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Everything posted by Heretic

  1. I think, unfortunately, that our progress in the next decade will not be based upon what our intelligence can achieve, but rather what our lack of intelligence will prevent.
  2. This is very incredible, but what are the practical uses other then entertainment? I mean granted I'd pay $100 to try and kick and robot over, but I'm sure that if I managed to kick it over I'd do more then $100 in damage. What I saw wasn't all that fantasic, the terrain it was moving over wasn't anything that tracks or treads couldn't already move across, not to mention it's stabilty issues and obvious weight restrictions. It seems it's nothing more then a childhood obsession to build a Transformer or something else bipedal. Seriously though, how will this invention better mankind?
  3. I would offer information but what I've gathered is relatively diverse and rarely complete. I can, however, offer you all my knowledge on the workings of the ear, hearing and most inner ear functions as an expert. That's really the only topic my field covers. I truly feel I lack the knowledge to inform others on any other topic.
  4. What exactly is the Origins Debate forum? Is it creation vs. evolution or is it actually something more interesting?
  5. I apologize I meant blind faith. I do believe that faith in religion and science is a good thing, in moderation. For example, if you're a practicing Christian and you refuse to accept the simple fact the the bible was organized and re-written by the Council of Nicaea then that's a bad thing. I'm not saying the bible is not the word of God, for all I know it is and I believe it is in spirit. However you have to accept the simple fact that scholars long since past did change it from what it was, not to mention translators, etc. The same goes for science. If you merely accept what is put in front of you and never test it or try to disprove it, that's a very bad thing. The point I was trying to make is religion and science are tools. How you use them reflects how you are. If you use either to prove you're right without questioning whether you might be wrong, that's pretty foolish. People need to explore the world for themselves, more often then not I find people turning against science or religion because they believe the two are mutually exclusive. They are far more similiar then they seem though and both have a great deal to offer. Wow... I'm not even counting those words.
  6. I'll do my opinion of both Science and Relgion all at once and under 75 words no less Faith in science is as foolish as faith in religion. Neither can provide us all of the answers and both are being disproven more and more on a daily basis. Both are evolving. What science was 2000 years ago is NOT what science is today. It is as fair to judge science based on a 2000 year old text as it is to judge religion. Both have caused many deaths but also saved many lives. 75 even. Not too shabby.
  7. Perhaps I need my prescription checked, but statement there proves you did in fact state "no one changes", which can be interpreted as people do not change, period. Regardless you can consider me as close-minded as you wish. I do not pretend to be the most broad-minded individual to ever grace the planet, but what I do consider myself is experienced. Experienced enough to know the world is full of gray. I am not devaluing the experiences you have witnessed first-hand but what I am saying is you're refusing to accept that other people do in fact have experiences of their own. Maybe you aren't but that's the way I perceived your argument. People can change, and not always for the best. Some people might feel cheating is alright until they are cheated on. Some people might react vicea versa and never cheat until they themselves have been victimized. People are not as 2D as your life has led you to believe. Perhaps you just continually surround yourself with people without the will to change? There is even the remote possibilty you do so purposefully. Maybe you believe no one is changing just so you don't have to change yourself. I couldn't tell you. What I can tell you is that things are different from my point of view.
  8. I can't comment on you economy persay... but I can say that the strength of the US dollar is beginning to affect things here in Canada. The weaker your dollar gets or the stronger ours becomes the worse it is for our economy. We need tourisim from the states and more importantly we need you to outsource your labor to us and not India. The stronger your economy the stronger ours becomes. However if we overtake your dollar our situation up here will become progressively worse.
  9. I believe it was posted somewhere on these forums that caffine also makes people susceptible to suggestion. Considering that Starbucks successfully sells people day-old tuna sandwiches on plain bread for over $5 I'd believe they were right, based solely on that one point. However considering how I cannot convince my boss that I am over-worked and under-paid (and she is the biggest caffine abuser I know) I'd argue the opposite. I think the problem is ParanoiA there are always more then one angle to an arguement and you refuse to accept that. You're very close-minded and that has nothing to do with aged wisdom. Gross generalizations are a sign of ignorance and nothing more. There's a generalization for yah. Once a cheater not always a cheater. I believe a repeat offender is problem, but a solitary act should not be the defining factor in judgement. If people were always weighed against a single shread of evidence and any past acts that proved contrary pushed aside, that would indeed prove people (contradicting your own statement) do change. So if someone never cheated before and then they cheat have they not changed? Could they not change again?
  10. Well my deal with Anime is simple. I enjoy the art style. I find the characters are goofy, the plot better then most hollywood movies and the music extremely well put together. Series like Full Metal Alchlemist have few unique stories, driven by memorable characters. Series like Elfin Lied take the art to it's limits, with more drama then a soap opera, more gore and violence then a B movie, more mystery then a typical murder mystery. If you don't enjoy anime, it's not a big deal. Not all anime is crap, most of the stuff imported to the US is crap because for some reason anime fans here are more about tentacle rape then anything else. That stuff is the stuff to avoid. Watch a series like Full Metal since it's easily accessible, or something like Inuyasha, which is more for kids but deals with some adult situations. Noir is also a good series. It has an interesting plot, thought the character development is a little weak. Actually you know what will really blow your mind? Serial Experiments Lain. Look that up and watch it. It's crazy stuff. I guess the deal with anime is it's entertainment. It's a real art form whether you want to accept it or not. It's not all about child rape or whatever your culture has convinced you it's about. It is simply a different media used to tell a story.
