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  1. hey guys, this thread falls into the catogory of both chemistry biology but more so to chemistry so I put it here. I've always been interested in chemistry off and on. I've always wanted to mix things together in a beaker, cause it bubble, glow, smell, turn into something new, and everything else. the only thing I really did was do the famous vinegar and baking soda fizz reaction that blows out carbon dioxide...really only useful for bad smell and blowing out matches... soo...I was wondering if you guys could tell me a list of chemical combinations that react in different ways like this that I could do just for fun, that aren't too dangerous, but that use things other than household "chemicals" but that use things that are sold to the general public. something easily obtainable but also adequate for making something interesting, like, potassium nitrate in smoke bombs. reactions such as... - changes temperature - chemoluminescence - give off gases - change state of matter - change colors - react because of temperature change - solutions, even possible to drink like color-changing soda. - gives off smoke - things that are useful like, insecticides that aren't anymore dangerous than house cleaners. ...maybe you get the idea. oh I think its also cool to grow stuff...like fungi and bacteria....the only thing I really did was grow some black bread mold in the only petri dish I had. It grew untill COMPLETELY engulfed the bread, inside and out. what other things could I grow in samples and cultures like that, that wouldn't pose a health threat, and that I could perhaps, kill them with "poision" I have made just for fun? or do something else cool with them? also, could I even mix some bacteria into a chemical solution to produce something interesting and perhaps useful? I know some of this could be dangerous but thats why Im asking for relatively safe "experiments" you might call me crazy, but thanks in advance anyway.
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