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Mike Smith Cosmos

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Everything posted by Mike Smith Cosmos

  1. Yes , But we are what we are ! We are approximately :- 1 Meter high. x 0.5 meter wide x 0.25 meter thick . That is big enough to bump into a lamp post, and too big to notice an Ant (unless we were specifically looking for an Ant that is). This is very relevant to my ART and my necessary Subjectiveness. ( At Certain Times ) Indeed to be very conscious of lamp posts and not too worried about ants, especially if I am carrying a delicate scientific piece of expensive electronic equipment like a dual trace oscilloscope . If I am very very small say a minute neutrino I can forget about the world with all its many lamp, posts I will Zip through the lot , and not notice the world even . If I am very very large ,say the Andromeda Galaxy, I need not be too fussed about rushing toward the Milky way Galaxy, perhaps except for the core 4 million stars crushed into a black hole, they may give me a whirl like a rock and roll partner.. But that Earth with its lamp posts , never notice. So yes it does count as a subjective issue because we are 1 meter tall. not a millionth of a nanometer or billions of miles . Also we did try out ART as an acceptable communication system for science , and it seemed quite popular . http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/82416-art-in-science/ However, I do appreciate that , should I be more interested in the interaction of an electron in a sea of other atomic particles a Feynman Diagram might be more appreciated than either an ant or a lamp post ! mike . (now where was that sink hole ? ) )
  2. Feel the emotional driving power of an artistic presentation of MAGELLAN AND HIS SHIP questing around Cape Horn and across the Pacific seeking to circumnavigate the globe . . We can relate this to individuals scientific and philosophical drive today to mentally circumnavigate the cosmos ! Mike
  3. Without OBVIOUS evidence ? We are constantly looking for evidence of other life existing in nearby or further away places. What happens if there indeed is further life forms , superior to the human race , far more developed , with skills both technically and intellectually far superior to us , who are " as we speak " , observing our human civilization , together with its current handling of the finite resources on our planet. Should they make their presence known, keep secret , Or what . That is of course IF THEY EXIST ? How could we find out , IF in fact they exist, and if so , have they anything to say? Forget 'Bug eyed monsters ' I am talking about Superior beings ? What might they look like? That is , if they did not want to shock us ? Which I am sure if they are superior ...They would not want to shock us ? Big Questions / Thoughts ? Mike
  4. hi. Does anybody know how I can get out of here? By chance! I appear to have lost my way ! There appears to have been a chap called Hhofstade lived here ! He has long since left , but he did leave a clue ! Mike
  5. I am sure I would. I have never been to Africa. But I have recently become fascinated by its Long ago Drifting about the outer skin of our globe on its Own continental plate with some set of " cratons " or something. Great pillars descending deep into the Mantle making it as ' firm as a rock' . I have just returned today from the Canary Island of 'gran canaria ' off the coast of Africa. I went to find an old house I own down there. It was surrounded By Cactii and Bamboo, and Palm trees all overgrown. I returned 3 hours ago . here are some pictures :- 1. 2. 3. Now, the map in my brain includes this African style area of land, totally overgrown with bamboo, palm trees , river bottom full of massive stones transported by flash flood, then parched by years of intense sunshine. I am now sitting at home in England but the top of my head , my back are scorched beyond pain, my hands full of strange , creeping spikes of cactus thorns, an every dry rash of spike I can imagine. And images and feelings of heat, dryness and itching and scratching beyond belief. A woman ,used to farm this land and lived in the house with here children and goats. She long since died and her sons moved to Argentina. I bought the plot off one or two nephews about 20 years ago. It has overgrown a bit since then . I have asked my daughter to take it over ! To make her mind map grow bigger. She seemed in SHOCK. , Mike
  6. Darn it ! While stepping backwards , I have accidentally knocked the white paint pot over ! You might be looking for a great white blob rather than a white line! Mike
