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Everything posted by chitrangda

  1. Klingon is native to which place?
  2. कोई नहीं बोलता हिन्दी
  3. english,hindi,urdu & Portuguese
  4. But the future of the slum is uncertain. The government has provisionally approved a plan called 'Vision Mumbai' -- to create a world-class city by 2013. But internationally renowned architect Charles Correa, who has worked in the city for 50 years, says: 'There's very little vision with this plan. They're more like hallucinations.' Demolition work has begun and police are forcing out inhabitants, leaving thousands homeless. Author and architect Neera Adarkar is among hundreds of activists who see Vision Mumbai as impractical and inhumane because it ignores both the industry and hope of the slum.
  5. If you have the patience to look closer, you will find here one of the most inspiring economic models in Asia. Dharavi may be one of the world's largest slums, but it is by far its most prosperous -- a thriving business centre propelled by thousands of micro-entrepreneurs who have created an invaluable industry -- turning around the discarded waste of Mumbai's 19 million citizens. A new estimate by economists of the output of the slum is as impressive as it seems improbable: £700m a year!
  6. remade my program but still not working.. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<process.h> class airline { char flightname[30]; int flightno[30]; public: void inter(); void domes(); void inter_print(); void domes_print(); void air_cancel(); }; struct date { int day_no; char month[30]; int year; char day[30]; }d1; void airline::inter() { int a,n,i,j,ch,ad,age[30],a1,a2,b; char name[30]; char monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday,sunday; cout<<"\n"; cout<<"International Ticket Booking\n"; cout<<"Available International Destinations\n"; cout<<"1 : INDIA TO BANGKOK\n"; cout<<"2 : INDIA TO DUBAI\n"; cout<<"3 : BANGKOK TO INDIA\n"; cout<<"4 : MALAYSIA TO INDIA\n"; cout<<"5 : INDIA TO NEW YORK\n"; cout<<"6 : DUBAI TO INDIA\n"; cout<<"7 : SINGAPORE TO INDIA\n"; cout<<"8 : INDIA TO MALAYSIA\n"; cout<<"9 : LONDON TO INDIA\n"; cout<<"10: INDIA TO SINGAPORE\n"; cout<<"11: INDIA TO LONDON\n"; cout<<"12: NEW YORK TO INDIA\n"; cout<<"Please enter your choice\n"; cin>>a2; switch(a2) { case 1: cout<<"Flights available from INDIA to BANGKOK\n"; cout<<"Flight Name" <<"\t"<<"Flight No."<<"\t"<<"Origin" <<"\t"<<"Arrival "<<"\t"<<"Departure"<<"\t"<<"Days of operation"<<"\n"; cout<<"1: Air India" <<"\t"<<"AI 1235" <<"\t\t"<<"Mumbai" <<"\t\t"<<"00:05" <<"\t"<<"21:34" <<"\t"<<"Mon,Thurs" <<"\n"; cout<<"2: Kingfisher" <<"\t"<<"KF 5436" <<"\t\t"<<"Chennai"<<"\t\t"<<"10:45" <<"\t"<<"20:23" <<"\t"<<"Wed,Sat,Sun" <<"\n"; cout<<"3: Jet Airways"<<"\t"<<"JA 4523" <<"\t\t"<<"Delhi" <<"\t"<<"11:20" <<"\t"<<"22:54" <<"\t"<<"Fri,Sun" <<"\n"; cout<<"\n"; cout<<"Please enter your choice\n"; cin>>a; cout<<"Do you want to book the seat(s) in\n"; cout<<"1: First Class\n"; cout<<"2: Economy Class\n"; cout<<"3: Executive Class\n"; cout<<"Please enter your choice\n"; cin>>b; switch(b) { case 1: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=45) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; if(a1>ad) { cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; } cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 9000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 10000\n"; unsigned long total=9000+8000+10000+(5000*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 9000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 8000\n"; unsigned long total=9000+6000+8000+(3000*ad)+(1000*ch); cout<<total; } else { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 4000\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=8000+4000+6000+(3500*ad)+(1200*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } break; } case 2: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=34) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". Please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 10000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 9000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 10000\n"; unsigned long total=10000+9000+10000+(4000*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 9000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 8000\n"; unsigned long total=9000+7000+8000+(3000*ad)+(1000*ch); cout<<total; } else { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 5000\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=8000+5000+6000+(3000*ad)+(1200*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } break; } case 3: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=23) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 11000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 9000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 10000\n"; unsigned long total=11000+9000+10000+(5000*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 10000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 9000\n"; unsigned long total=10000+8000+9000+(4000*ad)+(2500*ch); cout<<total; } else { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 9000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 8000\n"; unsigned long total=9000+6000+8000+(3300*ad)+(1500*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } } break; } case 2: cout<<"Flights available from INDIA to DUBAI\n"; cout<<"Flight Name" <<"\t"<<"Flitght No."