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Everything posted by Mike Smith Cosmos
Yes , I understand that . So just decreasing entropy , is what I realized I need to move away from . Its getting the characteristic and not making less of that ingredient , but an opposite characteristic. Some of these thread contributors have helped with starting suggestions . But i need to build it up a bit, Its very 'wooly' at the moment . But I am quite excited at the idea. I like this one of Living things. Bacteria, plants ,animals , humans . A friend of mine has also asked me to consider Human Conciousness information, knowledge, learning , brain , consiousness [ needless to say he is an Educational Phsycologist ]. When I thought about the difference between Mars and Earth , this is very apparent. Things brought to my attension and thoughts ? mike
As you probably Know :- I am attempting to find or coin a Scientific phenomena, which is the opposite, antithesis, or reversal , of ENTROPY. Mainly as a formal version as opposed to a thermo dynamic version. However, because Entropy seems to have been originally coined in the context of steam engines, and later internal combustion engines , I might have to borrow some of the principles from thermodynamics. So far I have got the Idea of ;GENERATION, REGENERATIVE, but this is not fixed.. The ingredients for this are drawn by taking the feature of ENTROPY and listing the opposite characteristic. eg Disorder becomes Order; Unuseable Energy becomes useable Energy but I need more descriptors of ENTROPY in order to specify the opposite. Some of you have kindly furnished me with some ideas , Like ' if anything bad can happen , it will ' Murphies law . I like it I suppose the opposite is obvious ' If anything good can happen ,it will, ' [ bring it on ! Someone mentioned Life as opposed to deterioration and decay . I like . ..... There is this idea of heading for temperature equilibrium Entropy ,.... so I suppose the opposite is ....causing temperature or energy differential, ........potential energy ?? ....mountain Building ? ......Star Birth ? mike
Medium and Little Balls Well I think this could possibly be done in one stroke .Possibly ! . No doubt I will be shot down in flames ! Medium , Hummm! I will stick my neck out slightly here [ behind a guy who knows a lot more about it than me. In a moment ] I could say ," everything needs a medium of some sort to exist in " . Like if i think of jumping in my swimming pool that has no water in, No medium to float in, i am going to have a sore head. Now Electro magnetic waves, it is true are self supporting as a couple [Electric field - Magnetic field ] each supporting each other. But speaking from Radio E-M ( Electro-Magnetic waves) start off supporting each other in a coil of wire [holding a magnetic field ] collapsing and so producing an electri current and an electric field to appear in a capacitors plates, which then flows back into the coil , and on and on. doing the same in a connected antenna . the same sort of thing happens , but this time it enacts the oscillating E-M in a near field out in the space surrounding . At a distance called the far field the oscillating E-M wave is free to go. Into space. But space is the medium, and space is not empty! How could it be. If it were a void , we would all fall in it. Everything would fall in it ! Like me jumping into my empty swimming pool. No space is full to bursting with ( its true unseen ) oodles of things, like Quantum foam, Virtual particles coming into and out of existence by the bucket load , neutrinos, dark matter, dark energy and ( uncle tom cobly and all. ) Frank Wilczec Nobel Winning for his Asymtotic Freedom research calls it the Grid .looking like this :- He says in various recent books like " The Lightness of Being " and others listed below . 'The Gold Fish has finally woken up to the idea there is actually water in his Bowl' or words to that effect link "We Are Like Fish Who Finally Realized We Were Living In Water ... Regards to finding my little balls and describing how they behave , I can only refer to Frank Wilczek 'GRID' Listed References : The Grid - Frank Wilczek www.frankwilczek.com/Wilczek_Q_and_A.pdf 2 Sep 2008 - Q & A with FRANK WILCZEK,. Author of THE LIGHTNESS OF BEING: Mass, Ether, and the Unification of Forces. (Basic Books; September 2, ... [PDF] Wilczek's Unified Field Theory: Ether Back again www.gsjournal.net/old/files/4286_anderton107.pdf by RJ Anderton “Wilczek says the grid is a structured framework or ether through which energy and ...calling it grid. Frank Wilczek [2] says: “Quite undeservedly, the ether has. The Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether, and the Unification of Forces ... www.amazon.com/The-Lightness-Being-Unification.../0465018955 Wilczek says the grid is a conceptual descendant of ether, that mysterious ... Frank Wilczek may be a Nobel Prize winner (2004), but you don't have to be a ... Book Review: The Lightness of Being www.nobeliefs.com/Wilczek.htm Frank WIlczek won a Nobel prize (along with David Gross and H. David ... of the ether in the form of what Wilczek calls the Grid (the persistence of Ether). Review: The Lightness of Being by Frank Wilczek | Books | The ... www.theguardian.com › Culture › Books › Science and nature Review by Steven Poole 26 Jun 2009 - Review: The Lightness of Being by Frank Wilczek The discussion of ...and renames it the "core theory"; he employs the name "the grid" for "the ... More by Steven Poole "We Are Like Fish Who Finally Realized We Were Living In Water ... atom-ecology.russgeorge.net/2013/06/16/we-are-like-fish/ 16 Jun 2013 - Frank Wilczek said in a recent lecture. It's time we started ... Wilczek calls his reductionist view of space the “Grid.” The Grid's is reduced to a two ... The Lightness of Being by Frank Wilczek: A disturbance in the Grid www.lightnessofbeingbook.com/.../PlatePages/Plate06_KilcupMeson.htm... The Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether, and the Unification of Forces,. Physics Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek illuminates modern physics ideas by showing how ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=J3xLuZNKhlY
