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Everything posted by chitrangda

  1. You are the toys that played, the slangs that used, the secrets that kept, vc you are its preferred beach, vc you are the renascido one after the accident that escaped, that stuned love that lived, the serious colloquy that had one day with its father, vc you are what vc remember. You are the homesickness that feels of its mother, the infancy who vc remember, pain not to have given certain, not to have said in the hour, the emotion of a stretch of book, the street scene that pulled out it tears, vc you are what vc cry. You are you hug it unexpected, the force given for the friend who needs, the sensitivity that cries out, the affection that she exchanges, the pieces that together, vc are orgasmo, the outburst of laughter, kiss, vc are what vc naked. You are the anger not to have reached, the impotence not to obtain to move, the disappointment with the government, the hatred that everything this of. You are what nobody sees.

  2. i agree;) ************ 1. The most important thing for a woman is financial security. ************ 2. Although this is so important, they still go out and buy expensive clothes and stuff. ************ 3. Although they always buy expensive clothes, they never have something to wear. ************ 4. Although they never have something to wear, they always dress beautifully. ************ 5. Although they always dress beautifully, their clothes are always just "an old rag". ************ 6. Although their clothes are always "just an old rag", they still expect you to compliment them. ************ 7. Although they expect you to compliment them, when you do, they don't believe you. haha..
  3. well i'm eager to known who overpowers whom?
  4. yeah! i was a lot frustrated by the name book worm! it started giving me completion!...

  5. i voted for others.. i strongly feel that there is presence of almighty controlling our actions.
  6. Though i belong to India and Hindi is its national language but i have never ever been able to score more that 6-7 marks out of 10 in it! I'm a lot fluent in speaking Hindi but when it come on writing i hate it! The spelling are worst to identify! English,Greek,Urdu & Portuguese are much much simpler
  7. thanks for the add;)

  8. hello...thanks for the add.:)

  9. just wanted to ask how are u doing and nothing else..;)

    i thought u might be knowing Arabic as u gotta read kuran:)

  10. Thanks all for the suggestions but the problem was with the compiler..i changed it and now its working..
  11. Hindi....i have always just passes it!
  12. كيف حالك هذه الأيام؟

  13. I'm growing crazy day by day!

  14. no such error done by me.
  15. i did <iostream>not #include<iostream.h> i used <stdlib>, <process> amongst others
  16. no i'm using c++ compiler..
  17. thank you. i needed it badly.
  18. I was working on C++ and encountered following error "Fatal iostream.h 19: Error directive : Must use C++ for the type iostream" can anyone tell me what does this mean!
  19. Smoking is the second major cause of death worldwide. http://www.chestjournal.org/content/117/2_suppl/1S.abstract
  20. profile picture rocks :D

  21. what are induced electric fields? how can they be produce? how are magnetic fields and electric fields related to each other?
  22. what is the copy constructor? how is it different from default constructor? (in C++)
  23. i think only 1
  24. sooner the better ;).... its my pleasure to be friend to most helpful member :)

    Things are great at my side except for that my exams are on my head and i know nothing!

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