<<"\t"<<"Origin" <<"\t"<<"Arrival"<<"\t"<<"Departure"<<"\t"<<"Days of operation"<<"\n"; cout<<"1: Air India" <<"\t"<<"AI 4325" <<"\t"<<"Mumbai" <<"\t"<<"11:05" <<"\t"<<"18:34" <<"\t"<<"Wed,Thurs" <<"\n"; cout<<"2: Kingfisher" <<"\t"<<"KF 9856" <<"\t"<<"Chennai"<<"\t"<<"00:45" <<"\t"<<"21:33" <<"\t"<<"Wed,Fri,Sun" <<"\n"; cout<<"3: Jet Airways"<<"\t"<<"JA 7645" <<"\t"<<"Delhi" <<"\t"<<"13:30" <<"\t"<<"22:54" <<"\t"<<"Sat,Sun" <<"\n"; cout<<"4: Kingfisher" <<"\t"<<"KF 7856" <<"\t"<<"Kolkata"<<"\t"<<"9:23" <<"\t"<<"17:56" <<"\t"<<"Tues,Wed,Sat" <<"\n"; cout<<"\n"; cout<<"Please enter your choice\n"; cin>>a; cout<<"Do you want to book the seat(s) in\n"; cout<<"1: First Class\n"; cout<<"2: Economy Class\n"; cout<<"3: Executive Class\n"; cout<<"Please enter your choice\n"; cin>>b; switch(b) { case 1: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=32) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 9000\n"; unsigned long total=7000+8000+9000+(4000*ad)+(1000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 8000\n"; unsigned long total=6000+7000+8000+(3000*ad)+(1100*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==3) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 4000\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=7000+4000+6000+(2800*ad)+(1000*ch); cout<<total; } else { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 5000\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=7000+5000+6000+(3400*ad)+(1300*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } break; } case 2: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=14) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 7000\n"; unsigned long total=8000+7000+7000+(3600*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 5000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=6000+5000+6000+(3200*ad)+(1100*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==3) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7500\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 5000\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=7500+5000+6000+(2500*ad)+(1000*ch); cout<<total; } else { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 6500\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 5200\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=6500+5200+6000+(4000*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } break; } case 3: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=10) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 9900\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 7000\n"; unsigned long total=9900+8000+7000+(4500*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 5600\n"; unsigned long total=8000+6000+5600+(3500*ad)+(1500*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==3) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7200\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 6500\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 4800\n"; unsigned long total=7200+6500+4800+(3100*ad)+(1100*ch); cout<<total; } else { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7500\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 5500\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 4500\n"; unsigned long total=7500+5500+4500+(2900*ad)+(1200*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } } break; } case 3: cout<<"Flights available from BANGKOK to INDIA\n"; cout<<"Flight Name" <<"\t"<<"Flitght No."<<"\t"<<"Origin" <<"\t"<<"Arrival"<<"\t"<<"Departure"<<"\t"<<"Days of operation"<<"\n"; cout<<"1: Air India" <<"\t"<<"AI 1235" <<"\t"<<"Mumbai" <<"\t"<<"00:05" <<"\t"<<"21:34" <<"\t"<<"Mon,Thurs" <<"\n"; cout<<"2: Kingfisher" <<"\t"<<"KF 5436" <<"\t"<<"Chennai"<<"\t"<<"10:45" <<"\t"<<"20:23" <<"\t"<<"Wed,Sat,Sun" <<"\n"; cout<<"3: Jet Airways"<<"\t"<<"JA 4523" <<"\t"<<"Delhi" <<"\t"<<"11:20" <<"\t"<<"22:54" <<"\t"<<"Fri,Sun" <<"\n"; cout<<"\n"; cout<<"Please enter your choice\n"; cin>>a; cout<<"Do you want to book the seat(s) in\n"; cout<<"1: First Class\n"; cout<<"2: Economy Class\n"; cout<<"3: Executive Class\n"; cout<<"Please enter your choice\n"; cin>>b; switch(b) { case 1: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=45) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 9000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 10000\n"; unsigned long total=9000+8000+10000+(5000*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 9000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 8000\n"; unsigned long total=9000+6000+8000+(3000*ad)+(1000*ch); cout<<total; } else { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 4000\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=8000+4000+6000+(3500*ad)+(1200*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } break; case 2: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=34) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"DD"<<"\t"<<"MM"<<"\t"<<"YY"<<"\t"<<"day"<<"\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"\t"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"\t"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"\t"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 10000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 9000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 10000\n"; unsigned long total=10000+9000+10000+(4000*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 9000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 8000\n"; unsigned long total=9000+7000+8000+(3000*ad)+(1000*ch); cout<<total; } else { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 