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Everything posted by some1nu

  1. thanks
  2. kind of lost would m0c^2 be the potential energy? does anyone anyone know how to explain the answer to this question? thanks
  3. thanks I searched for wavelength = h/p using wikipedia and I found this page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wave-particle_duality#De_Broglie
  4. Hi, thanks for the quick replies. I am having trouble with one more question from the same unit, if somebody could help me out that would be great Einstein's formula for the total energy of a massive object is mc^2=m0c^2+Ek, where m0c^2 is the rest energy and Ek is the kinetic energy. The formula seems to omit potential energy. Does it, however? Explain.
  5. Hi, I need help with the following questions, any help would be greatly appreciated Find the flaw in the following "contradiction": According to relativity, length (or distance) decreases and time increases as speed increases. Since speed is the ratio of distance to time, however, speed should decrease as distance and time increases In the Michelson-Morley experiment, no interference pattern was found. This meant that both light beams completed the same total distance in the same time. What would be a corresponding result in the boat-river analogy? what would be its signifigance?
  6. Hi, I am working on a final project for physics on this phyicist and need to know "the accomplishments of the phyicist in the world of physics" and "the specific contribution of the scientist to Quantum Theory". These are topics that need to be covered in the presentation and I am having a hard time finding the exact accomplishments if somebody could list and describe them for me that would be great. Thanks in advance.
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