Many have wondered how the influence of electric charge, magnetism ,gravity and other small entities can influence or be felt, or creat a field at the other end of the universe. We have a model of energy traveling vast distances on our very shores. Waves are produced by incremental action of breeze and wind on the sea or waterways. The energy transferred to the water waves enable them to travel huge distances and arrive on foreign shores. The water does not travel there, the mass does not travel there. The waves as energy does travel there. Could this be a good model as to the sort of principles involved for atomic based energies like :- Electricity, magnetism, gravity, photons of light , to travel the vast distances of outer space. NOTHING , other than energy in the form of a wave travels these vast distances, only the effect ( or WAVE ENERGY ) that moves. Gravity; for instance......I have thought about this a lot. How can all these things, anything, reach out to the far distances of space to produce some form of invisible field effect.? As far as I see it, they do not reach out as such. Their ( Atoms, photons , quarks , whatever..), just exist where they do. Like some new (ball removed or extra ball) in the middle of one of those crazy children's park amusements , that is a huge volume of plastic colored balls. when a kid jumps in the middle. [yippee] or the kid makes a disturbance , say removes a ball and throws it away , he/she does not exert a field as such, it is just all the balls move a tad ( very small movement ) , little bit, and if another kid is sitting at the edge of the tank. he/she will feel the jumped in kids presence, by just the small ,accommodating movement of all the other balls. so it is the EFFECT that moves, nothing else. So with space time. a little movement in/ at an individual atom just appears here or there . The whole tank full of space time [ whatever space time is , but for the sake of this model it is like one gynormous tank of gazzillion gazzillion , gazillion , plastic balls ] just moves ever so ever so ever so slightly to accommodate the movement of that one atom. This in theory can be felt to some extent across the whole distance of space. Nearby the accommodation is quite large [ next door atom feels moved sideways quite a lot] another atom at the far reaches of space time would barely notice the change 10 to the minus million gazillions. but it will be there . This is the nature of the:- inverse square law F= gm1m2/r squared approximately of kids [atoms] jumping in a tank of plastic balls the size of the universe. This effect ( wave of energy ) will move across space at the usual speed of light, subject to all the other physics of Space time . That is the model . mike .----. Tonj18. Did respond with:-. Posted Yesterday, 07:54 PM . Quote " Thanks Mike, nice to finally see someone who has been developing their own theory ,most of the other postings are just quotes from historical theories from Newton and Einstein and the more recent non-relativistic gravitational calculations ,which still doesn't explain the nature of gravity specifically here on earth and what is actually is and where it emulates from. I was hoping this forum you encourage people like your self to put forward you theories, and we seem to be getting somewhere and maybe collectively we can discover or deduce how it occurs. "Unquote
That is a very perceptive and valid comment. You have hit the nail right on the head. I was one of those, you mentioned , that loved nothing better than sit for many a long hour , making measurements , trying to improve performance, propose solutions . re-test evaluate and move incrementally forward. I am now too long in the tooth, too conscious of my limitations as regards to energy, tenacity, patience, time , and a host of other qualities found in those further back in years. In fact I did make a conscious decision a few years ago, that much as I would love to join in trying to understand quantum mechanics and all the surrounding investigation of atomic investigations, that I was too well along to get very far. So I decided that I would study and read and investigate from a ' gestalt ' point of view [ although unaware of the word] . One of my first glimpses of a suprize was that the 'answer' [big answers] was not all in the very small. There was both a Top Down and a Bottom up mechanism afoot in the Universe or Cosmos, and that if one were to look only at quantum mechanics for the whole answer one would be disappointed. So, yes it is possibly no surprise I keep flitting from the detail [ or rather lack of access to detail ] to an attempt at the 'Big Picture'. I have been somewhat surprised nobody has coined another quality of nature, the opposite to formal entropy. Or if they have its not in common useage,. If there were a discipline or word , somebody would have already thrown it back at me saying " what you are talking about , has already been done its called " ugyvyn" I