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Everything posted by Anura

  1. man and fish
  2. How do I mute one website while listening to another? Is that even possible?
  3. Will I be able to listen to my music thats on my computer while the web site is muted?
  4. Why has nobody replied to my "How do you mute a web-site", thread. Can anybody answer why is that? Thank you.
  5. Anura


  6. Anura


    How do you create a link?
  7. Is it possible that my question implies that we know what goes on in the mind of other oganisms? Anyway. I was watching something on tv and a doctor hooked up a person to a machine. His or her thoughts were then displayed on a video screen. Showing the thoughts of that person, That will never happen ever. Sort of like traveling half the speed of light. Pure science fiction. Im reading a book on the physiology of insects right now. So expect more questions considering that. Im new to science. But love the hell out of it. Thank you all for your responces.
  8. I guess what I really meant to say was that I dont think we can tell what goes on in another organisms brains. PLease tell me if im wrong here?
  9. Could it be possible that some insects have religion?
  10. We all know that all plants live and then die. When you pluck an apple from a tree it is no longer taking in the nutriente and soon dies. Almost like if a person stops eating and drinking. When a man starves to death his heart stops beating you declare him dead. This may sound silly. But,.,,,,, Is it all possible to tell the moment of deth with a plant?
  11. >:DIs it possible to take an image 3.5 Mb and convert it to kilobytes. Also. Is it possible to free up memory on a compter?
  12. Do chemists mix chemicles all day. Making up different compounds. And isn't a guy making moonshine a chemist?
  13. Anura


    How do I free RAM space on my computer? And is it possible to free up memory? I'm kinda inexperienced with computers.
  14. On some video game web-sites the sound can't be muted. I'd much prefer listening to my music. Is it possible to mute a web-site?
  15. Anything and everything that you see is in the past. No matter how close or distant.
  16. Are morals just an idividuals belief in right and wrong. Or is it more compicated that that?
  17. I suppose drugs can and im sure sometimes will cause a person to go insane. I knew a guy who had to be ejected from the navy because he fried his brain on crystal meth and couldnt stand for inspections anymore. Hed start shaking tremendously and have to leave to sit down somewhere each time. It became such a problem they kicked him out of the navy. By the way I think syd barret is a genuise. I can answer more question about mental illness if you got any. Bye now.
  18. What is your position on free will?
  19. Why would it take an infinite amount of mass or energy to push an object a finite speed? That finite speed being 186,000 miles a second.
  20. i myself can't usually read fiction. I have in the past a little though.. But it seems like a waste of time. For me.
  21. Is the big bang the beggening of time provable. I think we just can't calculate with our human instriments exactualy how time got started. Or even if it did have a start. Someone please unconfuse me here. If that's even posible.
  22. :doh:Nuetron stars, I believe, are like stars like our sun in which the sub-atoimic particle in which it is comprized of are not in a lump but flying around in all directions. Does that then imply that there is lots of empty space in the heart of star or nuetron star?
  23. I hate to say this but your reply made me feel so uneducated. If I can understand the words then I'd understand the concepts. I guess if I want to understand this stuff I need to study. Human anatomy does facinate me though. I have no real formal education and it was only a year or so in whitch I discovered the wonders of science. Physics is probaly my favorite. Thanks for your reply and have a nice day.
  24. Your absolutely insane for thinking of the adam and eve story as a theory. Im sorry.
  25. I believe speculation is just guessing.
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