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  1. Just like similarity in form doesn't prove ancestry, neither does similarity in DNA. I'm not saying that they never can, but that they dont in this case. I think humans have 97% of DNA in common with mice, and like 75% in common with bananas so go figure. And regarding the similarities in non-coding sections there is great deal of scientific evidence suggesting that their may be a use to this "junk DNA" afterall. Having to do with the structural properties of DNA and theres other theories.
  2. uh, bible codes a scam. All they're doing is using a computer to set up crossword puzzles with the text of the bible, and then having the computer look for the words they tell it. Of course the number words that you could associate with a particular event are almost infinite, so its no mystery that sometimes the words related to a particular event are found near eachother. Naturally they don't tell you about all the times they aren't near eachother. Its just a complete scam.
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