5000\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=8000+5000+6000+(3000*ad)+(1200*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } break; } case 3: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=23) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 11000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 9000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 10000\n"; unsigned long total=11000+9000+10000+(5000*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 10000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 9000\n"; unsigned long total=10000+8000+9000+(4000*ad)+(2500*ch); cout<<total; } else { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 9000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 8000\n"; unsigned long total=9000+6000+8000+(3300*ad)+(1500*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } } break; } case 4: cout<<"Flights available from MALAYSIA to INDIA\n"; cout<<"Flight Name" <<"\t"<<"Flitght No."<<"\t"<<"Origin" <<"\t"<<"Arrival"<<"\t"<<"Departure"<<"\t"<<"Days of operation"<<"\n"; cout<<"1: Air India" <<"\t"<<"AI 0067" <<"\t"<<"Hyderabad"<<"\t"<<"11:45" <<"\t"<<"21:30" <<"\t"<<"Fri,Sun" <<"\n"; cout<<"2: Kingfisher" <<"\t"<<"KF 3209" <<"\t"<<"Banglore" <<"\t"<<"00:10" <<"\t"<<"20:20" <<"\t"<<"Wed,Fri" <<"\n"; cout<<"3: Jet Airways"<<"\t"<<"JA 1200" <<"\t"<<"Delhi" <<"\t"<<"9:30" <<"\t"<<"18:45" <<"\t"<<"Mon,Thurs,Sat" <<"\n"; cout<<"4: Kingfisher" <<"\t"<<"KF 0342" <<"\t"<<"Mumbai" <<"\t"<<"10:20" <<"\t"<<"20:40" <<"\t"<<"Tues,Thurs" <<"\n"; cout<<"5: Jet Airways"<<"\t"<<"JA 0078" <<"\t"<<"Kolkata" <<"\t"<<"11:20" <<"\t"<<"19:56" <<"\t"<<"Mon,Sat" <<"\n"; cout<<"\n"; cout<<"Please enter your choice\n"; cin>>a; cout<<"Do you want to book the seat(s) in\n"; cout<<"1: First Class\n"; cout<<"2: Economy Class\n"; cout<<"3: Executive Class\n"; cout<<"Please enter your choice\n"; cin>>b; switch(b) { case 1: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=25) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 5700\n"; unsigned long total=7000+6000+5700+(3000*ad)+(1200*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 6500\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 5000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 4800\n"; unsigned long total=6500+5000+4800+(2800*ad)+(1000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==3) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 4700\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 4000\n"; unsigned long total=5400+4700+4000+(2400*ad)+(900*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==4) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 5500\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 4500\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 3500\n"; unsigned long total=5000+4200+3500+(2000*ad)+(820*ch); cout<<total; } else { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 5000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 4200\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 3000\n"; unsigned long total=5000+4200+3000+(1500*ad)+(800*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } break; } case 2: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=10) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7700\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 7000\n"; unsigned long total=8000+7700+7000+(4000*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=7000+7000+6000+(3500*ad)+(1500*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==3) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 6500\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=7500+6000+6000+(3200*ad)+(1200*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==4) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 5500\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 5000\n"; unsigned long total=6000+5500+6000+(3000*ad)+(1100*ch); cout<<total; } else { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 5500\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=6000+5500+6000+(3000*ad)+(1500*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } break; } case 3: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=15) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7700\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 7000\n"; unsigned long total=8000+7700+7000+(4500*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7200\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=7200+7000+6000+(4000*ad)+(1800*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==3) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 6800\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 6500\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 5500\n"; unsigned long total=6800+6500+5500+(3500*ad)+(1500*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==4) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 6200\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 5800\n"; unsigned long total=7000+6200+5800+(3000*ad)+(1200*ch); cout<<total; } else { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 6500\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 5000\n"; unsigned long total=6500+6000+5000+(3000*ad)+(1000*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } } break; } case 5: cout<<"Flights available from INDIA to NEW YORK\n"; cout<<"Flight Name" <<"\t"<<"Flitght No."