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Everything posted by DimaMazin

  1. Bignose, on 17 Sept 2016 - 7:05 PM, said: Even if you are not a 'genius', you can still do good science. You are still responsible to see if your model is actually any good. You get measurements, you see what your equation predicts, and see how well they match. This is elementary stuff. Just posting yet ANOTHER random mishmash of t and gamma and v (at least the 6th one recently, much less the rest of the thread) is literally MEANINGLESS. Is that what you are aiming for, meaninglessness? If so, what is the point? Yes. My method is very bad. Then let's use your. Rocket x1 simultaneously accelerated on x1, rocket x2 on x2. The observer simultaneously emited photons to the rockets. After reflection of the photons, by the rockets, the observer resieves them and markes times with atomic clock.(The rockets are running away from the observer.) t1=2x1/(c-v) t2=2x2/(c-v) Distance between the rockets is contracted by gamma factor, therefore : t2-t1=2(x2-x1)/(gamma*c) then (2x2-2x1)/(gamma*c)=2(x2-x1)/(c-v) -v=(gamma-1)c We have defined real speed, which is contracted as v due to contracting distance.
  2. That is genius method. I am not a genius, therefore I use random math. But random math has more chances than nothing. We should use general simultaneity(it is when nothing is contracted relative each other) tg=t-(gamma-1)x/(gamma|v|) tg - is time of General Simultaneity Rocket x1 and rocket x2 are simultaneously accelerated in S, then t >tg on x1 and t >>tg on x2. The same t on distance means later time relative to tg when x aims to plus infinity. I do math of length contraction.
  3. This is now how my simultaneity works: Two rockets are simultaneously accelerated from S to S'. First rocket is accelerated on x1 , second rocket is accelerated on x2 . t=(gamma-1)(x2 - x1)/(2*gamma*v) t is time of simultaneity of motion of first rocket from observer and motion of observer reference frame from second rocket. After this time of the simultaneity we have a contracted distance between the rockets and usual motion of contracted gap between them .
  4. In condition of simultaneity x=tv gamma(t-vx/c2)=t-(gamma-1)x/(gamma*v)
  5. If slowly escaping clock have higer tick rate and slowly approaching clock have lower tick rate , then can you define clocks simultaneity on distance?
  6. Light travels at runing space. The fenomenon increases light ability to overcome increasing distance.
  7. There is nesessary to leave a foil on reverse side of the Moon to stop the escaping from us . Otherwise the proof can escape.
  8. If we apply the relativity of simultaneity : t'=t - (gamma-1)x/(gamma*v) Then we can explain different time in two frames and forget Einstein's relativity of simultaneity.
  9. Simultaneity can not be visible on distance, clock indication can. You can calculate simultaneity goes backwards on clock indication,but you can't see clock runs backwards.
  10. You need to distinguish clock indication and time coordinates of simultaneity.
  11. Then relativity of simultaneity is: t'=t - 2(gamma-1)x/(gamma * v) Therefore head is earlier stoped in S' relative to tail, and head is later accelerated relative to tail in S
  12. DimaMazin


    UK should be a part of USA.
  13. Yes,photon energy isn't limited for object with smal mass . May gamma photon be destroyed by our gravitation and long time of existance in it?
  14. Electron energy can be infinite relative to us . Isn't it? If so then blue shift of photon with finite energy (relative to us) can be infinite in electron frame . Otherwise photon can exist in our frame without existance in the electron frame . Physics is science about mathematical connections of its laws .
  15. And so photon can have infinite energy relative to gravitational field of electron before collision?Does only strong gravitational field turns photon with high energy into mass or into few photons?
  16. I don't understand language of QM. Photon energy is finite relative to field of any body.If photon is gamma photon for us and it travels to very very fast electron then can field of the electron destroy the photon before collision(because energy of the photon is higher than finite energy relative to the electron)?
  17. Relative to what thing photon energy is finite?
  18. And therefor Brexit is useful. Brexit is progressive economic blow against Trump's and Putin's economic sistem. Only politically it looks otherwise.
  19. Destruction of Russia would be more useful than UK destruction.Weak сity may be destroed also.
  20. DimaMazin


    Migrants wash dishes for bankers. Scientists do not have money to have time for science. End of the idiocy.
  21. Maybe clock measures quantity(as part of lack of absolute motion) of lack of own motion relative to observer?
  22. Perfect simultaneity of acceleration from S into S' =t+(gamma-1)x/(gamma|v|)
  23. Observer is on zero point therefore simultaneity of acceleration from frame S to frame S' =t+(gamma-1)x/|v|
  24. Ah, I have mistaken again. Object is contracted in clocks simultaneity therefore tail and head aren't simultaneously accelerated in clocks simultaneity. They are simultaneously accelerated in perfect simultaneity.
  25. Traveling simultaneity reduces a length of accelerating object . Clocks simultaneity isn't real simultaneity. Tail and head are simultaneously accelerated at clocks simultaneity, but tail is accelerated earlier than head at traveling simultaneity. We can't consider a motion of contracted object in our frame without traveling simultaneity.
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