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Everything posted by DimaMazin

  1. Length contraction: Three blue rods are at rest in S, and three red rods in S'. At the instant when the left ends of A and D attain the same position on the axis of x, the lengths of the rods shall be compared. In S the simultaneous positions of the left side of A and the right side of C are more distant than those of D and F. While in S' the simultaneous positions of the left side of D and the right side of F are more distant than those of A and C. Let's consider when acceleration has finished its work. All objects and gaps between them are simultaneously accelerated. Are they contracted to tail,head or center?
  2. Observers are at distance each from other on axis 'x'. Accelerating spaceship travels lengthways of axis 'x'. Is the spaceship length contracting to center of the spaceship relative to the observers or somehow differently?
  3. I think that is military crime against USA because China isn't democratic country.
  4. When russian people ask Putin that why their employers pay them salary less than minimal salary then Putin cynically explains to them that such salaries don't exist in Russia.
  5. Russian greed is when farmer demands honey/money for pollination of his fields from beekeeper. What is American greed?
  6. Excessive growth of population in the region will cause many wars. There is no sense to spend energy against one force. The forces should weaken each other.
  7. Wrong. Only really changed political course can cause to write-off a debt. It is when Waitforufo's brother completely doesn't drink alcohol and has helpful deal.
  8. That is confused story: Trump beats the will of illegal immigrants, you beat Trump's will, laws beat your will.
  9. Additional people without knowledges are just additional problem for scientific development. Laws should define need in immigrants. Not you and not Swansont.
  10. Today I break laws, it gives work and money to me.Tomorrow I will plunder and rape.And it isn't surprising that they make. USA with illegal immigrants are more backward because your spaceships are unable to travel with human. Disorder in country causes disorder in brains of citizens. I don't think Donald Trump could be good president, but your illegal opinions ennoble him here for me.
  11. Do you think dirty money are more important than laws of USA?
  12. Relative travelers have relative length contractions. The factor defines relative time and relativity of simultaneity on distance. It is simpler than you think. You see length contraction of traveler frame by gamma factor and traveler sees length contraction of your frame by gamma factor. gamma=1/(1-v2/c2)1/2 v is relative speed, it is the same for the two frames. c is speed of light, it is constant for any frame All clocks simultaneously have the same time in one frame on any distance. But every observer in one frame on different distance of the length sees length contraction of traveler frame to co-located point of frame of traveler. Traveler sees the same relative to the observer frame.
  13. The help was a punishment. Absence of help is nothing.
  14. Yes. Quantum physics is making me stupider relative to those who knows it.
  15. It is good thing when thievish friends of Russia have big problems.
  16. Property is problem of time for studying science. 5% of the world's population have the problem. Increase of population, which aren't interested by science, is bigger problem.
  17. High incomes of useless people.
  18. Big distance or big distinction of masses A and D creates big distinction of fall times. Take dark particle for example.
  19. Well.Then time is quantity of standard motions of simultaneity in simultaneity with other motions and immovability.
  20. No. Then tAB/tCD>1 C and D have more force than A and B proportionally to their masses.
  21. I think we'd understand that better if we have graph of tAB/tCD That is interesting that big pig-iron ball can fall slower than small pig-iron ball at the same very small gap of a fall.
  22. +arccos[(r1 + r2)1/2/(r1+r2+gap)1/2 ]} then agen.
  23. Which were masses A and B?
  24. DimaMazin


    I have some money and I don't know who have positive or negative debt measured by the money. But I can find goods for my money. Debt and deficit and money and currency aren't my conflation. And at all an equation isn't a conflation.
  25. DimaMazin


    money = /debt/
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