<<"\t"<<"Origin" <<"\t"<<"Arrival"<<"\t"<<"Departure"<<"\t"<<"Days of operation"<<"\n"; cout<<"1: Air India" <<"\t"<<"AI 2785" <<"\t"<<"Hyderabad"<<"\t"<<"00:50" <<"\t"<<"27:34" <<"\t"<<"Wed,Fri" <<"\n"; cout<<"2: Kingfisher" <<"\t"<<"KF 5623" <<"\t"<<"Chennai" <<"\t"<<"13:30" <<"\t"<<"29:30" <<"\t"<<"Wed,,Thurs" <<"\n"; cout<<"3: Jet Airways"<<"\t"<<"JA 0967" <<"\t"<<"Delhi" <<"\t"<<"10:56" <<"\t"<<"23:40" <<"\t"<<"Sat,Sun,Mon" <<"\n"; cout<<"4: Kingfisher" <<"\t"<<"KF 4980" <<"\t"<<"Delhi" <<"\t"<<"11:10" <<"\t"<<"24:50" <<"\t"<<"Tues,Wed,Sat" <<"\n"; cout<<"5: Jet Airways"<<"\t"<<"JA 4562" <<"\t"<<"Mumbai" <<"\t"<<"11:20" <<"\t"<<"27:45" <<"\t"<<"Mon,Sat" <<"\n"; cout<<"6: Air India" <<"\t"<<"AI 0079" <<"\t"<<"Amritsar" <<"\t"<<"00:20" <<"\t"<<"25:20" <<"\t"<<"Sun,Wed,Fri" <<"\n"; cout<<"\n"; cout<<"\n"; cout<<"Please enter your choice\n"; cin>>a; cout<<"Do you want to book the seat(s) in\n"; cout<<"1: First Class\n"; cout<<"2: Economy Class\n"; cout<<"3: Executive Class\n"; cout<<"Please enter your choice\n"; cin>>b; switch(b) { case 1: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=30) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 9000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 9000\n"; unsigned long total=9000+8000+9000+(5000*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 9500\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7500\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 8000\n"; unsigned long total=9500+7500+8000+(4500*ad)+(1500*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==3) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8500\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 7000\n"; unsigned long total=8500+8000+7000+(4000*ad)+(1800*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==4) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 5000\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=7000+5000+6000+(3400*ad)+(1300*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } break; } case 2: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=14) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 7000\n"; unsigned long total=8000+7000+7000+(3600*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 5000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=6000+5000+6000+(3200*ad)+(1100*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==3) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7500\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 5000\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=7500+5000+6000+(2500*ad)+(1000*ch); cout<<total; } else { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 6500\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 5200\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=6500+5200+6000+(4000*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } break; } case 3: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=10) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 9900\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 7000\n"; unsigned long total=9900+8000+7000+(4500*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 5600\n"; unsigned long total=8000+6000+5600+(3500*ad)+(1500*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==3) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7200\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 6500\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 4800\n"; unsigned long total=7200+6500+4800+(3100*ad)+(1100*ch); cout<<total; } else { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7500\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 5500\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 4500\n"; unsigned long total=7500+5500+4500+(2900*ad)+(1200*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } } break; } case 6: cout<<"Flights available from DUBAI to INDIA\n"; cout<<"Flight Name" <<"\t"<<"Flitght No."<<"\t"<<"Origin" <<"\t"<<"Arrival"<<"\t"<<"Departure"<<"\t"<<"Days of operation"<<"\n"; cout<<"1: Air India" <<"\t"<<"AI 4325" <<"\t"<<"Mumbai" <<"\t"<<"11:05" <<"\t"<<"18:34" <<"\t"<<"Wed,Thurs" <<"\n"; cout<<"2: Kingfisher" <<"\t"<<"KF 9856" <<"\t"<<"Chennai"<<"\t"<<"00:45" <<"\t"<<"21:33" <<"\t"<<"Wed,Fri,Sun" <<"\n"; cout<<"3: Jet Airways"<<"\t"<<"JA 7645" <<"\t"<<"Delhi" <<"\t"<<"13:30" <<"\t"<<"22:54" <<"\t"<<"Sat,Sun" <<"\n"; cout<<"4: Kingfisher" <<"\t"<<"KF 7856" <<"\t"<<"Kolkata"<<"\t"<<"9:23" <<"\t"<<"17:56" <<"\t"<<"Tues,Wed,Sat" <<"\n"; cout<<"\n"; cout<<"Please enter your choice\n"; cin>>a; cout<<"Do you want to book the seat(s) in\n"; cout<<"1: First Class\n"; cout<<"2: Economy Class\n"; cout<<"3: Executive Class\n"; cout<<"Please enter your choice\n"; cin>>b; switch(b) { case 1: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=32) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"\n"; cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 9000\n"; unsigned long total=7000+8000+9000+(4000*ad)+(1000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 8000\n"; unsigned long total=6000+7000+8000+(3000*ad)+(1100*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==3) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 4000\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=7000+4000+6000+(2800*ad)+(1000*ch); cout<<total; } else { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 5000\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=7000+5000+6000+(3400*ad)+(1300*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } break; } case 2: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=14) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 7000\n"; unsigned long total=8000+7000+7000+(3600*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 