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Charles Sven

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Everything posted by Charles Sven

  1. Center of the Universe Located by Triangulation of NASA Data 9/25/10 Abstract: The Very Well Scrubbed NASA's seven year accumulation of CMB Data is not homogeneous, but has a unique geography. NASA's overall results have remained the same noting that every CMB point is unchanging; the composite study is like a unique fingerprint. As a result of this work, each point on the CMB sphere can be catalogued; characteristics and coordinates noted. With this information in hand one may use these points in locating earth vis-à-vis the technique of triangulation. Expanded treatment of this study is available at my web site: http://www.allnewuniverse.com/Center-by-Triangulation.pdf and references: http://www.allnewuniverse.com/DemoOfDarkEnergy.pdf ! Moderator Note Talks schedule deleted. Advertising is not permitted Unsupported postulates made by Willem de Sitter, Alexander A Friedmann, Georges Lemaître, and Edward A. Milne that set today's cosmology standard model exposed at my web site: "Everything you wanted to know about the Big Bang but were afraid to ask BECAUSE nothing before reported till now made any sense;" Section 1, page 3: http://www.allnewuniverse.com/Section1-NON-SENSE-Exposed.pdf
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