Though, generally you do not seem that interested in discussing science.
You are wrong here. If you want to discuss science then it is best to leave religion out of it. You have in now way had your science ideas (not that I have noticed many) criticized because of your religion.
Do you realise how silly that sounds? Anyway, okay you don't want to talk about your realisation on a theory of everything. Great, so lets move on.
Well, you don't want to share - and if you are talking about your thread on cellular automation then you stopped early and did not show anyone that you have some further ideas to add. Shame really.
Share or not share, you are acting like a troll and I am sorry to say, a bit of a crackpot.
If you do not like this forum, then you are free to leave at any time.
Newton would be another example, as would anyone from that period. We once lived in much more religious times. Still, I do know scientists and mathematicians that are religious. As they tend to keep science and religion separate few problems with publishing occur.