  7. Rather than dismissing the idea 'out of hand ' . I would like to deal with things one at a time. GRAVITY Some billions of years ago the scattered remnants from a super nova explosion/s lay scattered, spread out, their host star long since extinct. The dust and gas could be said to be harbouring potential energy in its diffuse state. But this energy was near to inaccessible .UNLESS ...GRAVITY ... could do some form of generation. By a relentless pull over a few million years the dust began to go inward . As it did so it turned gently. We know the story the gas got hotter the particles fused a little and a while later ENERGY was available in a very accessible form. In fact it did not ask but spread its powerful energy source , certainly in the near environs. Now we can move on to the next .. Mike
  8. I have changed it to ' Generative ' , which is what I had been agonizing over many posts way back. I really am enthused that we are finding various processes afoot which are moving things forward into,: increase in order, adaptive mechanisms fixed accessible energy complex systems , living things open systems mike
  9. AH ! .This is one of the points.If you want flexibility to be a driver for change, then energy, gravity, life , non closed systems. there is a need to loosen up on the strict determinism, the strict maths formula, and allow unrestrained negative feedback to allow things to adapt, followed or with the shaping adaptive controls. This is a very interesting flow towards more energy, more order, more gravityand its effects, more of an open system . This is not in anyway saying the science of prediction, maths. rigor , absolute values is not necessary. far from it. the atomic level full of exact values and rigor. the universe would fall apart without it. however i think it is necessary that we explore the emergent aspect to allow its clever generative contribution . mike
  10. What happens to me ? I am standing here with a pot of white paint, a compass and a 3 meter rod, and a ticket to a volcanic island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean .? Sorry the rod more exactly is........hummm..... [ Radius of Earth 6271000 meters and kept dividing by two until I got to 3.0379 meters.] I am off to catch the plane , ! De dum de dum! .... Look out ,or in , from space ,with google earth for the white line appearing ...hopefully in a NW SE direction. ..in the middle of Gran Canaria , wait a minute have I got that wrong ? SW to NE I mean . Got it . " Houston ! We are go for launch " ---------/ yeahhhh! Mike
  11. I have come across another major eruption ,akin to a mass extinction event . ... Toba .... Indonesia..Sumatra 75,000 years ago . Although it is 45 mins long ( the video not the eruption) , it is worth watching if you are interested in near , mass extinction events . It is particularly on my mind as in 2 days I make my way to the Canary Islands (8th april 2014. ) I am going to this chain of Islands that got their origin by volcanic plumbs erupting under the ocean and making an island , then the tectonic plate moves the island onward , then another plumb eruption creates a new island and so on. In 1972 an eruption occurred on La Palma , one of the islands. I am going up toward the caldera on Grand Canaria. I have to look at a small native Canarian Fincas which is in the family and going to a daughter.( next to the small village/ town of Fataga See following :- the town of Fataga is on the right and Fincas ( native house) is in the middle of picture ( courtesy of tar and google earth). . From space ( little white rectangle is looking down on the palm leaves roof and walls footprint. Now Seen from across the valley . Between the palm tree and the small shrub the fincas can be seen strait forward . Cortesy of trip advisors. l have been commissioned by the Exeter u3a geology group to bring back photos and rocks. Meanwhile I hope a super volcano does not go off while I am here . Sit back and enjoy the video :- Link :- http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j5jcBWzB3nM Oops ! I better hurry up with these lines for Tar Mike
  12. 1. At present happiness, it is very difficult to mathematically interpret a relative link between the infinitely large and the infinitely small. Mechanics I describe, so try to establish this. ( google translation ) 2. .?... 3. ..? 4...? 5. ..? 6.... ? Mike
  13. Translation:- per google translate .:- o.k 1. At present happiness, it is very difficult to mathematically interpret a relative link between the infinitely large and the infinitely small. Mechanics I describe, so try to establish this. 2. .?... Mike Ok. Your first sentence is you are trying to handle the quantum - gravity problem , between the very small and the very large . Doing it by mechanics . Is that what you mean
