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bt redliner

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Everything posted by bt redliner

  1. (Question) Do you guys thing these thoeries, will oneday be proven?
  2. "Time doesn't really have direction" if this is true then , indeed time traveling is impossible
  3. Think about it, time will stop because you'll be going at the same vilocity. am i still not making any sense?
  4. Let me ask you a question. what happen if you go at the speed of light. time will stop right?
  5. No one, i meant all this light speed thoeries are confusing, to me. which makes me post senseless stuff
  6. I apologized, for my stupid post. I’m new to this type of things, and is sure confusing the shit out of me.
  7. If we can only measure time thought the moment of the earth. Then where is the past time gone? We only see it in our minds. But why can't we see it in the physical world? if you take a plane from Boston to cali it takes you how long to get there? Determining the velocity we are traveling at? So the faster we travel the faster we to get places. meaning that there's no distance at all?
  8. You misunderstood my question, who are you asking?
  9. I don'tknow , because we can't see the speed of light. light speed to me is like trowing a punch and ending at the same place.
  10. If the universe is expanding at the same as C, then it'll never stop meaning it has no ending
  11. The universe is infinite, it has no ending. And, light speed is infinite, it is impossible to calculate.
  12. Doesn’t time measure our movements?
  13. It is conclusion, which i am yet unable to explain. All I know that “time” plays a big role in it. Time travels at the speed of light right?
  14. Actually i came to a conclusion, that we are traveling at the speed of light but we'll never see it.
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