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Everything posted by Mystery_of_GodST

  1. i stand corrected the answer is watever is there is there and no more will come so i think the above person was wrong saying never
  2. huh , can u explain more please
  3. If you had a ball of a sticky substance , and u rolled it over the earth , eventually the ball will reduce as it rolls while parts of it are sticking on the earth as it rolls but as every peice sticks , when does the substance stop existing because if u moved the last molecule of stickiness on something else it will keep sticking and so on hard to explain hope u guys figure it out
  4. Please supply your answers. I hope to get beneficial information on my query from the knowledgable users on ScienceForums.Net
  5. How much area does one average human stool amount to? And The total land area of all continents is 148,647,000 square kilometres (57,393,000 sq mi), or 29.1% of earth's surface (510,065,600 square kilometres / 196,937,400 square miles). How much of those one average human stools would it take to cover the entire earth's land area? Thanks.
  6. So, could anyone tell me approximatley how much human feces would it take to cover the entire planet's land (each continent)?
  7. As we proceed, I thank everyone for the help. John Cuthber I am referring to human feces, not urine. I'm a bit confused because human feces isn't water is it? Were you referring to human feces and not urine when you said 10, 000, 000, 000 of water one molecule thick? Also, you claimed the area of the earth is about 5 E 14 m^2, is that just LAND or including the oceans? I'm only concerned with how much human feces will cover the earth's LAND. So what I'm basically asking now is, how much human feces one molecule thick would it take to cover the entire planets LAND surface (each CONTINENT, not water bodies) Please and thank you.
  8. The area I want to know is how far the average sized human stool would go if every spec next to each other FLAT on the ground, how much approximatley would that be please?
  9. swansont Thank you for your co-operation. Yes, I am asking the area it takes up. Just one average sized human stool, how big would it take up in measurement?
  10. I'm asking, if you were to spread out on the ground an average human stool, how big would it expand to in distance?
  11. No Sir, inquiring minds want to know.
  12. Akward questions: 1. Approximatley how big does one average human stool expand too in measurement? 2. Approximatley how much of those one human stools would it take so that every little spec of the entire planets land (each continent) is covered with it? Hope to get benificial answers from the knowledgable users on ScienceForum.Net
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