been asked , and the answers are sitting there in individuals, who themselves, are waiting to be asked, in the same way the observers , had to wait to be asked. Maybe some future passed a ruling that " You CANNOT go round forcing information on individuals , you have to wait to be asked " May be not . But if it is so. There is a huge 'Dam of information ' just waiting to be released . Someone needs to, or already has , release the Dam . mike THIS THEORY CAN BE TESTED - [ Just ask the g.. d.. questions to the right place , I have described the right places in this very post ] The Solution is so simple. :- Ask the right questions ..to the right places -
INTERESTING If you were a BENEIGN OVERLORD with the capability of response , hearing this innocent request from a lower order being You would be INCAPABLE surely , of a lack of a beneficial reply of some sort ? No? This is the nature of being BENEIGN ! With limitless capability . Which must be the outcome of surviving , intelligent life , in the universe . Surely ( stop calling me Shirley ! ) So! If my reasoning is correct ? And we ARE being observed by a benign overlord with unrestricted capability , and an innocent scientist does make the relevant request . Such a response is inevitable ! Now there' s a thing ! Mike
Where did we go ? -------- -------- ----------------- Where was I ! However , I am left with the thought ... If I were up there , looking down and listening down , and there was this honest looking, sounding, scientist , ASKING IN FULL SINCERITY .. IS THERE ANYBODY THERE.? ......I would be inclined to make it known there was , even if very obliquely and with an inbuilt ambiguity ........ Say a coincidental. Russelling in a nearby bush! And if the said scientist jumped back with a start, and asked again IS THERE ANYBODY THERE . . .? ......and there was a second Russelling in a nearby bush. THEN I as the scientist might have something to think about. . And I as the one looking down would feel I have done the right thing by the requesting scientist. What say you ? Mike
No! It really is worth thinking this through a bit. If you think for a moment the IMPACT the world culture and economy would take " if tomorrow , the sky peeled back and an extra intelligence announced they were there. THE WORLD WOULD GO INTO IMMEDIATE SPASM. The shock would be disabling etc etc. If however the world prepared to ask ,approach , enquire, research by consensus , I think the shock, if an answer came would be less devastating. That's why we do not land a helicopter in the middle of the amazon rain forest. ( over and above the threat of giving them some common flue , and killing them all off. ). CULTURE SHOCK ! I think the possible mechanism of contact is an interesting one.
Yes, but I am not sure , that they would say to themselves, " oh look there is a helicopter, there is evidence of other life apart from us. They were probably thinking it was a large noisy eagle coming to get them and they had better fend it off. I do not know what they were thinking. But as we look up to the cosmos we have all sorts of crazy notions as to what we are seeing . If somebody has a notion , that there is superior , other life up there observing. Perhaps they need to . Ask them! Invite them to land , to contact, ask them a few questions . Ask them even if they exist ? They might be surprised what answers they would get. If not an answer , what ? Evidence of existence ? What ? Mike
Because I think Mamwells two equations with[ Delta B Div H Etc Etc] and all the rest of it, might be explaining SPACE as opposed to a separate independant mechanism that we say is working Within space . In other words , Maxwell inadvertently worked out the nature of SPACE with its inherent Speed of Electro Magnetism So amongst other things [ possible the most important and dominating thing ELECTRO MAGNETISM is SPACE , not something within Space . Mike [ You might well think this is proposperous. BUT for a long time I have thought it equally prosperous That THINGS ( Photons as THINGS ) go flying across the universe at rhe speed of Light. NO It is EFFECTS - WAVES go flying across space at the speed of light NOT THINGS. Similarly with electrons, As they enter a conductor as a charge, the Electrons DO NOT travel the conductor at very fast , near speed of light. THE EFFECT DOES, the individual electron barely moves at walking speed. In fact if it is AC it goes back and forward and goes nowhere. The EFFECT is WHAT heads out very fast , near light speed. Similarly with light The Photon as ' a thing ' Goes no where , very far, THE EFFECT ( WAVE EFFECT ) is what travels at the speed of light . As with sea waves . The Water practically goes nowhere fast , IT is the EFFECT, THE WAVE EFFECT that travels across the ocean. So SPACE is The SEA the Electro Magnetically Dominated SEA and Waves travel across it at the Speed of Light as Maxwell calculated for Electro Magnetism because thats what space is dominantly as indeed matter is dominantly CHARGE , MOVING CHARGE, MAGNETISM, MOVING MAGNTISM [ Electro Magnetism] How Gravity fits into all this I am not sure, Unless it is an ORTHOGONAL issue .? mike
