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Everything posted by DimaMazin

  1. When people can't make changes then they want to get them.
  2. It is when motionless observers trace an immovability and motion of objects in motionless coordinates of own structure.
  3. Length of spaceship before motion = r Length of spaceship at v = r/gamma Then time of motion of tail before nose motion=(gamma-1) r / (gamma * v) then T' = T + (gamma-1)r/(gamma*v)
  4. How does that relate to attraction of laser beams?
  5. I don't think an approaching of photons increases their number. I think any increase of energy concentration increases energy of approaching( to each other) particles,though the increasing energy is tiny.
  6. Medium doesn't increase energy of photons. Sticking together of laser beams increases energy of their photons.
  7. T'=T-r/c is equation of relativity of simultaneity in motionless frame, this doesn't relate to Lorentz transformation. This defines that seeing events are simultaneous. I think we need to create another non-simultaneities also for explanation of relativity in one frame. Second equation explains reason of indication of moving or moved clock for the non-simultaneity.Here you should use gamma if it considerably more than one. Sorry,I am confused in derivation.
  8. Don't confuse T with t . T is clock indication or age t is time or dT Any motionless observer has relative top of age. The equation defines reason why brought clock from remote place has such defined indication.
  9. T'=T - r/c T' is simultaneous time of motionless remote object T is time of observer r is distance between observer and remote object c is speed of light Moving object to observer creates additional rate of time. Object motion from observer creates additional slowing of time by factor of motion. t=gamma * t'+ dr/(c*gamma)
  10. Friendship with Putin causes military development of Russia. Military development of Russia causes expansion of Russia in Europe and war in Europe. War in Europe causes war of USA with Russia. Trump's words contradict themselves.
  11. Greeks have chosen problems therefore they should live (some time) with them.
  12. Putin's friends are nasty people.
  13. I consider all these events in one frame of motionless observers.Therefore all the events are simultaneous.Why the Lorentz transformation doesn't happen in one frame of observation for the moving objects?The elapsed time is the same in our frame therefore speed is the same.The observers don't use t' for observation of the events.
  14. Is the math wrong? Are you not sure that the same acceleration creates the same speed in one frame?
  15. Let's consider the math : first object starts acceleration on x1, second object simultaneously starts the same acceleration on x2, third object simultaneously starts the same acceleration on x3. First object ends the acceleration on point x1+dx, second object ends the acceleration on point x2+dx, third object ends the acceleration on point x3+dx. They all have the same speed v. The distance between centers of first and second objects was=/x2-x1/ At v the distance between centers of first and second objects =/x2+dx-x1-dx/ The distances are equal before acceleration and after acceleration in the frame.Tail of train can be the first object, center of train can be the second object, head of train can be the third object.How do observers see the contraction?
  16. Can ends simultaneously be in ends and near to the center of the contraction for all co-located observers?
  17. I am afraid of that we have relativity of simultaneity in one frame.
  18. I want to know the simple. We should consider only in S. They all are equal before motion. And red objects with their gaps are contracted after acceleration . Are they contracted (by the speed) to tail, head or center?
  19. Length contraction: Three blue rods are at rest in S, and three red rods in S'. At the instant when the left ends of A and D attain the same position on the axis of x, the lengths of the rods shall be compared. In S the simultaneous positions of the left side of A and the right side of C are more distant than those of D and F. While in S' the simultaneous positions of the left side of D and the right side of F are more distant than those of A and C. Let's consider when acceleration has finished its work. All objects and gaps between them are simultaneously accelerated. Are they contracted to tail,head or center?
  20. Observers are at distance each from other on axis 'x'. Accelerating spaceship travels lengthways of axis 'x'. Is the spaceship length contracting to center of the spaceship relative to the observers or somehow differently?
  21. I think that is military crime against USA because China isn't democratic country.
  22. When russian people ask Putin that why their employers pay them salary less than minimal salary then Putin cynically explains to them that such salaries don't exist in Russia.
  23. Russian greed is when farmer demands honey/money for pollination of his fields from beekeeper. What is American greed?
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