  14. Best tip ever . DESIGN SOMETHING WITH CARBON NANOTUBES http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanotube More images Carbon nanotube Carbon nanotubes are allotropes of carbon with a cylindrical nanostructure. Nanotubes have been constructed with length-to-diameter ratio of up to 132,000,000:1, significantly larger than for any other material. Wikipedia Mike
  15. Andrea. I think I asked you this originally. But there has been a lot of discussion about it on your thread. For me. ..? ------------------------------- Could you write your idea in six short sentences ( Important just at the moment . NO DIAGRAM . NO MATHS ) What your proposition is ? ---------------------------- Mike
  16. Quite so . Jolly good . Yes but those 'currents' are an Art Form in there own right,[ Ive a good mind to paint them' ], despite their engineering Magnificence as structural ( scientifically engineered ) pillars . 'Never mind the quality feel the width' ! mike ps . Look at the Art form, feel the danger,, behold the engineering Engineering - Look at the principles [ Not Aesthetic] Artform. - Feel the Energy { those curves Artistically beautiful } Bridge & Water Functionally perfect. Aesthetic ! Both art and science mike
  17. BOTH i also found 4 the most Aesthetic, but my mind quickly took over and said to myself ." no safety lanes" and " bank near the driving lane so Danger " Prompted by Acme's image and tale , And on the subject of bridges ...... This bit is anecdotal story:- I've always been a boat person. I actually owned a boat when I was a student at college in London. Chiswick steps. I shot up via Putney Bridge to Central London one day on the River Thames . My Deisel Launch Stalled on me and I drifted helplessly under the bridge but was held into the leading edge of one of the pillars. ' deep strong currents to the pillars ' much like these in the picture' the current started to pull the boat down, scary the power of running water. I escaped with boat to tell the tale . But really freaky. mike
  18. Lee Smolin introduced many interesting ideas about space as it relates to matter, , both at the infinitely small and the cosmological large. I think he may well be one of those who make a breakthrough with quantum gravity. Mike
  19. Not this drawing but Your first drawing - ITS GOT TO BE A 9 based polygonal structure. " Nonagonal " Mike
  20. This clearly demonstrates that we may use the " lingual theory of everything " as a design tool , Namely, if we wish to produce a device , to make a particular process achieve a specified result , whether this be at a nanometer dimension or the dimension of the entire universe , then we :- Need to set up an environment or MOULD consisting of TUBES , that as near as possible has zero resistance, to what we specify we require. ( vacuum for an electron passing, slimy throat and digestive tract, is we want food to pass through, some form of designed maglev track if we want trains to pass fast, some form of legrange point coupled with a specific trajectory in space ,or indeed a universe to come into existence. ) NOTICE THE CATHODE RAY TUBE HAS A. ( Self regulating feedback system to guide the electron to a specific goal on the screen .. Plates anodes , grids, and electronic circuitry ) . It needs to be noted here that the design of this mould and/or tubes with their self regulatory nature is pivotal . The universe is stuffed full of such systems. However we can either ride the existing mould and tubes or make ones to our requirement. ( the mould is just the collection of tubes ) . You will need field line detectors to determine where the field lines produce tubes, or trial and error . If you are the environment that's also what you have got as your self regulatory feed back systems. Whatever you require? Then set up by design the tube of opportunity, or FIND an existing tube / tubes of opportunity . Then create the initiative ( eg. heat a cathode ray tube cathode with a small amount of energy , lazer, cyclotron , flight trajectory, a super massive empty universe.) and away we go . The secrets of the design lay in the steps taken as described above, and now listed below , in principle . 1) Decide what you want to be achieved 2) Find or create the correct space ( tube) 3) Set up the self regulation system 4) Set up the initiative with initial energy 5) Give it a nudge ! If necessary . (4 & 5 may combine ) Follow this and you can make anything or everything happen ! Simple ! Mike
