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Everything posted by DimaMazin

  1. They are more successful criminals therefore success attracts them to crime agen. And to live in USA prison is better than in Africa and in Latin America for them.
  2. Your charge was unilateral. Swansont has repeated the unilateral charge.
  3. No. I think they have racial prejudices too.
  4. Seems black society doesn't change at all.
  5. Do you have data that all participants of robberies in Ferguson were arrested? If you have not the data then it proves that I am right. Do you think that racism exists only in white society? The past isn't a present.
  6. Behaviour creates bias. You have no obvious proof that skin color creates the bias therefore you call it by implicit bias. Arrested and imprisoned usually made more crimes. Maybe he is imprisoned for crime not accomplished by him. Here bad police work is. Good police work can imprison more people.
  7. There is nothing what I have asked. In Russia a belonging to dark diasporas gives benefit for the criminal. It doesn't reduce quantity of crimes.
  8. https://www.google.com/search?q=Scale+of+color+of+a+skin&rlz=1C1CHMZ_ruRU379RU382&espv=2&biw=1008&bih=610&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=fHycVNe2PIfMyAO9m4CwCg&ved=0CCsQsAQ#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=Qj1oZowtXxL4ZM%253A%3BwTNoancwvx9gdM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fstudioknow.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2011%252F07%252Fskin-tone-chart.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fhistorum.com%252Feuropean-history%252F42179-decrypters-african-knight-medieval-britain-4.html%3B600%3B600 Do people with which skin colors (in your statistics) have bad treatment in police?Show what is the scale of skin color what policemen use. Show the instruction for the sorting of arrested persons due to attributes of skin color.
  9. If price of the mistakes is 5000$ then I recognize the mistake. If price of the mistake is 100,000$ then I don't recognize it too. We are on scientific forum. Does police have device for definition of color of skin?Do you have such device?How can I define my skin color?I already know : if USA police has bad relation to me then I am black, if USA police has good relation to me then I am white.
  10. Any man makes mistakes in his work. Don't add work for policeman. It increases a chance to do such mistake.
  11. Maybe you are right that russian thieves were thieves only in Russia, but I don't trust you. USA system can still not be a real threat to people who don't break their laws.
  12. You have forgotten to add USA police as folk demon.
  13. UK is very very attractive to Russian thieves. I'm sure it is powerful clockwork bomb . They already work but you don't know because your money are untouched else.
  14. Police doesn't need your respect. You must respect USA laws. You can choose country where police more loves criminals and you can live there.
  15. USA medicine will lose money, Cuba's medicine will forget poor Cubans. Divided people have potential energy. Kinetic energy of the connection can be useful or harmful. Cuban communists are catalyst of harmful energy. The same was with Russia. Now Russia is enemy of USA and Cuba will be more dangerous enemy than now is.
  16. Just additional problems and no benefit for USA.
  17. This destroys your false sense therefore this makes sense. In those countries the police is sticking together with criminality. In USA(where weapon is free) police without weapon will be completely subordinate and afraid of criminals.
  18. Because police is obligated to shoot earlier.
  19. The low salary concerning the dangerous level of work.
  20. You have confused me agen. To be holding hands is force of resistance. Now I have no doubt that expansion of space has a force. But then objects should have force which is connected with space. I am confused.
  21. Good Cuban economy will attract Russian military forces agen. USA need new weapon.
  22. Well.I am wrongly referring. Why expanding space exists between galaxies, but doesn't exist inside galaxy?
  23. Stupidest idea of Obama. Who needs life improvement of Cuban communists? USA should create another methods for victory.
  24. I want to research real reason of redshift. When photon travels from gravity it is length contraction or slowing of time in gravity. We can exclude length contraction in distant galaxy as the reason when photon travels from distant galaxy. Then slowing of time was in distant galaxy and length contraction is in our galaxy now.
  25. Let's consider mental experiment: distant galaxy is motionless , distance between your summer position and your winter position is 3*1011 m. If your metre is reducing then you can see increase of distance till the galaxy. If your metre is increasing then you can see decrease of distance till the galaxy.
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