have asked about a bit ? This is a little strange, that the concentration has been on the downward path of entropy , rather than considering, or in addition , an upward path of " ugyvyn" . It's present there in ' natural selection in biology,' and is only just being spoken about at a cosmological scale.. After all Entopy is a movement toward Disorder It seems to me it would be nice if there were a Universal discipline and a description , at least by Word , going in the opposite direction ( reducing entropy is just not good enough . ) It seems to me we are leaving it a bit late in not having already made an investigation into the very subject that I was proposing, looking at the state of the 'antithesis of entropy' [ not yet even giving it a name ] . All this when we are so close to wrecking our planet. {what with endangered specise, pollution, starvation, depleting resources, and goodness knows what }. So my two pennyworth is talking about that opposite direction to ENtropy called " ugyvyn " across the whole universe , starting with the Earth. How about ---------- " Generation " as being the opposite to " Entropy " ...............................................|.........................................................| mike
Beware I come with a government scientific health warning . .I have thought about this a lot. How can all these things, anything, reach out to the far distances of space to produce some form of invisible field effect.? As far as I see it they do not reach out as such. Their ( Atoms, cores Whatever), just exist where they do. Like some new extra Ball in the middle of one of those crazy children's park amusements , that is a huge volume of plastic colored balls. when a kid jumps in the middle. [yippee] he/she does not exert a field as such, it is just all the balls move a tad , little bit, and if another kid is sitting at the edge of the tank. he/she will feel the jumped in kids presence, by just the small ,accommodating movement of all the other balls. so it is the effect that moves, nothing else. So with space time. a little extra atom just appears here or there or in the core of the earth. .The whole tank full of space time [ whatever space time is , but for the sake of this model it is like one gynormous tank of gazzillion gazzillion , gazillion , plastic balls ] just moves ever so ever so ever so slightly to accommodate the new one atom. This in theory will be felt to some extent across the whole of space time . nearby the accommodation is quite large [ next door atom feels shoved sideways quite a lot] another atom at the far reaches of space time would barely notice the change 10 to the minus million gazillions. but it will be there . This is the nature of the:- inverse square law F= gm1m2/r squared approximately of kids [atoms] jumping in a tank of plastic balls the size of the universe. This effect will move across space at the usual speed of light, subject to all the other physics of Space time . Hows that for a model ? mike [ Dont forget the Government science health warning }
. Ok. I accept what you say about scale and rigor. I was rather hoping I could tease out mainly the order - disorder aspect of formal entropy , yet keeping it 'in principle ' scientific (namely in principle, but not particularly detailed quantitative ). You indicate this is never going to be rigorous and objective enough, which I can see what you mean. I remember from carnot diagrams and calculations on systems were frightening mathematical. I was hoping to not need that approach. Too difficult for me at this stage in my life . Perhaps I should abandon the connection with entropy. But then I am in danger of loosing the science connection. There must be a simplified test one can do , say by drawing a line around a chosen entity . say a person . a living human adult. The summation of all inputs, ingredients including matter and energy. As inert disordered minerals summation = X . entropy value 10 [ highly disordered ] as an ordered living conscious thinking being, would have a summation =Y entropy value 0 [ highly ordered] I know the numbers are not precise therefore not rigorous. But clearly with 'entropic glasses' on would you not agree in principle. Or is that not good enough ' And then could one not agree a simple scale like they do in market research. EG the following gets used as data to produce market research results strongly agree [ 5] moderatly agree [ 4] neutral [ 3] moderatly disagree [ 2 ] strongly disagree [1] ( could I not do that with my (0-10) values of [Entropy] or [Order- disorder] survey . ? Is this, although loose and not rigorous, but still count as Scientific ? mike So with my picture of the scaff. with my 'Entropic glasses' on . Looking at far back end it would read 7 ( partially ruffled) at the near end it would read 2 ( flattened , strait ) Could I not pop round my 100 observations and see what I get. If the survey [ 100 cases ] across space and time could bring results of some interest. Today I did a quick Gadelkin mind experiment . With looking quickly around on Mars with the ' Entropic glasses On' , Compared with looking quickly around on Earth. The results are mind blowing. ! mike
Your colleague acme. The post before you said go and paint it. Today I net to an art class doing drawing in pastels . The subject was folded cloth. So I thought I will try the order / not ordered idea with the material ... See here :- Now the scaf was arranged crumpled one half, smoothed out flat the other end , I drew it like that . But which end had the higher entropy .? Which end had the low entropy ? Drawing of it ? Bit naff though ? Mike
