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Everything posted by DimaMazin

  1. What are your chances of finding one at rest if 1010 neutrinos at rest are beside you?
  2. Theoretically neutrino can have any velocity (which is less than velocity of light in vacuum) in any reference frame.
  3. Yes. Neutrino has mass therefore has only relative velocity( velocity of light isn't relative). We can detect only neutrino with high energy therefore you would be right only relative to a neutrino which we can detect.
  4. West money supported him therefore we can't successfully resist.
  5. Time increases danger when we don't resist.
  6. Sanctions successfully work. Putin's popularity falls down with falling rouble.
  7. Excuse me xyzt. Is dtau1 a time between photon emission and photon reception in frame of observer1?And is dtau2 a time between the same photon emission and the same photon reception only in observer2 frame?
  8. Increasing energy of escaping galaxies should turn part of dark energy into own kinetic energy. And also increasing potential energy of escaping galaxies should consume dark energy. Isn't it?
  9. I think you confuse pressure and density.
  10. When fast particle travels in black hole gravitation then you can't have the same relative simultaneity with the particle.But the particle travels therefore still it has relative simultaneity.
  11. I think gravitation reduces relative simultaneity when gravitation M is in reference frame of observer: dt'=gamma*vm*dx / (mc2+GMm/r)
  12. I don't know what causes success in science, but I think scientist should use any right and wrong things for achievement of discovery. Some scientists know many bright scientific things, but don't try to make discovery.This is ignorance also.
  13. I see no problem with such thing in the formula. dt'=gamma*vm*dx/mc2 Does relative simultaneity exist between you and the Moon? Does relative simultaneity exist between you and asteroid which is temporarily grasped by gravitation of the Earth? What is formula do you use for definition of relative simultaneity in gravitational field when path of relative object is curved?
  14. Right, but not everyone has internet especially in Africa.
  15. And so the formula shows : non-simultaneity=momentum*dx/gravitational energy Would you like to tell how do you define non-simultaneity of satellite or half-satellite?
  16. Ebola helps to people to forget usual problems and senseless deals. Ebola successfully attacks places where science doesn't live. ​
  17. Then all topics of Speculations should be in Trash Can already.
  18. Physics do improve life of every human even of lazy crackpots. Therefore we love physics. We unfortunately try to improve physics,but what can we do?
  19. Ebola is useful for science.
  20. Yes,I have confused.Even when c=1 it still has units.
  21. Then what is units of 0.5c? v/c=0.5 then v=0.5c
  22. 1special meter=299792458 m speed should have units
  23. Wrong also. v/c - have units special meter/s c/c - have units special meter/s then gamma has units s/special meter 1special meter=299792458 m
  24. v - special meter/s c - special meter/s gamma - no unit dx - special meter But dt'=v/c*quantity of special meters * gamma Then gamma is factor of non-simultaneity and has units which are second / special meter.
  25. Thanks Elfmotat. If v/c is speed and unit of distance is 299792458 m then gamma is quantity of non-simultaneity(in seconds) per the unit of distance.
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