5000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=6000+5000+6000+(3200*ad)+(1100*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==3) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7500\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 5000\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=7500+5000+6000+(2500*ad)+(1000*ch); cout<<total; } else { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 6500\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 5200\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=6500+5200+6000+(4000*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } break; } case 3: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=10) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"\n"; cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 9900\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 7000\n"; unsigned long total=9900+8000+7000+(4500*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 5600\n"; unsigned long total=8000+6000+5600+(3500*ad)+(1500*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==3) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7200\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 6500\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 4800\n"; unsigned long total=7200+6500+4800+(3100*ad)+(1100*ch); cout<<total; } else { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7500\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 5500\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 4500\n"; unsigned long total=7500+5500+4500+(2900*ad)+(1200*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } } break; } case 7: cout<<"Flights available from SINGAPORE to INDIA\n"; cout<<"Flight Name" <<"\t"<<"Flitght No."<<"\t"<<"Origin" <<"\t"<<"Arrival"<<"\t"<<"Departure"<<"\t"<<"Days of operation"<<"\n"; cout<<"1: Air India" <<"\t"<<"AI 0809 " <<"\t"<<"Mumbai" <<"\t"<<"00:20" <<"\t"<<"21:30" <<"\t"<<"Mon,Wed" <<"\n"; cout<<"2: Kingfisher" <<"\t"<<"KF 1427" <<"\t"<<"Mangalore"<<"\t"<<"10:45" <<"\t"<<"20:56" <<"\t"<<"Fri,Sun" <<"\n"; cout<<"3: Jet Airways"<<"\t"<<"JA 5874" <<"\t"<<"Delhi" <<"\t"<<"11:55" <<"\t"<<"19:23" <<"\t"<<"Tues,Thurs,Sat" <<"\n"; cout<<"\n"; cout<<"Please enter your choice\n"; cin>>a; cout<<"Do you want to book the seat(s) in\n"; cout<<"1: First Class\n"; cout<<"2: Economy Class\n"; cout<<"3: Executive Class\n"; cout<<"Please enter your choice\n"; cin>>b; switch(b) { case 1: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=15) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=8000+7000+6000+(4800*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7500\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 6800\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 5500\n"; unsigned long total=7500+6800+4800+(4500*ad)+(1800*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==3) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 5000\n"; unsigned long total=7000+6000+5000+(4000*ad)+(1500*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } break; } case 2: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=28) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7500\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 7000\n"; unsigned long total=8000+7500+7000+(5000*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7600\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7050\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 7005\n"; unsigned long total=7600+7050+7005+(4500*ad)+(1500*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==3) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 6600\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 6200\n"; unsigned long total=7000+6600+6200+(4200*ad)+(1200*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } break; } case 3: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=18) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 9000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 7000\n"; unsigned long total=9000+8000+7000+(5700*ad)+(2500*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8500\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7500\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 6500\n"; unsigned long total=8500+7500+6500+(5000*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==3) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=8000+7000+6000+(4500*ad)+(1500*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } } break; } case 8: cout<<"Flights available from INDIA to MALAYSIA\n"; cout<<"Flight Name" <<"\t"<<"Flitght No."<<"\t"<<"Origin" <<"\t"<<"Arrival"<<"\t"<<"Departure"<<"\t"<<"Days of operation"<<"\n"; cout<<"1: Air India" <<"\t"<<"AI 0067" <<"\t"<<"Hyderabad"<<"\t"<<"11:45" <<"\t"<<"21:30" <<"\t"<<"Fri,Sun" <<"\n"; cout<<"2: Kingfisher" <<"\t"<<"KF 3209" <<"\t"<<"Banglore" <<"\t"<<"00:10" <<"\t"<<"20:20" <<"\t"<<"Wed,Fri" <<"\n"; cout<<"3: Jet Airways"<<"\t"<<"JA 1200" <<"\t"<<"Delhi" <<"\t"<<"9:30" <<"\t"<<"18:45" <<"\t"<<"Mon,Thurs,Sat" <<"\n"; cout<<"4: Kingfisher" <<"\t"<<"KF 0342" <<"\t"<<"Mumbai" <<"\t"<<"10:20" <<"\t"<<"20:40" <<"\t"<<"Tues,Thurs" <<"\n"; cout<<"5: Jet Airways"<<"\t"<<"JA 0078" <<"\t"<<"Kolkata" <<"\t"<<"11:20" <<"\t"<<"19:56" <<"\t"<<"Mon,Sat" <<"\n"; cout<<"\n"; cout<<"Please enter your choice\n"; cin>>a; cout<<"Do you want to book the seat(s) in\n"; cout<<"1: First Class\n"; cout<<"2: Economy Class\n"; cout<<"3: Executive Class\n"; cout<<"Please enter your choice\n"; cin>>b; switch(b) { case 