All O.K. I will sort as much as I can of what you all say . But all I ask is to be reasonable. All my threads are well thought up approaches to what I see as fundamental issues. They are not coined lightly and my responses are pretty genuine usually. I am. I believe, a genuine scientist. You just do not see it the way I do. mike
Well, you astonish me, I thought that was exactly what I was doing. 1] I had been making definitions so there was no ambiguity, 2] Making the project more mathematical. by applying graphs numbers etc and 3]reasoning in scientific terms like Entropy rather than Clever A couple of posts ago you were so near, or so it seemed to helping me. Now you seem to have gone all .....crushing.. do not get it. I was going to ask how your formula translates to non thermodynamics entropy , to do with order and disorder, mike
OK. You have all had your say as to how I am not offering a Scientific contribution. That has gone far Enough ! Unless I have mis understood all I have read about Energy, Entropy, Cosmology . The current understanding is ,That an immense amount of Energy Got into the Universe 13.7 billion years ago, and according to your current belief of these three mentioned things [ Energy, Entropy Cosmology ] all that is destined to happen . In the fullness of time the whole lot will end up[ Run down Run up and Useless] in that order , to go with [ Energy, Entropy, Cosmology] . My attempted contribution to science is to attempt to prove a theory which I believe could show that rather than [Energy, Entropy, Cosmology] going into {Run down Run up and Useless} , Rather they will be put back into the Universe as[ Energy being released into the useful environment , Entropy being reduced to Zero ,, The cosmos being Revitalised ] . The Ultimate symmetry . Now if that is not a reasonable contribution to Science , " i will eat my hat, in fact all my hats , and more to boot." . And i think you might find out shortly , I am not the only scientist who thinks this. Some far more well known than I . Proving it might be far more difficult than Hypothesising , I appreciate. However I am making my contribution. Mike
i am asking for permission to post in astronomy and science news as described to hypervent-iodene above all I need is a yes or no . this is an important one to me. but i do not want to be out of favor with the science forum . I know you move about all over the place but many visitors go straight to their subject of interest ONLY. They probably would not be seen dead in speculations,next to a trash can , let alone someone trying to leave an indonesian island. going out into nowhere ! so I am asking for a spot in these 2 places not for myself but for the issue i itemised to hypervent -iodine above mike
Steady on, I am a 70 year old man , with a dog pestering me to take her for a walk, a wife who is organising a business party for her Cafe venture, and I have a brain that was Cauterised by Maths during 6 years of University Degree Electronics, that now only wants to paint pictures, sit in the sun and think great thoughts. And die sitting under a tree while gazing at saggitarius A* at the Centre of our Galaxy ! . What do you want of me ? ?? Of course , Ludvic Boltzman was tied up in all this Thermodynamics - entropy malarci , then he met a sticky end by hanging himself , which does not give entropy a good track record Mike I have been trying to unravel what you said here. . Are you saying you have had an insight, about the idea of having original thoughts as humans? Like my dog dose not have an original thought grrr . or do you think I should try harder ? Or we as humans are the ONLY living thing on the planet that can have an original thought. Ureeka ! I can use that in my research . I am bound to come upon another human as I come up from underground part of my project. a good score [0] perfect order .. 0= Order Patterns, alignment, symmetry, compact, ........................beauty (?) [ not sure about this bit ?] mike
oh . I see. Well my main motive was to give the subject more exposure, I felt that although I introduced in down in my obscure thread....' about leaving an Island...' down in speculations , next to the trash can , not many people would come looking that way ! So yes I suppose I was Advertising , to get people to come and Look. Sorry !, Was not cognesant ( do not know how to spell it ) of that rule. Know I should read them , but.. .. Am I allowed to do it as a new post , if i do not link it to my posts in speculation . But just have it as a Post/s [one in astronomy one in news ] in its own right. Say "Perimeter Institute in Canada has New Concepts on the Universes Beginning " then very brief intro from me. ( no mention of other posts I conduct) but with direct link into BBC i Player. How about that. . I will even call Myself Mike Smith 2 and claim the other guy is my brother, but we dont talk to each other. . or I could call myself Bill .. Bill Gates Yes or No ? Please . :-This is the link in case you do it for me :- http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00vdkmj/Horizon_20102011_What_Happened_Before_the_Big_Bang/ It wants to go on now though , as they only have them on for a week or two then they are removed So if you are going to allow what I asked . Now would be a good time. My intro will only say sort of " Exciting new thoughts come out of an Offshoot of Princetown University " Perimeter Institute home of many august scientists researching the Cosmos ! Totally new Paradigm " something like that. Mike Sorry again for the hassle .
