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Everything posted by Anura

  1. Learn guitar.
  2. Everyone loves music. Today I was in the library and the beatles were playing.
  3. It helps me pay attention to things. I used to watch tv and never understand what im watching. That has seemed to change. And also with my biology studies too. I believe it's not prescribed just for depression.
  4. I dont believe you need to be on drugs to have a hallucination.
  5. This seemed like the most likely place to ask a question about bird anatomy. So here's my question. If birds have hallow bones and blood cells are created in the bone marrow. Then; Where do birds manufacture thier blood cells at? thank you all.
  6. I take citalopram now. It works wonders for those with ADHD.
  7. the overall anatomy sounds great. And mabye a little of the physiology
  8. grays anatomy is really cool.
  9. Just in case you need it. I've had them in my favorites for quite a while now. http://askabiologist.asu.edu/contact/askaquestion http://www.askthephysicist.com/ http://walrus.wr.usg...sk-a-geologist/ http://www.theboston...870/detail.html http://www.windows2u..._space/ask.html http://www.askascien...-bin/aas/add.py http://imagine.gsfc....astronomer.html Cool space photos http://antwrp.gsfc.n...archivepix.html
  10. Arent atoms mostly empty space?
  11. exactly
  12. Can anyone recommend a technical book for the begginer on the brain? Is that even possible. Thanks.
  13. Just think of the technology needed. I don't think we will ever have the technology to be able to visit other planets revolving around even the closest stars. I think mankind will destroy itself before then. I believe this is probably the curse of intelligence; it will allow us to create technology we are not evolved enough to use responsibly. We have already done so, I believe, as I believe mankind is creating global warming. I believe this is the fate of all intelligent beings (not necessarily global warming, but self-destruction). I cannot support this possition, as it is untestable speculation, so don't ask me to. My question then is: So what makes anyone think aliens can visit us?
  14. Anura

    Low RAM

  15. Anura

    Cops and athlets

    VERY well put.
  16. Ive had suger made cookies and i like my honey ones just as much.
  17. Do you think they deserve special treatment when they commit a crime?
  18. Im kind of new to science. But I've been playing guitar off and on for thirtyish years. Im just curios if there are others.
  19. http://www.kongregate.com/ and sometimes http://www.musictheory.net/exercises And downloading free sheet music.
  20. Anura

    Is it rape?

    If anybody says stop and the other wont its rape. Whatever the combo.
  21. I do it everytime i make cookies. Which is mabey twice a year. I refuse to purchase suger. And it taste just as good. I believe.
  22. This was not a missle but an aircraft of somekind. Why do we jump to conclusions?
  23. Evolution is science.

  24. If a moderater could delete this thread that would be great. No need for it anymore. Thanks Cap'n Refsmmat for your help.
  25. Do you mean next to your username?
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