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Everything posted by eelyeroc

  1. I understand somewhat on how electricity is produced in mass quanities. By spinning magnets around copper coils. But my question is this. Whether we use coal or nuclear power is electricity itself an energy that will last forever? Where does it come from? Is it absurbed from the atmosphere or possibly the Earths magnectic field with the end product just being heat? Thus reducing the amount of elctricity that was in the original source? If that is the case it would seem that there would not be an endless supply. So the obvious question is, "are we destroying the Earth"s magnetic field or atmosphere by producing electricity?" Anyone?
  2. While metal detecting in and around a small creek, I came across this. At first I could only guess at what it may be. One of my guesses was a meteorite. I looked up other images and it does resemble some of them. Also, a day or two later while looking at it, it dawned on me, that it looked like it could have been a Native American cutting tool. So by gripping it, you can feel that it fits comfortably in your hand, exposing the sharp edge ready for cutting. Now whether it is a meteorite or not is still up for debate and any insight would be helpful. But I'm quite confident it has been used as a cutting tool. Anybody? ">">
  3. doesn't this seem a little odd that all the planets are on a similiar plane. is there any theory that trys to explain this?
  4. whenever our solar system is shown from afar, whether in a drawing or a computer animation, it is shown as though all the planets are on the same plane. never one orbiting like you think of an atom with its electrons traveling in numerous directions. is this the way it is? all the planets on one relative plane? or is it more like the atom? anyone?
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