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Everything posted by DimaMazin

  1. Speed(which is less than lightspeed) doesn't affect mass.Speed affects time and length.
  2. Let's check. gamma=2 E0=1eV then Etotal=2eV and EK=1eV E0=EK it's correct when gamma=2
  3. Yes. E=gamma*E0 EK=E-E0 EK(eV units)=gamma*E0(eV units) - E0(eV units)=(gamma-1)E0(eV units)
  4. EK(eV units)=(gamma-1)E0(eV units) * 6.24150934*1018 E0 - rest energy
  5. I only have wrongly called energy of rest mass by gravitational energy . Therefore you think I use another equation.
  6. Do you think scientists measure neutrino KE by Joules?
  7. Then what is equation of neutrino KE?
  8. Yes. We should turn the appeared Joules into eVolts: KE=(gamma - 1) * gravitational energy(eV units) * 6.24150934*1018
  9. In this case I call that by gravitational energy. KE=(gamma - 1) * gravitational energy(eV units)
  10. We don't need better economy because our government makes war then when it is.
  11. gamma -1=5.56*10-8 KE=5.56*10-8*1.78*10-36*9*1016*6.24*1018=5.56*10-8eV I think I have complicated.
  12. 1eV/c2=1.782662*10-36kg 1eV is energy. What did you mean "a mass of 1eV "?
  13. Now that's correct,but I say about future.
  14. We can detect dark matter.When neutrinos increase dark matter by own amount we can detect increasing of dark matter. Also we can define expecting quantity of neutrinos which will be grasped by the gravitation due to reducing of their speed.Only a great number can be detected.
  15. I have mistaken there.We already see redshift due to increased speeds of galaxies. If galaxies speeds will infinitely increase then they will reduce energy of radiated neutrinos. Therefore at defined moment we can have neutrinos with zero speed, then our gravitation will grasp the neutrinos and turn them into dark matter.Using an electromagnet and measurement of mass, before and after division, we can detect them.
  16. What about this?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accelerating_universe
  17. Do you think acceleration of universe expansion doesn't reduce speed of neutrino?
  18. Neutrino can be at rest with respect to us when gets to us after accelerations.For example when a universe is escaping from us and is radiating neutrinos to us, and we are escaping from the universe with acceleration.
  19. I mean that we are humanity. Theoretically that will be possible in future when 'redshift' of neutrinos from an escaping far galaxy will reduce speed of neutrino to 0.99c. And our spacecraft will accelerate to 0.99c in the same direction of motion of the neutrino. Even now maybe such neutrinos exist from invisible galaxy or escaping another universe.
  20. Does our inability to detect neutrino at 0.99c that they don't exist at the speed relative to us?
  21. What are your chances of finding one at rest if 1010 neutrinos at rest are beside you?
  22. Theoretically neutrino can have any velocity (which is less than velocity of light in vacuum) in any reference frame.
  23. Yes. Neutrino has mass therefore has only relative velocity( velocity of light isn't relative). We can detect only neutrino with high energy therefore you would be right only relative to a neutrino which we can detect.
  24. West money supported him therefore we can't successfully resist.
  25. Time increases danger when we don't resist.
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