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Everything posted by jmo124

  1. Hello all, I guess I would call this a question that pertains to a potential application of string theory's speculations to the 'day to day' spectrum of human experience and perception:<div><br></div><div>I have no formal background in anything beyond high school physics so I must carry on in the only way I know how when it comes to a theory:</div><div><br></div><div>ANYTHING MARKED WITH A '*' IS CONSIDERED A PRODUCT OF NOTHING BUT THIS AUTHOR'S IMAGINATION</div><div><br></div><div>P1: String theory postulates that there are (at least*) 2 types of strings that exist to make up the universe (including the spectrum of human perception); these being open and closed strings.</div><div>p2: If 2 (or more*) variables are present, unless they are considered equal (which we can assume the 2 types of strings are not), there must be a qualitative (or in a sense quantitative - when I consider my understanding of physics that more of something is denser than less of something*) distinction between the two choices.</div><div>P3: A combination of any two variables in any sense creates a pattern that can be repeated</div><div>C: Could the existence of closed and open strings and their relationship (patterns) correlate directly with the patterns, concepts, and understandings (including memory) that make up consciousness?</div><div><br></div><div>I'm sorry if this is incomplete, contradictory or just doesn't make any sense. I can't afford university but curiosity has led me to science and one of your more informative members gave me a few string theory references the other day.</div><div><br></div><div>any thoughts?</div><div><br></div><div>James</div>
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