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Everything posted by DimaMazin

  1. Acceleration of traveler into system of observer restores the image of real age.
  2. Increasing of distance increases interval of time between signals of ageing of escaping traveler.Because light, from each subsequent attribute of ageing, needs additional time for overcoming the increased distance.Reducing of distance reduces interval of time between signals of ageing of approaching traveler.Because light,from each subsequent attribute of ageing,needs less time for overcoming the reduced distance.
  3. Of course distance exists in my experiment,but my experiment doesn't need measured distance.This freedom has a sense in pure studying of time.
  4. Well.But then who sees delaying time of neighbour?
  5. We can't see a fast decay of fast muon.But this muon can see a fast decay of slow(relatively us) muon.
  6. Coordinate system of observer is motionless system concerning the observer. It is mathematical definition. You contradict math.
  7. All experiments used distance therefore they did not detect anything.My experiment uses only time.This can be way to success.Certainly muons and photons should travel in vacuum.
  8. You should shoot by muons and photons in different directions.You should recieve photons reflected by the muons.You should fix arrival time of reflected photons,energy of the photons and energy of the muons.Then calculations can define a direction where a muon can live longer.
  9. Then in Tom's frame the Earth should be younger.Here you and relativity contradict with reality.
  10. Then Tom is a moving observer in own system.Agen you contradict relativity.
  11. According to relativity Tom is observer then Earth travels and comes back,according to relativity Earth is younger in end of the experiment.
  12. In system of observer the observer has no acceleration.Observer can see only motions of masses relatively of him,the motions of the masses slow down his time.
  13. If they with our galaxy travel relatively of us then they will be older.
  14. Calculations can't be scientifically proved without experimental proof. Indications of clocks don't jump. Just speed of moving of arrows can jump.And arrows don't came back.
  15. When you fall down planet gravitons beat your space, therefore you escape from your last space and approach to the planet, creating new space which does not coincide with the last space.
  16. Well.But how can wrong prediction of time ,in the concrete experiment,make your business?
  17. Prediction should be proven by experiment or corrected.This is main rule of science.
  18. I think relativity should predict our clock will show delayed time. Clock of far people really should show delayed time there.
  19. I think a predict of relativity is wrong in this experiment.Relativity has relation to your objection.
  20. Let's consider an experiment without returning.Far people sent fast spacecraft with clock to us.Before the start the clock was synchronized with our clock.At that time when the spacecraft has come very close to us, we have sent our clock onto their spacecraft.Which clock will show delayed time in moving system of the spacecraft?
  21. Space fabric is fabric which provides objects with time. If you can't simply compare lengths side-by-side then it can be another phenomenon instead of length contraction.
  22. Let's discuss about time here.Space fabric of galaxy is tied to gravitational center of the galaxy.Your motion relatively of the center slows your time.Clocks can show it always.When you are talking about Eistein's twins you have scientific right to talk only as about galaxies.Humans can't be Einsten's twins because they haven't own space fabric.
  23. And you are using the right.At a meeting clocks can show who concretely had a slowed time.At a meeting what can show who concretely had a contracted length?
  24. Clock,which travels relatively of massive bodies,is slower.Only wrong theory can have paradox.
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