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Everything posted by chitrangda

  1. Hahahahaha Its One Hundred One and not one hundred and one!
  2. Counting up from 1, the first number that will use the letter "A" is "thousand"!!
  3. I did see the movie, it was not as bad as you all saying. i kind off liked it.
  4. Merry christmas all..have lods of fun
  5. Thanks Phi..That sounds really intresting[]
  6. @devrimci_kürt: thanks, but that comes under creative writting club. @JohnB: Thanks, but Its a cultural fest not a technical one.
  7. I have to submit a manifestio for the cultural fest organised by our college as beeing the cultural deparment head. I wished to do something unusual apart from the regular stuff which we have beeing doing from past many years. Can you all sugesst me some events which i can add. Its a Engineering college's cultural festival. The events that i have already put in the manifestio are: 1. Main Activities · Debating society · Painting club · Photography club · Dance club · Music club Ø Vocal music Ø Instrumental music · Creative writing club · Drama club · Quizzes. 2. Anonymous activities(side activities) · Kite making and flying. · Soap carving. · Entertainment games. · Rock concert Please i need urgent help!!!
  8. I was recently working on a light sensing robot. Some how i managed to come up with it. I programed the robot with following program. I just wanted to know if there is some better way of doing the same, or is it fine when it comes on good programming. #define F_CPU 12000000UL // define cpu frequency for delay function #include <avr/io.h> // includes input/output header file #include <util/delay.h> // includes delay header file //#include"lcd.h" //#include"lcd.c" /* Program for Line follower */ //****************************************************************************** /* Connection of 3 PIN Sensor PORTs with atmega 8 PC4 Port is connected with PIN27 of Atmega 8 PC5 Port is connected with PIN28 of Atmega 8 PC3 Port is connected with PIN26 of Atmega 8(DTMF D3 is also sent to this pin) PC2 Port is connected with PIN25 of Atmega 8(DTMF D2 is also sent to this pin) PC1 Port is connected with PIN24 of Atmega 8(DTMF D1 is also sent to this pin) PC0 Port is connected with PIN23 of Atmega 8(DTMF D0 is also sent to this pin) PC6 Port is connected with PIN 1(Reset Pin) of Atmega 8 ******************************************************************************* Connection of L293D IC with atmega 8 Pin 2(A1) of L293D is Connected with PB2(Pin 16 of Atmega8) Pin 7(B1) of L293D is Connected with PB3(MOSI)(Pin 17 of Atmega8) **A1 and B1 are the input pins of Left side H-Bridge of L293D which is driving the Left Motor Pin 15 (A2) of L293D is Connected with PB0(Pin 14of Atmega8) Pin 10 (B2) of L293D is Connected with PB1(Pin 15 of Atmega8) Pin 1(EN1) and pin 9(EN2) is connected Via motor enable switch. when we switch on Enable Switch Both EN1 and EN2 are given 5 Volt supply to enalbe both H-Bridges of L293D Pin 3 and pin6 of L293D is Connected with Left Motor Connector Pin 14 and Pin 11 of L293D is connected with Right Motor Connector */ //Connect Light Sensor on PC5 Port int main(void) { DDRB=0b11111111; //PORTB as output Port connected to motors DDRC=0b0000000; //PORTC Input port connected to Sensors //lcd_init(LCD_DISP_ON); //lcd_puts("AMIT SHIROHA\n"); //lcd_puts("SBIT, SONIPAT"); int light_sensor=0; while(1) // infinite loop { light_sensor=PINC&0b0100000; // mask PC5 bit of Port C if(light_sensor==0b0100000) //if LED1 is your right light sensor " PORTB=0b00000001; // move left else PORTB=0b00001000; // move right }//while closed }//main closed
  9. I'm finially done with "Two states" n started "lost symbols".will soon start a book on Robotics, but still confused on which one to take as it will be the first time i'll be reading a book on that topic. so any suggestion??
  10. nothing as such. It was working really nicely. I restarted my computer because it was hanging on so much and after that it din't work.
  11. I have chrome, but how do I replace nssutil3.dil?
  12. When i open my Firefox, it gives me an error "Entry Point Not Found" followed by "The procedure entry NSS_GetAlgorithmPolicy could not be located in the dynamic link library nssutil3.dll." How can i fix the problem?
  13. I have two semester this academic year.It will include Semester-1 Engineering Mathematics-I Basic Mechanical Engineering Environmental & Civil Engineering Applied Sciences-I (Physics, Chemistry) Engineering Graphics Basic Electrical Engineering Communication Skill (English / French) Elements of IT Workshop Practice-I Semester-2 Engineering Mathematics-II Engineering Mechanics Basic Electronics Engineering Applied Science-II (Physics, Chemistry) Computer Programming Industrial History, Geography & Philosophical aspect Workshop Practice-II Engineering Graphics-I Performing Arts & Crafts Music / Acting / Painting / Embroidery
  14. Asia....my first love:D
  15. those were nice questions. pretty thing was best. I guess answer of this question should help me. which field has more money in it?
  16. If i go for engineering it will be for avonical engineering.I got 150/170 in test for aptitude for architecture and 180/200 in engineering exam.
  17. I have to join college for my higher education. I gave exams for both architecture and engineering colleges. Luckily I'm getting scholarship in both the fields and that too from the most reputed institutes of India.I'm just too confused about what should i do. Can someone guide me on this?
  18. I'm bored because I have nothing to do!
  19. I cleared the engineering exam that too with scholarship...what can be better than that?
  20. I don't have any best moment rather I don't even have good moment of the day! I messed up my AIEEE paper(Its for admission in national institute of technology)! I did all kind of stupid mistakes( like 2*6=8 and what not!) and now because of my idoitism i'm getting hardly any marks! i worked so hard for it whole year and now what i get is nothing!
  21. thanks for the reputation point ;)

  22. Hot winters... interesting:rolleyes:
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