Thanks. Getting into the mathematics 'in a big way' is indeed my ultimate intention (and I'm not expecting to do it overnight ).
I have been doing this for two years already and, in addition to the QM module, have completed MST209 (some field stuff, div, grad, curl) and M208 (some group theory) and worked through a number of texts on special relativity. I am interested in mathematics for its own sake too (taking Number theory and mathematical logic (M381) and Complex analysis (M337) in 2011).
My interest in the mathematics accounts for a certain amount of frustration with the QM module (which was 'level 3', i.e. third year degree module) as it was fairly obviously avoiding some mathematical concepts (although most people who took the course were complaining that it was too mathematical).
What I'm really looking for, at this stage, is something to fill in the holes.