1: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=25) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 5700\n"; unsigned long total=7000+6000+5700+(3000*ad)+(1200*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 6500\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 5000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 4800\n"; unsigned long total=6500+5000+4800+(2800*ad)+(1000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==3) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 4700\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 4000\n"; unsigned long total=5400+4700+4000+(2400*ad)+(900*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==4) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 5500\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 4500\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 3500\n"; unsigned long total=5000+4200+3500+(2000*ad)+(820*ch); cout<<total; } else { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 5000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 4200\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 3000\n"; unsigned long total=5000+4200+3000+(1500*ad)+(800*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } break; } case 2: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=10) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7700\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 7000\n"; unsigned long total=8000+7700+7000+(4000*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=7000+7000+6000+(3500*ad)+(1500*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==3) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 6500\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=7500+6000+6000+(3200*ad)+(1200*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==4) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 5500\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 5000\n"; unsigned long total=6000+5500+6000+(3000*ad)+(1100*ch); cout<<total; } else { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 5500\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=6000+5500+6000+(3000*ad)+(1500*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } break; } case 3: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=15) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7700\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 7000\n"; unsigned long total=8000+7700+7000+(4500*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7200\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=7200+7000+6000+(4000*ad)+(1800*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==3) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 6800\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 6500\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 5500\n"; unsigned long total=6800+6500+5500+(3500*ad)+(1500*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==4) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 6200\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 5800\n"; unsigned long total=7000+6200+5800+(3000*ad)+(1200*ch); cout<<total; } else { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 6500\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 5000\n"; unsigned long total=6500+6000+5000+(3000*ad)+(1000*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } } break; } case 10: cout<<"Flights available from INDIA to SINGAPORE\n"; cout<<"Flight Name" <<"\t"<<"Flitght No."<<"\t"<<"Origin" <<"\t"<<"Arrival"<<"\t"<<"Departure"<<"\t"<<"Days of operation"<<"\n"; cout<<"1: Air India" <<"\t"<<"AI 0809 " <<"\t"<<"Mumbai" <<"\t"<<"00:20" <<"\t"<<"21:30" <<"\t"<<"Mon,Wed" <<"\n"; cout<<"2: Kingfisher" <<"\t"<<"KF 1427" <<"\t"<<"Mangalore"<<"\t"<<"10:45" <<"\t"<<"20:56" <<"\t"<<"Fri,Sun" <<"\n"; cout<<"3: Jet Airways"<<"\t"<<"JA 5874" <<"\t"<<"Delhi" <<"\t"<<"11:55" <<"\t"<<"19:23" <<"\t"<<"Tues,Thurs,Sat" <<"\n"; cout<<"\n"; cout<<"Please enter your choice\n"; cin>>a; cout<<"Do you want to book the seat(s) in\n"; cout<<"1: First Class\n"; cout<<"2: Economy Class\n"; cout<<"3: Executive Class\n"; cout<<"Please enter your choice\n"; cin>>b; switch(b) { case 1: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=15) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=8000+7000+6000+(4800*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7500\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 6800\n"; unsigned long total=7500+6800+4800+(4500*ad)+(1800*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==3) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 5000\n"; unsigned long total=7000+6000+5000+(4000*ad)+(1500*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } break; } case 2: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=28) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7500\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 7000\n"; unsigned long total=8000+7500+7000+(5000*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7600\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7050\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 7005\n"; unsigned long total=7600+7050+7005+(4500*ad)+(1500*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==3) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 6600\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 6200\n"; unsigned long total=7000+6600+6200+(4200*ad)+(1200*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } break; } case 3: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=18) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 9000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 7000\n"; unsigned long total=9000+8000+7000+(5700*ad)+(2500*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8500\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7500\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 6500\n"; unsigned long total=8500+7500+6500+(5000*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==3) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=8000+7000+6000+(4500*ad)+(1500*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } } break;} case 11: cout<<"Flights available from INDIA to LONDON\n"; cout<<"Flight Name" <<"\t"<<"Flitght No."