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Everything posted by DimaMazin

  1. UK doesn't need the asylum seekers. Germany too.
  2. Long power of one person is problem of any country. Putin destroyed democracy in Russia. Merkel destroys democracy in Germany. Second term of presidential authority of one person is main problem of USA.
  3. where is the angular velocity is the moment of inertia around the axis of rotation is the kinetic energy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotational_energy Where is factor 2 ?
  4. Losing potential energy very quickly and recieving kinetic energy. The kinetic energy is in a trap therefore it works like gravity is losing part of itself for gravitational waves emission.
  5. If they turn only gravitational mass into gravitational waves then they must be farther and farther. Do they lose kinetic energy for gravitational waves emission?
  6. Capayan is correct. Crass workers are crasser voters.
  7. I like Clinton, because she is honest , predictable and against Putin. We can use Trump and Sanders against Putin but with dangerous delay
  8. I have mistaken because didn't know that: (t-v*dx/c2)gamma=t/gamma
  9. Detector would be just additional card in play of politicians. Or for example: 'Voters wish to choose a criminal, but they do not know who is the most important criminal.'
  10. Then vn=(t'-gamma*t)/(gamma*t) vn=t'/(gamma*t) - 1 vn=(t-v*dx/c2)/t -1 vn=(tc2-v*dx)/c2t -1 vn=(tc2-v*dx-c2t)/c2t vn= (-v*dx)/(c2t) vn= -v2/c2 So?
  11. I am wrong,but the thread isn't closed therefore I can try agen. t0=t0'=0 I think nonsimultaneity is \t'-t\ (you can correct me) vn=\t'-t\ / t \...\ is modulus Correct. dx of moving rocket is dt*v dt=t-t0=t vn=\(t-v2t/c2)gamma-t\ / t vn=\gamma*tc2-gamma*v2t-tc2\ / c2t vn=\gamma*c2-gamma*v2-c2\ /c2 For the rocket vn=\2c2-0.75c2 -c2\ / c2=0.25 s'/s I am tired and I can't go on.
  12. Gamma is factor of simultaneity of quantities of times. My factor is factor of nonsimultaneity. Don't confuse apples with oranges. I don't know what is sense for you at all. Let's consider is it correct or not: For example v=-0.866 c gamma=2 factor of nonsimultaneity=1.5 Then ,for example ,a rocket travels at v during 10second from you, it has crossed 2,596,202,686 m You need to define nonsimultaneity. I simply can solve it 10*1.5=15 s' Your solve is complex (0-(-0.866c)*2,596,202.686 / 2997924582)*2=15 s'
  13. Shouldn't we define rate of change of the concept? It is. It has units: second of nonsimultaneity per second s'/s
  14. Speed of nonsimultaneity stream is quantity of change of relativity of simultaneity with object motion per second. Nonsimultaneity stream is a change of relativity of simultaneity.
  15. Can we define speed of nonsimultaneity stream so?: t'=(t-v*dx/c2)gamma vn=gamma(0 -v(v*dt))/(c2dt) vn=gamma*v2/c2 vn is speed of nonsimultaneity stream
  16. I am wrong but we feel gravitational force like g acceleration therefor we can exchange gravitational force by meaning acceleration. And we need g for correct calculation of the angle.I'd like to compare my calculation with your calculation.
  17. Is Huh? physics question or mathematical question?
  18. Everyone dies when he/she is poor enough for it.
  19. We have only one variant here. 'g' is local acceleration which creates the horizon . I have made correct math for it.
  20. I know that. But there is antigravitational acceleration 'g' which is caused by absence of freefall.And which is vertical.
  21. If my rocket creates comfortable acceleration for me 1g in a galaxy cluster and if the rocket creates the same acceleration force to every one kilogram of the rocket in space between galaxy clusters then will I feel the same force of acceleration?
  22. Let's consider triangle ABC g + 0.5g=1.5g is AC 0.5g is CB C is right angle We have to find angle (90 - B). tan(B)=1.5/0.5=3 B=71.56505 degrees 90-B = 18.4349488 degrees Simpler we have to find angle A tan(A)=0.5/1.5=0.333333333333333333333333333333333333 A=18.4349488 degrees
  23. Special relativityAccording to the theory of special relativity, the frame of the ship has a different clock rate and distance measure, and the notion of simultaneity in the direction of motion is altered, so the addition law for velocities is changed. This change is not noticeable at low velocities but as the velocity increases towards the speed of light it becomes important. The addition law is also called a composition law for velocities. For collinear motions, the velocity of the fly relative to the shore is given by The composition formula can take an algebraically equivalent form, which can be easily derived by using only the principle of constancy of the speed of light:[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Velocity-addition_formula Did you mean this?
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