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Everything posted by KerbeR

  1. I dont know if this goes here but I need opinion of someone who knows something about bacteria and general science. This is one small business idea that i am developing and it goes something like this: If i create plastic cocoon/seal around car and i put dehumidifier in it - will i only dehumidify car or i will remove odors like cigarette smoke, sweet etc. Or if i dehumidify the car and then humidify it again with some kind of anti bacteria resole will that humidity penetrate deeper into car and in some way sterilize it. I have watched some shows i think it was brainiacs where they created something similar with sleeping mattress. They removed like a liter of sweet. This is working business idea. Question is what will client get for they money if i dehumidify car and then humidify it again with antibacterial resole and then for third time dehumidify. My question is would I kill bacteria and fungoid that produce odors. Sorry on bad English. Thanks
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