<<"\t"<<"Origin" <<"\t"<<"Arrival"<<"\t"<<"Departure"<<"\t"<<"Days of operation"<<"\n"; cout<<"1: Air India" <<"\t"<<"AI 0809 " <<"\t"<<"Mumbai" <<"\t"<<"00:20" <<"\t"<<"21:30" <<"\t"<<"Mon,Wed" <<"\n"; cout<<"2: Kingfisher" <<"\t"<<"KF 1427" <<"\t"<<"Mangalore"<<"\t"<<"10:45" <<"\t"<<"20:56" <<"\t"<<"Fri,Sun" <<"\n"; cout<<"3: Jet Airways"<<"\t"<<"JA 5874" <<"\t"<<"Delhi" <<"\t"<<"11:55" <<"\t"<<"19:23" <<"\t"<<"Tues,Thurs,Sat" <<"\n"; cout<<"\n"; cout<<"Please enter your choice\n"; cin>>a; cout<<"Do you want to book the seat(s) in\n"; cout<<"1: First Class\n"; cout<<"2: Economy Class\n"; cout<<"3: Executive Class\n"; cout<<"Please enter your choice\n"; cin>>b; switch(b) { case 1: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=15) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=8000+7000+6000+(4800*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7500\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 6800\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 5500\n"; unsigned long total=7500+6800+4800+(4500*ad)+(1800*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==3) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 6000\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 5000\n"; unsigned long total=7000+6000+5000+(4000*ad)+(1500*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } break;} case 2: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=28) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7500\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 7000\n"; unsigned long total=8000+7500+7000+(5000*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7600\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7050\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 7005\n"; unsigned long total=7600+7050+7005+(4500*ad)+(1500*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==3) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 6600\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 6200\n"; unsigned long total=7000+6600+6200+(4200*ad)+(1200*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } break;} case 3: cout<<"Please enter the no. of person(s) boarding the plane\n"; cin>>a1; if(a1<=18) { cout<<" Please enter the no. of adults (above 12)\n"; cin>>ad; cout<<"Please enter the no. of children (below 12)\n"; cin>>ch; cout<<"Please enter the date and day you are boarding the plane\n"; cout<<"Date\n"; cin>>d1.day_no; cout<<"month\n"; gets(d1.month); cout<<"Year\n"; cin>>d1.year; cout<<"day(monday\thursday)"; gets(d1.day); cout<<"\n"; if(d1.day!=monday||thursday) { cout<<"Flight not in operation on"<<d1.day<<". please enter valid day only!\n"; } else { cout<<"Please enter the name and age of the person(s) boarding\n"; cout<<"Name"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"Age"<<"\n"; for(j=0;j<a1;j++) { gets(name); cout<<"\t"<<"\t"; cin>>age; cout<<"\n"; } if(a==1) { cout<<"Total Cost="<<"\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 9000\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges= Rs 7000\n"; unsigned long total=9000+8000+7000+(5700*ad)+(2500*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==2) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8500\n"; cout<<"Fuel charges=Rs 7500\n"; cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 6500\n"; unsigned long total=8500+7500+6500+(5000*ad)+(2000*ch); cout<<total; } else if(a==3) { cout<<"Total cost=\n"; cout<<"Basic Fare=Rs 8000\n"; cout<<"Fuel Charges=Rs 7000\n"; cout<<"Travelling Charges=Rs 6000\n"; unsigned long total=8000+7000+6000+(4500*ad)+(1500*ch); cout<<total; } } else { cout<<"Sorry!seats are not available"<<"\n"; cout<<"Please book in other classes"; } } break; }} } void main() { clrscr(); airline item; int c; char choice; cout<<"\n Menu\n"; cout<<"1: INTERNATIONAL TICKET BOOKING\n"; cout<<"2: exit\n"; cout<<"Enter your choice"; cin>>c; switch© { case 1: item.inter(); break; case 2: exit(0); } getch(); } cout<<"Travelling charges=Rs 5500\n";
  7. hello Riogho what do you do?

  8. hello every one this is chitrangda and im from india
  9. no dharavi is still the biggest Orangi is Asia's largest squatter settlement.recently i visited dharvi n really got suprised!
  10. sure. why not.

    i'll be really welcomed.

  11. Dharavi, Asia's Largest Slum. what is the frist thing that comes to your mind when you read some thing like this?
  12. hope this helps http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IUPAC_nomenclature_of_organic_chemistry
  13. i experience pain in my chest with rear numness in my left arm followed by anzyity. i got my ecg done but no problem was there
  14. Is it allways important that chest pain is releated to heart related problems??????
  15. can nyone tell me that which disease has following symptoms? pain in left chest,left arm becomes num some times and high b.p...