  21. This is an actual example of a three panel painting I have put together for the purpose of taking part in scientific , informative Instruction. This a Geology Group in Exeter , which meets in Exeter college , but is part of the U3A ( university of the third age ) . It is illustrating the setting of the Earth History from just before the Big Bang , through the formation of galaxies and stars. ,illustrating super novas. The middle panel covers the 3,500,000,000 year formation of the core and mantle , and pre-Cambrian period,taking it to 4,000,000,000 years of developement [ to 550,000,000 years ago ,approx 500millionyears ago . Then up through the various periods of rock and life development.:- Cambrian,ordovesian,Silurian,Devonian,Carboniferous,Permian,Triassic,Jurassic ,Cretaceous ,tertiary,quartinery.)To today. The third panel show three major blocks of a) the environment for life, including seas and sea creatures , b) plant and animal life and C). human consciousness . So although this is a contemporary painting , barely 18 months old , it was purposely produced for science communication purposes. It would have been hard to find an illustration spanning the whole thing. Mike
  22. During the thread I have proposed a ' lingual theory of everything ' as a possible vehicle for understanding how the universe appears to work. I was asked to make predictions. One of these predictions was that the universe with its various fields, emanating from all the forces at work from various quarters , would form a whole variety of " Tubes of opportunity " based around and following field lines that offer a minimum resistance ( if not zero resistance ) to an " initiative " being enacted at the entrance of the tube . Some examples of tests and results have been quoted. As a very clear scientific example coming from the heart of electronics , I would like to introduce the CATHODE RAY TUBE as an electronic example of a TUBE OF OPPORTUNITY . Courtesy of link https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CEIQFjAD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwps.aw.com%2Fwps%2Fmedia%2Fobjects%2F877%2F898586%2Ftopics%2Ftopic07.pdf&ei=DIQ-U7WrKOaV7Aap_YGoBg&usg=AFQjCNGxAjNemiaD-IeBxsgog_D_QoOvDw&bvm=bv.64125504,d.ZGU Looking at this in the context of the lingual Theory of Everything , :- The Initiative starts in the locality of the heated cathode. Here free electrons are produced by heating a cathode plated metal surface , to sufficiently high temperature, in order that a cloud of free electrons are released from the surface of the cathode. The initiative starts when an attractive potential of very high positive voltage is placed on an accelerating anode, to pull the electrons in the anode direction. say 3000 volts to 10,000 volts . The tube has been evacuated of air so that " there is no reason for things not to occur" , namely causing electrons to collide with air molecules, [ this being one of the conditions included in the 'lingual theory of everything ' The electron begins its journey in this particular " Tube of Opportunity " , heading off to ultimately end its journey on the screen at the far end of the tube. Due to the purpose of a Cathode ray tube ( TV. Oscilloscope etc ) the electron will pass various controlling devices on the way . Such as a control Grid to be able to lower in intensity, cut or modulate the beam. , a set of deflecting plates to move the beam from side to side or up and down , a focusing Anode to keep the beam tight and ultimately focused. A phosphorescent screen to convert arriving electrons into Normal visible Light. Many millions if not billions of persons and engineers have used these "tubes of opportunity" over the last 60 years to watch many a film or news item ,or electronic experiment. Mike ps. I have personally designed circuits around, worked with and been hypnotised by these tubes most of my life, only recently have we moved on to LCD.
  23. I remember as a growing boy , my world consisted of a 1st wood at the end of our road. ... On more adventurous occasions me and the other boys would have an expedition to the second wood . This was exciting as the 2nd wood was so different. Once a year in mid summer we ( as boys ) would go looking for special branches to makes bows and arrows. This was to the third woods . Scary, dark not used but exciting. Such was my world as a young boy . "................... Years later I returned to this village in the Devon countryside. On my motor cycle fresh from university. I zoomed by all three woods in a trice. I could not believe their foot print was so small, now I had grown up (or so I thought. Now the whole world is in my head. " and time is racing by! Mike
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