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Everything posted by DigEagle

  1. While regular soccer World Cup '06 has taken over Germany, a lesser known Robo World Cup 2006 has also been going on over there. I found this really interesting article on Technology Review about the Robo World Cup 2006, and the fact that scientists have developed robots to not only play in the games, but actually act as commentators as well. This is the first year that robots have done this, and, while still only making basic comments, they actually come up with what they say by themselves, without someone telling them to say it at a certain time. I'm sure the the article explains it much better! Check it out here: http://www.technologyreview.com/read_article.aspx?ch=infotech&sc=&id=17006&pg=1
  2. Hey everyone, I found this really interesting article on Technology Review today about the project going on at Harvard to clone a human. It seems that the scientists are facing new obstacles, not just ethical ones, relating to their project. Apparently they are worried that they will not be able to harvest enough human eggs to continue their experiments. You can check out the entire article here: http://www.technologyreview.com/read_article.aspx?id=16990&ch=biotech
  3. Hey everyone! I found this really interesting article on Technology Review about a new technology that removes the sulphur from high-temperature fuel cells. The sulphur causes the eventual shut down of these cells, but with this new technology the cells continue working and are more practical and could actually provide clean, efficient energy to cities. Check out the full article here: http://www.technologyreview.com/read_article.aspx?id=16965&ch=biztech
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