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Everything posted by DimaMazin

  1. If falling object already has some speed to center of big mass, then what will be energy change with change of hight?
  2. Humans have chosen scientific development which is connected with objects outside of their bodies. We have no pain when we operate another bodies also.
  3. Now parameters of development are more important than advantage, even as a psychological factor,but important development should be a secret.
  4. Even if dangerous enemy will be the winner?Then you will lose your freedom.
  5. The world is changing faster than you think. Europe needs Russian energy therefore it should obey Russia, this is Russian political position now. Do you want to lose Europe, then to resist Russia?
  6. Russian/Chinese war is possible like German/USSR's war. But firstly you should stop Russian expansion in west direction, like England did stop German expansion.Very important is economic and scientific blockade. Russia has delivered submarines to Vietnam. I think it has spoiled Chinese/Russian military friendship.
  7. I see different units, how can they work in the equation? kg2m4/s4 - kg2m2/s2 = kg2
  8. That is property of moving body relative to observer. Like gravitational energy is property of body. But gravitational energy creates gravitational curvature of space. Space energy counteracts kinetic energy which contracts spatial communication.
  9. Can you explain what does cause the phenomenons which are connected with gamma factor?And so you have only gamma=1/(1-v2/c2)1/2 Speed is a phenomenon,but any phenomenon can't create another phenomenon without interaction. What does interact with speed(v) for creation the phenomenons?There is only "c". But massive body can't have "c". Massive body has energies relative to us. Interaction of kinetic energy and of space energy causes the phenomenons. My equations show it.
  10. My equations have derivation,if you know algebra you can check them.With units you can define kind of physical phenomenon.
  11. space energy=pv - Ek space energy=mc(c-(c2-v2)1/2)
  12. I have understood only the start. I think [math]{\gamma}^2m^2v^2 = p^2[/math]
  13. Any person has right to ignore any cultural identity. And advanced empire is obligated to provide people with the right.
  14. I hate cultural identity. I hate tribes languages. I hope new empire will destroy all that I hate.
  15. Senseless change creates only harm.
  16. Of course in independent Scotland the officials will have high salaries due to oil and gas. But simple people will be more poor like in Russia.
  17. I have no doubt economic war will diminish that.
  18. I see no sense to be free from scientific empire. It is good example that Cuba is free from USA.
  19. They have a choice when say "no". They have no choice when say "yes". Remember your closed door.
  20. It's your personal deal. But many Scots don't want to lose UK and UK doesn't want to lose Scotland. I assume the separatists are backward politicians, then it is large risk. I can't see reason, Scots need to risk due to which .
  21. And so Scotland wants to worsen ability of its people to recieve knowledges ! When people don't want to know science then all goes wrong! Science isn't a bob!
  22. To be a customs officer is easier than to be a physicist. The split will simplify their life.
  23. In your dream I see only new senseless workplaces which make no development .
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