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Everything posted by DimaMazin

  1. Time is a standard of simultaneity of quantities of motions.
  2. Seems he is killed by pro-Putin and pro-Kadyrov religious forces.
  3. Do borders spiritually exist? If Russia practically grasps Finland then is Finland a part of Russia?Who does think that Crimea isn't part of Ukraine?
  4. What were they making when armed men attacked Crimea? We don't know what Putin is preparing right now.
  5. Sweden and Finland have no nuclear weapon. Therefore they should urgently come in NATO, because Russia can attack them. Ukraine has made the mistake. USA and UK promised protection for Ukraine if Ukraine has no nuclear weapon. Ukraine hasn't, but USA and UK don't fulfil the promise. Of course Ukraine is partially guilty in it. But Russian aggression against Ukraine is unfortunately instructive example.
  6. Democracy shouldn't be temporary. Because it increases force of the country, then dictator can use the force against us. Reza Shah didn't create any democracy.
  7. Yes. But he didn't worry about sufficient own superiority before that. Blair did make more important thing than thing which worries you.
  8. Do you think Mossadeq was knowing all about UK and USA ? We should more worry about real superiority.
  9. Iraq was under some control of Russia. War in Iraq stoped propagation of Russian destructive policy for some time. I clearly was feeling it .
  10. Ukraine has lost Debaltseve http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debaltseveafter armistice which is initiated by Merkel. Putin needs money for war in Ukraine. Germany finances him. We should destroy symbiosis of Russia with Germany.
  11. Does quark field exist? Then, when the distance is increasing, fields of the quarks are shifting to each other, it increases force of interaction.
  12. What particles can have strong interaction? What particles can't have strong interaction?
  13. Your work creates nothing. People continue to kill terrorists when you count the circles.
  14. Because you need to kill terrorist earlier than he/she kills you.
  15. Of course animals can have faith but we don't consider them now. Murder of terrorists is more effective than your offers.
  16. We can defeat some people with force. Faith without people doesn't exist. We use force against terrorists and terrorist faith.
  17. Yes. Because you are choosing the way.
  18. Science defeated political Christianity. You should develop science then you can defeat political Islam.
  19. The same was with Hitler. You only lose supporters in negotiations with Russia. And of course I will stay idle, due to your opinion, when Russia will destroy your country . That's dangerous statement because you have no uniform opinion.
  20. The cowardly European policy causes approach of Russian tanks to their borders.
  21. Ukraine needs necessary weapon against Russian tanks.
  22. No knowledge and no understanding in the case. Therefore they are equal in your case.
  23. Any discovery is magic. Of course we don't know abilities of scientists. For example bomb which can detonate weapon.When you have no weapon then it is safe for you.
  24. Then did you define that a necessary weapon should kill everyone?I only told that physicists should create necessary weapon.
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