A possible way to find out if any .....Observers are there ... Is to ask point Blank. Its interesting to contemplate! [ How] and [if ] they are obligated to answer ? Think of us observing some isolated, never contacted tribe in the middle of the Amazon Jungle .. Asking you somehow , the observer . " Is there anybody there ? " What would you do/ Answer ? ________________________ _____________________________ _________________________________ Quote from Times 2 The lost tribe staring extinction in the face Extraordinary new pictures of life in the depths of the Amazon jungle By Oliver Pickup New incredibly detailed photographs offer a unique insight into the lives of one of the world's last uncontacted tribes. Spears aloft, faces daubed with vivid red paint these bewildered villagers stare up at the helicopter high above them. For them, as for those who saw them, it was a remarkable moment as the group live in total isolation in the dense Amazon rainforest along the Brazilian-Peruvian border. Lost tribe: Bow and arrow at the ready, and with faces contorted with curiosity, the group stare and point at the unknown object hovering in the sky The aerial images were taken by Brazilian authorities, who have been monitoring the group for some time, and - concerned about their welfare - they have handed them to British charity Survival International, and other NGOs, in the hope that they can help protect their territory and preserve their isolated existence. Fears are growing that an influx of illegal loggers from Peru could threaten their survival, by pushing back other tribes in the River Envira area and creating bloody conflict over raw materials and land. Three years ago Survival International released images of the same tribe to prove their existence and the fact that they should be protected from the loggers, who were scything their way though the rainforest. On that occasion the hunters of the group fired arrows and flung spears at the helicopter, not knowing - of course - what the helicopter was. _______________________ ___________________________ These people might ask a different question ? Like we know you are there , but who the devil are you and what do you want. What do you say or do ? NOW think of our position ,peering up into the Cosmos and saying :- " Is there anybody there ? " What would /might they say or do ? mike ps link
The first way , I would think would be to take my first two observations that I refer to and make a comparative test of those, these apply to a) the apparent identicle movement of waves through water caused by rain drops of different sizes giving rise to identical waves spreading out at a constant speed. And B) initial breeze induced waves on an inland river , giving rise to an apparently identical speed waves induced from conception into river water . A ) is an apparent inverse square law style wave front diminishing. B) is a sort of plain wave front maintaining amplitude. . As indeed apparently equally occurs in the open ocean, reaching our shores. There even appears some form of quantum effect at the inception of the waves. . Namely a minimum level of energy is required to start a wave, then producing identical effects. If the experiments could prove these effects , then by an " equivalence principle " a good start could be made towards a proof that at least one of the fields works in space ( or rather AS SPACE ). Namely the Electro-magnetic field. (AS SPACE) .Which indeed has already been proved by Maxwell. ( in space but I am suggesting AS SPACE ) Mike Ps. I may have to more precisely describe my observations, before the principle gets dismissed ' out of hand ' I must say I have been picking this up over a period of time. A ) with rain drops in ponds, b) with waves at sea and river .
Rather than thinking of space as being a stage on which the universe plays out its existence. Could not space be composed of the very stuff the universe is made of ( mainly fields ) . Can the Gold Fish not finally wake up to the fact it is NOT floating around in nothing. But rather is swimming about in water. Instead of space being nothing , can it not BE the sum total of all FIELDS . In which everything , is, moves and exists. We are in a SOUP. or are in the SOUP . Mike Ps. I have a recent 'Observation or two ' to back this up !
AN ARTISTIC IMPRESSION OF A SET OF FIELD LINES , representing forces surrounding the EARTH and near space. Mike