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Everything posted by agaubr

  1. Who said the other elements were ot special. Its just that as a life force all known life to my knowledge on earth has carbon based compounds in them for proteins, DNA, etc. SO carbon is the basis for life. Ag
  2. Make Hydrogen H2 and FrF, francium fluoride. Ag
  3. The answer is based on the solvent and how you measure what a strong acid is. In your cases you assume the solvent was water and therefore for a strong acid the formastion of a proton is 100% guaranteed for a strong acid. HF only form a few protons since it tends to remain molecular so it is considered a weak acid, but one which can do much damage to skin and other metals. The model here is called the Bronsted Lowery acid. Ag
  4. Fluorine has the unique postion of having 9 protons in the nucleus and 9 electrons in the neutral atom. but by accepting and extra electron to have 9 protons and a now 10 electrons and form a negativley charged ion ( -1 charge valence ) which now configures the electrons to filled energy levels similar to the noble gas Neon. So fluorine wants to gain this electron and so its reactivity is very high. The ability to want an electron and keep the electron is referred to the electron affinity and elctronegativity respectfuly of the ion which for fluorine is the highest. So fluroine is reactive. Ag
  5. Now a modification of the model for the electron orbit was made after Bohr which allowed for the electron to be present in a particular space from the nucleus depending on the enegry of the electron or quantitization of the energy levels. To mve from one energy level to another would require the electron to loose or gain energy. The loosing of energy say as light is why hot objects glow so the elctrons get excited and then loose a photon of light and lower their energy. This field of endeavor is commonly called quantum mechanics and gets real mathmatically intense. This has led to the additional area of a new model called string theory said to unite the forces of gravity, strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, and electromagnetic from the large body problems to the very small body issues traelling at the speed of light. Ag
  6. The force mainly holding the electron close to the nucleus is a positive and negative charge attraction of each other but the speed of the electron at close to the speed of light causes the electron to want to spin out of orbit so you have a balance of the potential and kinetic energies. Now the simple concept od the orbit does imply that eventually the elecronhuld spin into the nucleus due forces of friction or other which robs the energy from the electron to spiral into the nucleaus similar to a satellite falling form the sky due to lossof energy from friction etc. Ag
  7. The fact a positive charge nucleus existed opne up another can of worms to be explained. How can a central area of compact positive charge exist since the repulsive forces shoud create and unstable situation. So something else must be in operation for the nucleus to say together. Today we talk of the strong and weak nuclear foces to explain this. Ag
  8. Thompson measured the mass of the electron and found that in order for the atom to be neutral then elelctrons would be distributed in the postive region of the atom randomly like plums in a pudding. Rihterford designed his experiemnt ot tets the pudding hteory and since he saw deflection of the positively charged alpha particles at very large angles and 180 degress then the puding model must be wrong. The proosed concept of a cntralized neuclus with all the positive charges there was proposed. Ag
  9. Liquid nitrogen usually requires a device called a dewar flask or double lined tank with a vent to alow the pressure to vent off. The material make must be considerd since metals at very cold tmeprature rearrange into structures which shatter like glass. besides thr transport of liqid nitrogen requires special permits and documentation just to transport the material. No reputable maker would sale the material without an inspection of your equipment and capabilty. It is also rather expensive. Ag
  10. Your illustration is flawed. If speed of light is the limit to speed and nothing goes faster than light, then loss of gravity should take eight minutes to reach earth. Even with a time space distortion due to gravity or lack off the effect is not immediate unless the gravitron moves at greater than speed of light. Some results from string theory ( beyond my experise ) does indicate that gravitorns have some unique possibilities of moving between the 12 dimensions needed for a proposed unifed field equation and this propety may lead to the speed being greater than light. Time will tell about this tneory. Ag
  11. Lastly, if the regions of high concentrations are thicker one might expect the cool dwon rate for these localares is lower than for the valleys due to insualtion from the oil presence in the sregions at hgier concentration. Nw how this causes this pattern I cannot explain. Ag
  12. if these moelcuelsare anhcored by this metal-acid interaction then as the system cools of the low viscosity oil will tend to move in the direction of the higher visocus oil with larger molecules since these will contract on cooling nd pull the material toward these points of anchor and you get regions of hihg oil concnetration and valleys of,low concentration. Why the patteren foorms wit some apparent order would not seem logical since a random pattern would have the highest entropy for the system. So some other overrding factor must be presence. Ag
  13. Yes he chemistry and physics can be affected y many impurities. My guess is the majorfactor is formation of acid grousp due to oxidation of the oil and the inital formation of small molecules ( smoke formation ) and then fromation of larger molecules. the acid groups can from metal-acid links which will anchor the chain in a local region. This achoring is similar to what happens in lubricating systems designed for high temperatures or extreme cases of thinning. This formation of the metal-acid interactions allows the oil to not thin and lubricate a metal metal surface. Ag
  14. My guess is degradation or the rapeseed oil so you made regions of higher viscosity with lower viscosity material surrounding the material. When the pan is tilted you gte flow from lower viscous oild but the higher viscous oil remains and creates the pattern. Oxidiation of oil at higher tmeperatures is not unusal. Ag
  15. The conversion you seek is density which is mass per unit volume so it converts mass (g) to volume and volume to mass. Ag
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