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Everything posted by DimaMazin

  1. Then all topics of Speculations should be in Trash Can already.
  2. Physics do improve life of every human even of lazy crackpots. Therefore we love physics. We unfortunately try to improve physics,but what can we do?
  3. Ebola is useful for science.
  4. Yes,I have confused.Even when c=1 it still has units.
  5. Then what is units of 0.5c? v/c=0.5 then v=0.5c
  6. 1special meter=299792458 m speed should have units
  7. Wrong also. v/c - have units special meter/s c/c - have units special meter/s then gamma has units s/special meter 1special meter=299792458 m
  8. v - special meter/s c - special meter/s gamma - no unit dx - special meter But dt'=v/c*quantity of special meters * gamma Then gamma is factor of non-simultaneity and has units which are second / special meter.
  9. Thanks Elfmotat. If v/c is speed and unit of distance is 299792458 m then gamma is quantity of non-simultaneity(in seconds) per the unit of distance.
  10. Gravitational energy creates simultaneity. Kinetic energy creates non-simultaneity. Interaction of gravitational energy and kinetic energy creates different time in simultaneity.
  11. Hitler was a Christian. Putin is a Christian now. Russian government supervises the nuclear weapon and mass media.
  12. I don't agree. And you assume that a nuke from Russia will explode in a major Western capital.
  13. What is wrong when I use such equation?: (gamma1 -1)mc2 - GMm/r1 = (gamma2-1)mc2 - GMm/r2 Well, I should add increasing of kinetic energy in increased gravitation (gamma1 -1)mc2 - GMm/r1 = (gamma2-1)mc2 - GMm/r2 - (gamma1 -1)mc2 {(1-r0/r2)1/2 -(1-r0/r1)1/2} r0 is Schwarzschild radius Is this correct now?
  14. Thank you.Yes. The formula is useful for me,but the relativistic case could be more useful.
  15. If falling object already has some speed to center of big mass, then what will be energy change with change of hight?
  16. Humans have chosen scientific development which is connected with objects outside of their bodies. We have no pain when we operate another bodies also.
  17. Now parameters of development are more important than advantage, even as a psychological factor,but important development should be a secret.
  18. Even if dangerous enemy will be the winner?Then you will lose your freedom.
  19. The world is changing faster than you think. Europe needs Russian energy therefore it should obey Russia, this is Russian political position now. Do you want to lose Europe, then to resist Russia?
  20. Russian/Chinese war is possible like German/USSR's war. But firstly you should stop Russian expansion in west direction, like England did stop German expansion.Very important is economic and scientific blockade. Russia has delivered submarines to Vietnam. I think it has spoiled Chinese/Russian military friendship.
  21. I see different units, how can they work in the equation? kg2m4/s4 - kg2m2/s2 = kg2
  22. That is property of moving body relative to observer. Like gravitational energy is property of body. But gravitational energy creates gravitational curvature of space. Space energy counteracts kinetic energy which contracts spatial communication.
  23. Can you explain what does cause the phenomenons which are connected with gamma factor?And so you have only gamma=1/(1-v2/c2)1/2 Speed is a phenomenon,but any phenomenon can't create another phenomenon without interaction. What does interact with speed(v) for creation the phenomenons?There is only "c". But massive body can't have "c". Massive body has energies relative to us. Interaction of kinetic energy and of space energy causes the phenomenons. My equations show it.
  24. My equations have derivation,if you know algebra you can check them.With units you can define kind of physical phenomenon.
  25. space energy=pv - Ek space energy=mc(c-(c2-v2)1/2)
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