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Everything posted by rktpro

  1. Deepak, to the central problem you raise, that infinite entities need explanation; what explanation you want, about why/how they are eternal?
  2. Deepak, as per Vedic philosophy, eternal god didn't created souls at some point of time. It says souls too are eternal. Furthur, by that philosophy, souls turned against divinity, not at some point of time, but have been such by the time they attain god. Most of the scriptures are not available online; if you want I can provide the numbers and the right cantos.
  3. Deepak, your name suggests that you are an Indian. I frame this reply assuming that you want an answer from Vedic philosophy. First of all, as I know of Vedas, God didn't created duality, neither he created universe. Souls are eternal, they are just made visible again, so is universe; all restored to their previous state and then taken by Him again into himself (not liberation, just a state devoid of karma). Deepak, your name suggests that you are an Indian. I frame this reply assuming that you want an answer from Vedic philosophy. First of all, as I know of Vedas, God didn't created duality, neither he created universe. Souls are eternal, they are just made visible again, so is universe; all restored to their previous state and then taken by Him again into himself (not liberation, just a state devoid of karma). Deepak, your name suggests that you are an Indian. I frame this reply assuming that you want an answer from Vedic philosophy. First of all, as I know of Vedas, God didn't created duality, neither he created universe. Souls are eternal, as is he;they are just made visible again, so is universe; all restored to their previous state and then taken by Him again into himself (not liberation, just a state devoid of karma). Someone please fix this ^. I didn't mean posting thrice. Posting from mobile is so ridiculous.
  4. "may you explain please why when I hang an object by a string and I rotate around the object will rotate around its axis at a particular dirction and when I increase the speed it rotates faster." Did you read my last post? I just explained that. "may you explain please why when I hang an object by a string and I rotate around the object will rotate around its axis at a particular dirction and when I increase the speed it rotates faster." Did you read my last post? I just explained that.
  5. Whether one product dominates can be predicted by relating the stability of free radical intermediate. As far as aluminium and iron are concerned, the make electrophiles that are not radicals. Electrophiles out of chlorine, bromine etc.
  6. Regarding yahya515's claim that as earth revolves in a circle and rotates simultaneously, every circular motion must follow such characteristic. He is partially correct. A simple experiment, take a ball tied to a string and mark an arrow on it. Hold one end and make the ball revolve. When you observe the arrow, it indeed turns. Body is doing rotation about axis. However, the angular velocity of rotation about centre is the same as that of the ball about its own axis. Earth doesn't show that.
  7. As far as sleep-paralysis is concernd, I have my own little observations. Sometime back, I too discovered that it occurs with me, in the sense that I feel bound, I wish to open my eyes but can't. I have dreamt scenerios like getting stuck in a room with fire and not being able to open the door, trying hard again and agaim and finally waking with supreme effort(as I feel it). When I tried to monitor when this occurs, I figured out this happens most when I wake till late at night, and almost everytime I study. Now, one night, I did lot of math,as fast as I can, solved a lot of problems and when it was 3am, I tried to sleep. But then, my mind won't shut. It was running horribly, equation of that plane, a vector projecting there, a circle, my new bicycle, how a point on wheel follows a cycloid; and I see myself dropping my ice-cream.At this point, I tried to return to cycloid but I was stuck and coul dn't. Sleep paralysis, as you say, happened. And it happens with me back to back many times. The other day, I did reading. I read all about the elecrophillic aromatic substitution, a part of organic chemistry. It was again 3am, and I try to sleep. This time sleep comes easy, as easily as I did reading and enjoyed it. I have done this experiment many times and observations have nearly been same. I emphasize that, all this sleep paralaysis, as I feel, happens when you have done a lot of mental exercise and you try to halt it all of a sudden. Brain rebels, connects various threads, and make horrible connections and stories you feel are happening with you. A demon is nonsense. A demon can't tell what a cycloid is.
  8. Well, why ask when we can find out. Anyone can check by upvoting me on my posts, if it's 3 or 5 or 7. (please don't experiment with downvotes)
  9. Reminds me, how many of my classmates did the same mistake, adding of locants. What is required is the minimum locant/numbering as hypervalentiodine tells.
  10. Mike Smith. Math is all about imagination. IMHO, it might be that you have not enjoyed the subject or didn't have had influential teachers and classmates. Let us start with algebra. You see that if I know that a new leaf appears everyday on your tree, you can tell the no. of leaves at any time starting from the appearance of the first leaf. Lingually, you can't do that. Next, lets come to combinatorics. Lingual theory can't tell how in how many ways you can choose 100 seeds in total out of 57 bags of all different seeds. In the field of geometry, where it is all imagination, lingually you can't tell what a parabola is. You can't even say, a tree is 90 degree to a pond. Lingually, you can't differentiate between angles. Math is all necessary. As one mathematician puts it: "why to climb a mountain-because it is there. Why to study math-because it is there"
  11. I know about a few physicist and mathematicians like Fermi, Feynman, Hardy, Gauss being extraordinary problem solvers from their biographies, anecdotes etc.
  12. Should we phrase it as 'Physics changed' or as 'our understanding changed.' If we say what we understand of the physical world is physics, wouldn't in a way mean that physics is our religion and changes with belief.A kind of flexible religion. I feel, the physical world behaves as it is, and physics remains same, just our understanding of it alters.
  13. Initially, in their young age, theory builders used to be good problem solvers?
  14. rktpro

    Sound question

    Of course, a special relation would be there based on bulk modulas, gamma, volume of bell etc.
  15. ajb; In your post, two posts above(sorry, quote not working on mobile properly); shouldn't it be the other way-that science doesn't change, our knowldge does.
  16. Finding the eqation of curve a snail traces when a food item is placed away from it.
  17. I am not particularly weak when it comes to solving problems in Math,Physics and Chemistry. Instead, I enjoy doing problems. I particularly like difficult problems. Even in tests, I am pleased if the questions asked are unseen and all students stand a fair chance to score. That aside, I wish to know if problem solvers, like those who can solve complex problems of rigid body dynamics, integral calculas etc, really contribute to mainstream? Are all physicist know to be extraordinary problem solvers? Also, how much practice did you do with problens? Thanks.
  18. High voltage would mean oxygen not chlorine at anode.
  19. You see, in movies it is easy to project characters as extraordinary; drums rolling when they kill, time slowing down to let them perform their stunts etc. This has an added impact on the viewer. The main virtues of character can come out of the original only. If you see Holmes of old T.V serials and the new Robert version, differences are visible.
  20. Youtube is very effective source. As a student, I can say that the videos of reactions being performed can help remember which coloure occured on adding what. Also, sometimes the the guy in video has better eqiptment and execution.
  21. Sensei missed the point that when overpotential applied, oxygen, the thermodynamic product, would dominate.
  22. rktpro

    Sound question

    I guess a sine wave with less amplitude.
  23. When I was little, I thought factorising polynomials is difficult, the simple quadratic ones. Now, it is no issue. Hardness and difficulty are relative. For a layman, elementary physics textbook with pulleys and springs might look hard.
  24. When I read the first post, my first reaction was of using different set of rules for problem solving. By "set of restriction" you could mean to solve a problem geometrically rather say algerically. But then, if you can do a problem one way, there might be more solutions but never infinite. What I mean is that 'any set of restrictions' can be created in infinite ways. It would be a question of ability to find another way.
  25. Isn't it that the Robert Downey Jr. version,which OP mentioned for comparison, hasn't acted for any of Sir Doyle's original? He is a bit different than the real Holmes.
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