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Everything posted by DimaMazin

  1. Why do physicists think that Doppler length contraction is wrong?
  2. Use of the factor for definition of change of light frequency . f_0=f_s*b
  3. Let's consider any speed v=c(g2-1)1/2/gFor example g=3 than v=282647040 m/s If a=0 than b=5.828427 Concerning us the traveler overcomes 282647040m/s,his light 299792458m/s.We see their relative speed=17145418 m/s.The traveler sees 17145418 m as 99930819m per our second.He has slowed time in 3 times, therefore sees light speed 299792458 m/s.
  4. A forward part of travelling object is reduced. A back part of travelling object is extended. Therefore we see light speed always the constant. b=[v+(c-v)*sin(a/2)]/(c-v*cos a )*g b- factor of length contraction v- speed of object c- light speed a - angle between direction of motion and direction of measurement g - gamma factor This formula is made according to laws of measurement of speeds.
  5. Refraction of local movements creates length contraction of object. How you can explain a reason of the refraction without definition of quantity of interacting time?
  6. My formula is not for definition of speed.My formula defines time, which interacts with energy.Certainly if you knows such time then you can define speed.Interaction of energy and time creates speed.We need to know quantity of energy,why we don't need to know quantity of interacting time?
  7. Spaceship moves because it has infintesimal change of position. Your inability is not success of modern science.I can.Energy has gearing with space by means of quantity of time.I can calculate this quantity of time.
  8. If the past successes feed you enough then you can not worry about new successes . But less successful people(in past) would like to have new work.dx does not show it's reason . In nature cases exist when object loses energy,but resieves speed. Time matters.
  9. Theoretical perspective can attract people.Probably there are substances which are stores of time. And if we add them to energy of movement of a spacecraft then we receive additional speed to the same energy. If your speed is based more on a time than on an energy then collision will render less damages to you.
  10. Ascertaining of a fact is not definition of a reason. If your science does not define a reason then is it high-grade?
  11. Interaction of kinetic energy and time defines speed of massive object.High energy has ability to interact with less quantity of time.Low energy has ability to interact with more quantity of time. v=(E/m)1/2t'/t v - speed E - kinetic energy m - gravitational mass t' - quantity of time interacted with the kinetic energy t - time of supervision
  12. Time of expectation exists.Time of motion exists(unit of measurement is one second =299792458m).General time exists. T2= t2 + t'2 T - general time t - time of expectation t' - time of motion Can the law of time be useful?
  13. Only motion of gravitation field relatively of object slows time of object.Time is quantity of motion."Present time" is quantity of motion in which a soul is able to change motion .
  14. If space creates a resistance to moving, then local time of this space adds an energy.
  15. Universal formula of momentum p = c (m'2+2m'm)1/2
  16. It comes from a derivation:total energy2=(mc2)2+(cp)2 Einstein's kinetic energy=m'c2 This formulae I have used.If you have a defined gravitation mass and a defined turned mass into energy then you have a defined speed.Thank you for your discussion. You have connected the universal formula with the local formula. Good job in the appropriate place.
  17. v=c*(m'2+2m'm)1/2/ (m'+m) v - speed c - light speed m' - mass of kinetic energy(relative mass) m - gravitation mass for object with gravitation mass: m'=[1/(1-v2/c2)1/2 -1]m
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