Data The first set of data ( as it is underground and out of reach is by Search, Book, Computer Internet, Library etc Some will be first hand observation, visits, viewing , museums, as it goes into Space and back in time it again will be by book search and internet search. some interviews. Quantify of Entropy As explained this is a self defining scale ranging from Order =0 to Disorder =10 The following list is/will be, used as a discrete value chart : - 0= Order Patterns, alignment, symmetry, compact, ........................beauty (?) 1= 2= 3= 4= 5= 6= 7= 8= 9= 10=Disorder Chaos , Random, fragmented, featureless, spread out,....... Ugly (?) mike
This is a Standard Deviation Grid where :-the x axis is MY Entropy number ( between 0 = order , 10 = disorder ) as defined on post # 129 . The Y axis is the Sample count , where each sample has a value of 1 unit Obviously this is only for the first two samples. it would not expect to show any meaningful information apart from trends until between ( 30 - 100 ) samples. If my theory is right I would anticipate a standard deviation bell curve like :- Mike
I posted a link to BBC i player Perimeter Institute in Canada interesting findings on the birth of the Universe. This was a Broadcast on BBC 4 tv last night 3/3/2014 available for all as its an already broadcast Documentary. I posted it to the astronomy section because the content was about astronomy and cosmology. I also posted it to science news. As it was Very advanced Scientific thinkers . Showing Roger Penrose, Neil Thurok Lee Smolin, and many others with the latest news and views on cosmology. My posts just disappeared ? Can they go back , they were dead interesting. Mike This was the link, http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00vdkmj/Horizon_20102011_What_Happened_Before_the_Big_Bang/ and can I put it in the Lounge as well, Everybody should know what is going on. Mike
.... ----------------------------------------------DEFINITION -------------------------------........ . The Word I Choose and define is :- . " SHE MOOGLE ME GONSH ME GOE " Now if for simplicity I use the expression " moving to order or Entropy decreasing " I mean what I said above in the quote under :- " SHE MOOGLE ME GONSH ME GOE " ps. This is not in any way intended to be rude to anyone . Just for clarity sake . pps By the way . The Definition of Entropy that I used was Taken from :- the COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY Essential edition Pub 2006 under Entropy ( en-trop-ee) entropy n 1. formal . lack of pattern or organisation 2. physics. a thermodynamic quantity that represents the amount of energy present in a system that cannot be converted into work because it is tied up in the atomic structure of the system. [ Greek word turning towards ] the Concise Oxford Dictionary adding under entropy ; measure of the degradation or disorganization of the universe mike The Scream" - lithograph version from 1895. "The Scream" is one of the world's most recognizable works of art. It depicts a man in a private moment of anguished despair and anxiety, while the other people in the painting, perhaps his friends, seem blissfully unaware of the man's situation. The Norwegian painter Edvard Munch (1863-1944) did several versions of "The Scream,"
Moving on from the Island of Human Endevour.
Mike Smith Cosmos replied to Mike Smith Cosmos's topic in Speculations
. There is a hint abroad that a PARADIGM SHIFT may be about to hit the science / physics field. Eg there was not a [ Big Bang with massive inflation?] There was a before the Big Bang ,! There was not NOTHING. Before the Big Bang Tonight Horizon BBC 4 TV [3/3/2014 ] Showed many of the famous scientists from the Perimeter Institute in Canada saying the above . I will try and put a link on when it is available over the next day or two. Here is the Link http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00vdkmj/Horizon_20102011_What_Happened_Before_the_Big_Bang/ Mike