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Zhang Xu

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Everything posted by Zhang Xu

  1. Hi, everyone! A. Zeilinger wrote, "All modern experiments confirm the quantum predictions with unprecedented precision. Evidence overwhelmingly suggests that a local realistic explanation of nature is not possible." (A. Zeilinger, Nature, 408 (2000), 639.) We can make a home experiment to show that in the antigravitational field some non-local phenomena happen. 1 Steps of the experiment Please visit the following link to view the picture. http://xczhx.c59.zgsj.com/nonlocal/100_7312.JPG (1) Prepare a scrap of blank squared paper which is to be placed at an upper position and hence is called the upper scrap hereafter. (2) Lay the upper scrap face up at the inside bottom of the glass jar (see Section 1.2 of the Antigravitation Engine Site, hereafter called the Site), under the base of the motor. (3) Prepare a plastic box for holding a 3.5 inches floppy disc (hereafter called the disc box). (4) Prepare a scrap of blank squared paper which is to be placed at a lower position and hence is called the lower scrap hereafter. On the lower scrap write “3+2=?” with a black gel pen. Please visit the following link to view the picture. http://xczhx.c59.zgsj.com/nonlocal/100_7308.JPG Lay the lower scrap face up in the disc box. Close the disc box. (5) Place the disc box and the batteries on a foam plastic board, and place the glass jar on the disc box, in front of the batteries. (6) Place the foam plastic board on the water in a bathtub. With the help of a level gage, adjust the positions of the things on the board to make the board horizontal. (7) Start the motor, and the experiment begins. In order to reduce |Σa'| (see Section 2.3 of Chapter 2 of the Site), or in other words, in order to prevent the antigravitational acceleration from becoming zero too often, the experiment should not be long exposed to strong light. (8) In order to observe the scraps of paper and to replace the batteries with newly charged ones, the experiment can be paused for a short while, which should be excluded from the duration of the experiment. (9) When the experiment finishes, hold the upper scrap up to the light. Observe the scrap as if observing the banknote watermark. Take pictures of the upper scrap. (10) If the message in the picture is not clear enough, the image in the picture can be processed by using Photoshop's Image > Adjust > Brightness/Contrast command, Image > Adjust > Posterize command, and Window > Channels > Green or Blue or Red command. (11) Use Photoshop's Rotate command to rotate the image 90°, 180°, or 270° counterclockwise or clockwise, and then observe the image. 2 Experimental result The picture of the upper scrap shows the result of the experiment, which lasted 135 hours 31 minutes. Please visit the following link to view the raw picture of the upper scrap. The image is unprocessed. http://xczhx.c59.zgsj.com/nonlocal/100_7331.JPG The background light behind the scrap is the incandescent light, which is quite red. It can be seen in the upper scrap that there is an image of the numeral 5 looking like a watermark. For more information, please see the Antigravitation Engine Site. http://xczhx.c59.zgsj.com/indexEnglish.htm The above experiment, as you can see, is easy to make at home, and you are sure to find some interesting consequences in your own experiments. Best of luck from Zhang Xu
  2. PS Some events described in Sections 2.1 and 2.2.1 of my post are listed below in date order. (1) 26 February 2007 The image of the word age was written on a scrap. 26 February 2007—28 February 2007 The experiment in which there was the scrap with the image of “age” written on it. 28 February 2007 The scrap with the image of “age” written on it was taken away. (2) 8 March 2007—15 March 2007 Experiment 1. (3) 28 March 2007—5 April 2007 Experiment 2. 5 April 2007 The scraps used in Experiment 2 were taken away. (4) 10 April 2007 The image of the circled letter S was drawn on a scrap. 10 April 2007—15 April 2007 The experiment in which there was the scrap with the image of the circled letter S drawn on it. (5) 18 May 2007 The dark watermark-like image of the word "age" was found in the upper scrap used in Experiment 2. 27 May 2007 The light watermark-like image of the circled letter S was found in the upper scrap used in Experiment 2. Best of luck from Zhang Xu
  3. 1 Theory 1.1 From Section 7.10.1 and Section 7.24.3 of the Antigravitation Engine Site (hereafter called the Site) it can be known that there exit the following relations: h' = 0.27 G M M v / (c c) , (a is not equal to 0) , (1) Delta t is larger than or equal to [(0.135 G M) / (pi v v v)] , (a is not equal to 0) , (2) and Delta x is larger than or equal to [(0.27 G M) / ( 4 pi v v )] , (a is not equal to 0) , (3) where a is the antigravitational acceleration (see Section 2.3 of the Site), h' is the antigravitational quantum of action, M is the mass of the object, and v is the speed of the object. Hence it can be known that in the antigravitational field the spacetime location of an object is varying. For example, in the following experiments, approximately there are the following values: M = 0.00315 kg , v = 0.00004 m/s , h' = 0.00012 h, Delta t is larger than or equal to 0.14 s, Delta x is larger than or equal to 0.0000028 m, where h is Planck's constant. 1.2 The antigravitational expansion of the universe is accelerating. The earth and the objects on the earth are in the antigravitational field of the universe. M, the mass of the universe, is extremely large. According to Hubble's law, at the place of an object on the earth, v, the speed at which space of the universe is expanding, is extremely small, and at the place of the observer, both v and (dv/dt) are zero. Hence it can be known from the relations at the beginning of this section that in the antigravitational field which causes space of the universe to expand, objects outside the observer have extremely large uncertainty in the spacetime location, and hence have present spacetime and non-present spacetime. 