  16. The end is near countdown has begun plan the next 4 years of life may it be an happy ending................................. ....................................... view this link http://www.greatdreams.com/2012.htm http://www.astro.uu.nl/~strous/AA/en/2012.html
  17. its biography of shahrukh kan.
  18. yes u can
  19. to find amperage of 5 caps lined up in parallel find the total capacity of the system...say you have five cap of c capacity the net cap will be 5c.now say u are supplying 250v to it. find the total charge(q=cv) and differentiate w.r.t time you will get amperage. amperage of a charged cap: differentiate following equation w.r.t time Q=EC (1-e-t/cr) colored text is in power. here t is time E is battery emf C is capacitance r is the resistance of the battery and connecting battery taken together.
  20. any one read "still reading khan"??
  21. when i book any ticket say ticket no. 1 from first class, then i want that next time when user runs the program, ticket no. 1 should not be dispayed as unreserved. i'm really not getting how to do that. please help me to fix this problem. can you also tell me that how to insert graphics in c++??? please give the procedure.
  22. :confused:please help me out...i was working on a c++ programming on air ticket reservation but its not working properly...please tell me where im wrong and how to make it better.. #include <string> #include <iostream> int main() { int c, s[10]; int i, j; string name; cout << "Welcome to Airline Reservations System!\n"; cout << "Please enter your name: "; getline(cin,name); cout << "Choose a class: "; cin >> c; for (j=0; j<10; j++) switch© { case 1: cout << "First class" << endl; cout << "Seats available are 1,2,3,4,5.\n"; do { cout << "Pick a seat: "; cin >> s[j]; for (i=0; i<j; i++) if (s[j]==s) {cout << "Seat taken. "; break;} } while (i!=j); if(s[j] <= 5) { cout << "\n"; cout << "--------------------------\n"; cout << "Name: " << name << endl; cout << "Class: " << "First class" << endl; cout << "Seat no.: " << s << endl; cout << "--------------------------\n"; } else cout << "Wrong number! No seat for you!\n"; break; case 2: cout << "Economic class\n"; cout << "Seats available are 6,7,8,9,10.\n"; do { cout << "Pick a seat number: "; cin >> s[j]; for (i=0; i<j; i++) if (s[j]==s) {cout << "Seat taken. "; break;} } while (i!=j); if(s[j] >= 6) { cout << "\n"; cout << "--------------------------\n"; cout << "Name: " << name << endl; cout << "Class: " << "Economic class" << endl; cout << "Seat no.: " << s[j] << endl; cout << "--------------------------\n"; } else cout << "Wrong number! No seat for you!\n"; break; } system("pause"); return 0; } even now it anint working... #include <string> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int c, s[10]; int i, j; string name; cout << "Welcome to Airline Reservations System!\n"; for (j=0; j<10; j++) { cout << "Please enter your name: "; getline(cin,name); cout << "Choose a class: "; cin >> c; switch© { case 1: cout << "First class" << endl; cout << "Seats available are 1,2,3,4,5.\n"; do { cout << "Pick a seat: "; cin >> s[j]; for (i=0; i<j; i++) if (s[j]==s) {cout << "Seat taken. "; break;} } while (i!=j); if(s[j] <= 5) { cout << "\n"; cout << "--------------------------\n"; cout << "Name: " << name << endl; cout << "Class: " << "First class" << endl; cout << "Seat no.: " << s << endl; cout << "--------------------------\n"; } else cout << "Wrong number! No seat for you!\n"; break; case 2: cout << "Economic class\n"; cout << "Seats available are 6,7,8,9,10.\n"; do { cout << "Pick a seat number: "; cin >> s[j]; for (i=0; i<j; i++) if (s[j]==s) {cout << "Seat taken. "; break;} } while (i!=j); if(s[j] >= 6) { cout << "\n"; cout << "--------------------------\n"; cout << "Name: " << name << endl; cout << "Class: " << "Economic class" << endl; cout << "Seat no.: " << s[j] << endl; cout << "--------------------------\n"; } else cout << "Wrong number! No seat for you!\n"; break; default: break; } } system("pause"); return 0;
  23. well i got 17 right before i saw the answers...i probly think that few answers are ment for americians!
  24. well you might be correct! here the link... http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Big.../9780007162208 forgot to give it before.
  25. im sorry for not mentioning the link it actually went out of my head at that time...im extremly sorry for that no offence ment.
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