  11. would be shooting beams at hostiles through the shield. The shield isn't a bubble it's a window... meaning it must have a frame. Attack the frame and bye bye shield. Besides this thing keeps out air... I'd love to see it stop a RAILGUN.
  12. I designed a shirt shortly after Steve's death. It read: "SAVE THE STINGRAYS!" on the front. "SO THEY CAN BRUTALLY MURDER YOU" On the back. Not my best work I'll admit, but it has a ring to it.
  13. I've never even heard of Wing Chun... What rock was I under? I'm definately going to look it up now, sounds more my style. Thanks for bringing it up. EDIT: Turns out the stance I use is derived from Wing Chun. Who knew?
  14. Well some might believe they were an animal in a past life? It's hard to say what drives a certain group because then you begin generalizing. You'll find everyone has a different motivation for everything they do. You ask a successful CEO why he's so successful. He might say he was driven by his parents, his co-workers, the money, the power, etc. Not one thing. Humans are not simple creatures and shouldn't be analyzed as such.
  15. Damn... forgot about those.... I thought I had you though. What I think these examples in nature show is that sex does not dictate behavior, strength, etc. so much as environment.
  16. Was that back in the lead paint days by any chance? Regardless shuttle tech is out there, but NASA lacks funding. If you really want to see more space missions let your government know. Currently, as mentioned, a large portion of your funds is going overseas and that's not likely to change anytime soon. Regardless you need to let them know or they won't continue the program. It's already on it's last legs.
  17. He always said he didn't want to hurt the animals with drugs and I believe that. I don't think the guy had a Ph.D. I think he just loved animals, especially crocs. Just because people have a different belief system (albeit the wrong one in this case) doesn't mean they they are malicious (I don't think he did it for showboating), but you're right his practices should have been more critisized because to the general public he made it seem like his way was the ONLY way.
  18. Yeah girls are vicious. One of my buddies back in my day had his leg broken during a "POINT SPAR" match. I couldn't believe it. She was all "SEE THE POWER OF WOMEN" yeah we sw her backside as we threw her out of the dojo. That's just not right. It's like those crazy guys you see in bars... except worse. Seriously though I won't play sports with women, they take house league way too seriously. Someone with something to prove should keep it competitive.
  19. Yeah the pseudo-penis thing always was a bit weird. I wonder if it's a product of having too much testosterone or merely a strange genetic flaw, where the female DNA "forgot" to get rid of it. Azure I'd say there are much better representations of matriarchal social structure in the animal world. Such as the Red Phalarope. The female literally mates lays the eggs tells the father to take care of them while she goes off and get pregnant again. This repeats itself until she has to migrate. She then leaves the males with the yet to hatch eggs, to fend for themselves. That's women on top in the animal world.
  20. I'll have to second that. Put on top of all your other comments the fact that Japanese consider English to be an incredibly sexy language (don't ask me why) you've got a winner. Japanese is also very easy to pick up as most of their sounds are easily distinguisable for someone who has spoken english all their life. Chinese on the other hand (either of them) is sung with tones and is very hard to pick up and understand, as with the wrong tone and right sound you can say something very offensive.
  21. I've always been fascinated with the idea of overpowering another human being. Through physical strength, intellect or even pure clout. Maybe it's a sick perversion, but any perversion kept in check merely becomes a quirk. I've taken a few martial arts, Tae Kwon Do, Karate, R.I.C.M.A.S. (That's the same style Shamrock uses) but found they aren't really what I was looking for. I've found that if you use simple principles and practices instead of training in move sets (I can't remember what they call them....) you can become a much more effective fighter. In essence, meditation is much more essential to physical well-being then exercise. Honestly, try deep breathing "exercises" instead of your daily routine for about a week. You'll notice increased awareness, increased stamina and increased speed. It's not placebo either, it's simply oxygen fuels your body, and more of it you have the better it functions. Right now you could say your body is running on fumes... so to speak. P.S. Sorry about the novel.
  22. If I remember correctly (which I do) SFN was at one point a Sponser website. It appeared alongside the hits not as a hit itself. As such when it was no longer a sponser it did not appear anymore in the hit period. (Maybe an oversight by Google, more likely a way to keep sponsers) EDIT: Too much assuming.
  23. It was meant to be a joke... Though I'm not taking it back.
  24. I couldn't agree more. The fact of the matter is that they've made a definition to clarify what exactly a planet is, but instead they've caused far more confusion then it's worth. Someone is just trying to make a name for themselves at the expense of the general public. From what research I've done on planetary orbits, it's incredibly rare to find a circular orbit... in fact all others found have been eliptical. (correct me if I'm wrong) So why not say planets must have an eliptical orbit? It's equally as rational as what has already been proposed. I think it'd be fun to have our solar system "cease to exist" so to speak. Besides what is the nonsense about "dwarf planets" not being real planets? Does that mean midgets aren't real people? I know they currently are considered real people but we could get together and make sure this error is corrected. I hope we can declassify them soon so I can toss them more freely. Or how about we get together and argue about how "aint" isn't a word even thought the only people who never use it are English major elitists. Then we can pat each other on the backs for telling the general public they are stupid again, and remind everyone that "To boldy go" is horrible syntax, yet worship Shakespeare for butchering every rule the english language ever had. I guess that's the real problem I have with some intellectuals. They can't accept that layman actually have a voice and they should... Just not on important issues.
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