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Everything posted by DimaMazin

  1. Why photon delay in atom of transparent medium doesn't change direction of photon?
  2. Ether wind experimentaly doesn't change light fraquency therefore it is completaly usless. Also it doesn't change speed of light.
  3. Maybe energy is ability to change space/time or force fields. Even photon has potentiale ability to change space/time.
  4. If distance between particles of S' frame is uncontracted in S frame then is it increased in S' frame?
  5. Circle is shared by infinite quantity of equal triangles. Sides a and b are radiuses of the circle. Side c is chord, At=1/4[(a+b+c)(-a+b+c)(a-b+c)(a+b-c)]1/2 At=1/4[(2r+c)(c)(c)(2r-c)]1/2 At=1/4[(4r2-c2)c2]1/2 At=1/4[4r2c2-c4]1/2 c=2Pi*r / infinity Ac= infinity*At Ac=(1/4)*infinity[4r24Pi2r2 / infinity2-16Pi4r4 / infinity4]1/2 Ac=1/4[16Pi2r4-16Pi4r4 / infinity2]1/2 Ac=Pi*r2 At is triangle area Acis circle area
  6. Then redshift of light communication exists between rockets, simultaneously acceleratings in one direction, . And it is bigger on longer distance. Scientists can check it.
  7. We should consider beam scales with very long levers and with massive pans on asteroid. Can there a torque be less than distinction of gravitational attractions as a condition of non-return?
  8. I have tried some experiments, but I can't get non-return like that. Are the beam scales in vacuum on surface of white dwarf ? Is that due to thick rod?Part of mass of top lever is inclined to other side.
  9. Levers and pans have many different g. We should take only g of support point.
  10. You could be more successful with math.
  11. Excuse me. The question was from delusion.
  12. Are force of gravitational acceleration and force of gravitational attraction different forces?
  13. Do you think point of the support is accelerating relative to the beam, and then force of inertia of the bowls is force of the balance?
  14. You have changed ideal balance by your hand.. One bowl has lowered downwards, the second has risen upwards.After the disbalance they came back in balance again.Why? If you solve it with Newton then please.I can't understand why lowered bowl has less force than risen bowl.
  15. Why' after change of balance on scales , balance happens again? How space/time works here?
  16. USA were Great, because they were developing science. It was good thing when people with science were winners. I don't think Trump understands it, but you should.
  17. Then two accelerating rockets should have enough gravitational link for length contraction between them, because cosmological force grows between rockets,accelerating in one direction.
  18. Minkowski cannot be mate when we try to solve Bell's spaceship paradox. Clocks go at the same rate in S and S'. Only they have different readout of simultaneity on distance with speed. Mathematically : simultaneously dt=dt' in both frames but t doesn't equal t' at relative speed due to different simultaneity after acceleration on distance. dt=t-t0 dt'=t'-t0' then t0=t-t'=(r/v)*((gamma-1)/gamma) or t0=t0'+(gamma-1)r/(gamma*v) then r/dt=gamma*v
  19. Scientists should define is vacuum energy less closer to big mass. If so then object , increasing space/time and increasing its energy , reduces vacuum energy ( falling in gravity).
  20. Because it has different density or properties.
  21. By that way probability plays against republican presidend.
  22. Field is place of time transformation into space.
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