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Everything posted by rktpro

  1. Are you an Indian?
  2. Not in English?
  3. Indian?
  4. You misunderstood that guy! What has been said is an object can cross the speed of sound, but not the speed of light. It is been converted from heat energy.
  5. @Ringer, We are talking about whole of the world for this idea.
  6. rktpro

    Roget's Spiral

    My mom kept warning me. I thought I should take risk. After all science is fun and risk. But the wire had insulation. Still, the spark was so sparkling that I got scared and dropped the spring in the NaCl. There wasn't a spark again! For attraction between the coil, they should be in different media than electrolyte.
  7. rktpro

    Roget's Spiral

    I have finally done the experiment. I used the electricity which comes to our home (220V). It worked with ease. I saw a spark, one end of wire made a small hole in the bowl(steel). But I couldn't saw the spring contract and relax as it was instantaneous. But since the spark is produced, I succeed in it.
  8. Yes it is, because it would divert the mind of driver and it can cause accidents.. Even hands-free shouldn't be used. To talk, stop your car and then talk.
  9. Another weather balloon sort of stuff. We wouldn't believe until we see the alien coming out and asking for liquid hydrogen as fuel. IMO, though, I believe in extra-terrestrial life. But, Couldn't get a proof of it. Black Magic?
  10. Sonic Boom is created due to breakage of the sound barrier. Sound waves are produced at this point. But, breaking the light barrier is theoretically impossible.
  11. rktpro

    Roget's Spiral

    So, I would be making an attempt with two cells of 1.5V each. If it didn't work, I would plug the wires in the switchboard.
  12. rktpro

    Roget's Spiral

    One more thing, I am using two cells of 1.5V each. Would they be enough for it? What should be the thickness of coil for it?
  13. rktpro


    Earlier, oxygen was used. But then they tend to go with c-12.
  14. No doubt water means agriculture. But making a country developed requires development in secondary and tertiary sector. Agriculture is a support to these factors. Wealth doesn't necessarily mean education. Before the renaissance, people tend to be wealthy but weren't human resource. Water is a supporting factor to develop human resource but it isn't the only factor which decides it. There are other major factors which need to be active. And economists know better. Did Amartya Sen ever said that water is what a country needs?
  15. Wrong. The rise of Asian countries is due to the fact that they are trying to overcome economical disadvantages, making defense effective. America and European countries aren't experiencing and down-grading. Americans and Europeans get all their goods made out in China because of cheap labour. Chinese aren't forcing them to get work done by Chinese labour. It is the Americans and Europeans that want to take advantage of the situation. Saying that western culture is reminds me of Indian History. The Britishers had the same excuse for their colonialism over India. To them their culture was(and is) above all. But that has been proven wrong. Western culture lead to upliftment due to its educational criteria. Letting anyone enjoy science, and forcing anyone to learn a little is a bad thing. Scientists from east have done so well. Sir Raman, Praffula Chandra Ray, Bose etc. were great genius. And talent lay hidden, waiting to be explored.
  16. A balance is really important. Not single food can boost you up. That's why they say to take a balanced diet. Proteins are necessary for growth, building new cells and repairing of worn out ones. Vitamins functions as antioxidants, acts as mediators for cell regulation, tissue growth and differentiation. Vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 play key roles in converting homocysteine into methionine, one of the 20 or so building blocks from which the body builds new proteins. Folate also plays a role in it. To keep the metabolism stable, all of the supplements are required.
  17. As long as he takes it in an appropriate amount. Excess of everything is bad.
  18. He wouldn't have the energy level up because junk food provides fat which can't be used for immediate energy. But balanced food provide carbohydrates.
  19. You are putting me in dilemma. How can you say that providing water and cool weather would decrease poverty? IMO, it wouldn't. Availability of water in developed countries is due to the fact that they were ample in resources either natural or human resource. The nations which are currently poor are not ample in human resource. Providing water would only provide on resource. Water helps in establishing industries, no doubt. But water won't create human resource. It won't provide education. Neither water and cool temperature could increase living standard and curb poverty. Look at the causes of poverty. Do you think providing water would lead to ecological stability, control on ever increasing population? Causes of Poverty Not entirely. Poverty is due to a number of reasons and the economical disadvantage of exporting make only, say 10% of it. What about the rest? Outsourcing if Business is due to poverty. Not that poverty is due to it.
  20. You would have to track a lot of people for it. His family members, nursery teachers, high school teachers, shopkeepers, friends, and all those in service sector of whom he might or have taken service of. This would lead to a situation of tumbling economy. Wouldn't it. It would, if the number of people whom you torture this way increases rapidly and to a large number. The economy won't have any advantage. Money incoming would be hampered from service sector.
  21. rktpro

    1 = 0

    I got it. My sentence was just irony
  22. Ah, it makes a sense. He feels like we should do the homework and show him. ( This guy saying it in such an informal way). He calls you(or me or someone else who makes a post) his son. Hindi. I know it a little.
  23. But no one is too short to let his feet reach the ground.
  24. Your approach to poverty is too limited. Lack of water and harsh conditions only mean less availability of resources, not that people tend to be always poor in that region or area. And too hot weather won't always mean lack of water. For one second let me consider it. But how you gonna destroy corruption by it? Would you be able to provide more standard of living, high literacy, low infant mortality rate, high enrollment ratio? Poverty cycle is too difficult to break. And by just adding water, you won't be able to do anything. Even water would become a dream for the poor because many poor countries experience economical-ineuqalities. Tackling poverty with water seems same like hitting a giant Sea Monster with water gun.
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