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Everything posted by GordonFreeman

  1. Somehow I stumbled upon this subject tonight. I've been searching for hours to find out if it is true or not. Everything I can find seems to say it's true, but my BS detector is going off. I haven't actually taken any of the images and tried to scale the detail, but a rough eye guesstimate is telling me that some of the details are close to .0001" or smaller. At one point he talks about "drilling" a hole in a hand to hold a fiber of some sort, um...ok. Snopes (so you know it's true ) even has a bit about him: http://www.snopes.co...microscopic.asp At one point they claim a doll in a doll house is the size of a human blood cell. http://www.cellsalive.com/howbig.htm I guess I'm the only one on the innertubes that is calling BS on some of this. Ok, is it possible that he might be able to "carve" some of these things, maybe, but he says he "paints" them with the hair of a fly. Am I missing something here? Wouldn't there be some sort of surface tension in the "paint" that would cause huge blobs? I think it's all a conspiracy to try to fool me! Aaaaarrrrgh!
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