On the representation questions I have got no idea...
As regards the modules, however,...
When you intend to get an infinite example of pring, look at the following:
Let be (F,+) a free group generated by elements x, x', y, y' and l. Rules are: x + x' = x' + x = y + y' = y' + y = l and x + l = l + x = x, x' + l = l + x' = x', y + l = l + y = y, y' + l = l + y' = y'. Elements of F — by contrast — will be written by letters p, q, r,… So it can be for example: p = xyyx, q = x'yy'x'y or r = l. Let's introduce the following integer functions on F: l(p), w(p); we assign them the names "length" and "weight" respectively. Recursive definitions are: l(l) = 0, l(x + p) = l(p) + 1, l(x' + p) = l(p) + 1, l(y + p) = l(p) + 1, l(y' + p) = l(p) + 1; w(l) = 0, w(x + p) = w(p) + 1, w(x' + p) = w(p) – 1, w(y + p) = w(p) + 1, w(y' + p) = w(p) – 1.
In spite of the length which is not additive [l(xy) + l(y'x) = 4, l(xyy'x) = l(xx) = 2], the weight is.
We also introduce a writing method. Let z be an integer, so we write:
x0 := l
xz+1 := x + xz
xz–1 := x' + xz
For example: x5 = xxxxx; x-3 = x'x'x'.
It is easy to see that our "power" is also additive in the meaning: xu+v = xu + xv.
So now we are ready to define our multiplication as:
p • q := xw(p) w(q)
Well, we have got the (F,+,•) pring.
It is an interesting job to define congruency among F's elements. Let I be an ideal in the pring. So you get two several congruencies, namely
p =L q if and only if by definition when –p + q in I
p =R q if and only if by definition when p – q in I