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Everything posted by DimaMazin

  1. The red lines forbid to destroy bridges of logistics supply. Who creates the red lines and how gets money for it ?
  2. It is complex theory like Theory of Evolution. What is the derivation; for example you want to earn money then should you think what your job creates, who and how uses it?And I think when your job is not connected with securing discoveries then it can cause a conflict. Discovery is good thing for all. What do you want to get when you serve for fools which cannot make discoveries?
  3. Improvement the standard of living in the US can be a good response against the aggression of backward regimes. I don't understand why the need should need this data.
  4. I think the simplest problem, of the similars, is sector area = chord2 a/2 = 2-2cos(a) But I don't know how to solve it.
  5. American dollars lie and do not work in other countries. Inflation causes them to work.
  6. Yes. But we can solve simpler problem. a=2sin(a) ((sin-P/4)*2-sin*(-cos))*2 = sin-2sin*(-cos)-4(sin-P/4) sin = (2/7)P a=(4/7)P Area of segment of angle a = (1/7)P Area of segment of angle (3/14)P = (1/14)P Exuse me. I have mistaken again. I incorectly made the equation. In correct equation the variables annihilate.
  7. Again my formula works there. Merkel was finansing Putin. Putin was finansing Alternative for Germany. Therefore Merkel was finansing Alternative for Germany. Discoveries are money. Other money leads us to war.
  8. Well. Ukrainians were in panic and therefore they were some dangerous. Do Europeans think that Ukrainians will be less dangerous under Russian flags?
  9. Do you think that Obama and Trump want to help to Ukraine? And do you think that they have no influence in Biden's government and in The Washington Post? Then why this article is published in this concrete day?
  10. Americans can create desinformation to reduce a help to Ukraine.
  11. Ukrainians have bigger problem than bad opinion of people of Berlin and Washington.
  12. Merkel destroyed German army therefore it cannot to protect Germany.
  13. Did you mean they are Ukrainians? Merkel replaced Budapest Memorandum by Minsk agreements. She explained that Russia is not the side of the conflict therefore France and Germany should solve the problem instead of USA and UK. Obama supported Merkel.Didn't it?
  14. Merkel was supporting Putin. Why Russian troops should not do the same at their level?
  15. I think that is important because we can imagine any non-simultaneity between two points on distance as velocity or as instant pure acceleration to the velocity. When we transform the non-simultaneity in S' then we get the same only future and past are opposite because the velosity is opposite in S'. We can transform other non-simultaneities into other velosities or into their instant pure accelerations when the velosities are bigger than c . Only then for transform in the S' we should use relativistic addition of velosities .
  16. I have got so complex equation for definition of sine of the angle a ,but I am not sure it is correct. 4sin2 +4sin*cos-2sin-Pi*sin+Pi*cos-2cos=0 If we use Genady's definition then we can approximately check it. I have used method of disproportionate division of segment of angle Pi/2 (area of wich is (Pi-2)/4) and second part of the sector of the angle Pi/2 ,area of wich is 1/2. It is when angle a and angle Pi/2 -a disproportionately divide the parts. Then every of the 4 parts has the same disproportionate unknown(for 2 parts it is u and for 2 other parts it is -u). It is not working for definition sine and cosine of 1 radian relative to Pi, therefore rather it is nonsense.
  17. a = (Pi - 2)/4 + sin(a) a is unknown angle(rad) in unit circle a/2 is area of sector of angle a (Pi-2)/8 is area of segment of angle a
  18. What exists of your any?
  19. Biden's promises are stretched out over time, so they are not real deliveries.
  20. Our non-simultaneity works exectly like Minkowski's model of light cone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hj8ZCQtrpU
  21. Then I don't understand how it was useful for Einstein. Maybe smoking people get be old earlier. Criminals and non-criminals is some relative thing. A war is useful also, but it works like probability and decimation.
  22. It is impossible to get sailors to eat sauerkraut when the officers do not eat it. Therefore smoking should be forbidden for officials and deputies.
  23. Yes, in gradual negative acceleration the train stretches during long time.
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