1.3 It is another thing, however, with an observer on a boat which is moving due to the work of the antigravitation engine. The antigravitational acceleration of the observer is not zero. And hence it can be known from the relations at the beginning of this section that the observer has comparatively large uncertainty in the spacetime location, and has both the present and the non-present spacetime, and hence can interact with objects both in the present spacetime and in the non-present spacetime. Hence an antigravitational boat is a spacetime tunnel connecting the present spacetime and the non-present spacetime. In the experiments described in Section 2 below, the scraps serve as the observers. Hence, when h' = 0 , the observer finds the object local in spacetime; when h' is not equal to 0 , the observer finds the object non-local in spacetime; where h' is the antigravitational quantum of action of the observer. 1.4 The Delta t of an observer is somewhat similar to exposure time and aperture in photography. If the Delta t Observer A is larger than that of Observer B, then, compared with the case of Observer B, (1) the interaction between Observer A and an object which is in the non-present spacetime is stronger and more evident; (2) Observer A observes that the Delta t and Delta x of an object are larger, and hence the object that Observer A observes is more blurred and fainter. 1.5 Let the uncertainty in time caused by the work of the antigravitation engine be Delta t , then the uncertainty in time of the spacetime regions around the antigravitation engine will become nearer to Delta t ; this will make the uncertainty in time of the objects in these spacetime regions become either smaller or larger so as to approach Delta t ; in other words, the work of the antigravitation engine has a two-way effect. 2 Experiments 2.1 Experiment 1 Please view the picture. 2.1.1 Steps of the experiment (1) Prepare a scrap of blank squared paper which is to be placed at an upper position and hence is called the upper scrap hereafter. (2) On the front of the upper scrap draw an image of the numeral 2 with a black gel pen. Please view the picture. (3) Lay the upper scrap face up at the inside bottom of the glass jar (see Section 1.2), under the base of the motor. (4) Prepare a plastic box for holding a 3.5 inches floppy disc (hereafter called the disc box). (5) Prepare a scrap of blank squared paper which is to be placed at a lower position and hence is called the lower scrap hereafter. Lay the lower scrap face up in the disc box. Close the disc box. (6) Place the disc box and the batteries on a foam plastic board. Place the glass jar on the disc box. (7) Place the foam plastic board on the water in a bathtub. With the help of a level gage, adjust the positions of the disc box and the batteries to make the foam plastic board horizontal. (8) Start the motor, and the experiment begins. Please view the video (http://xczhx.c59.zgsj.com/nonlocal/100_6587.MOV). In order to prevent the antigravitational acceleration from becoming zero too often (see Section 2.3 of the Site), the experiment should not be long exposed to strong light. (9) In order to observe the scraps of paper and to replace the batteries with newly charged ones, the experiment can be paused for a short while, which should be excluded from the duration of the experiment. (10) Hold the scraps up to the light. Observe the scraps as if observing the banknote watermark. Rotate the scraps 90°, 180°, or 270°clockwise or counterclockwise, and then observe them. 2.1.2 Experimental results (1) When the experiment has lasted 28 hours, it can be seen in the front of the lower scrap that in the centre there is an image of the numeral 2 looking like a watermark. As the duration of the experiment is longer and longer, the watermark-like image of the numeral 2 becomes clearer and clearer. (2) When the experiment has lasted 48 hours, it can be seen that to the left of the watermark-like image of the numeral 2 mentioned above there appears a smaller watermark-like image of the numeral 2. (3) To the upper right of the fairly large watermark-like image of the numeral 2 there appears a small watermark-like image of the numeral 3. Please view the picture. The background light of the picture is the incandescent light, which is quite red. Please view the picture of a control sample. (4) During the course of the experiment, when the position of one scrap with respect to the other scrap has been slightly changed, the image on the upper scrap can still find the position of the watermark-like image in the lower scrap (i.e. automatic tracking), which makes the watermark-like image become clearer and clearer. This shows that the watermark-like image has its own spacetime curvature, and hence has its own mass. This means that the watermark-like image is not only information but is also matter. (5) When the "boat" has begun to move because of the work of the antigravitation engine, it may stay near the edge of the bathtub for a long time. In fact the boat is now moving in the potential barrier region (see Section 7.3.1 of the Site), and its antigravitational acceleration, though very small, is not zero, in which case the experimental results mentioned above will still happen. 2.1.3 Experimental analysis The time location and the space location of the upper and the lower scraps have all changed in the antigravitational field of the "boat". Hence in the non-present spacetime there is interaction between the two scraps (see also Section 6.13 of the Site), and it looks as if the image of the numeral 2 on the upper scrap went through the glass jar, a layer of draught excluders stuck on the outside bottom of the jar and the plastic disc box, and reached the lower scrap. Please view the picture. 2.2 Some variations on Experiment 1 2.2.1 Experiment 2 (1) On a lower scrap draw an image of the numeral 3 with a black gel pen. Please view the picture. The upper scrap is a scrap of blank squared paper. The picture of the upper scrap shows the results of the experiment, which lasted 163 hours. Please view the video (http://xczhx.c59.zgsj.com/nonlocal/100_6689.MOV). (2) Experimental results Please view the picture. In the lower left-hand part of the upper scrap there appears a fairly large dark watermark-like image of the numeral 3. To the upper left of the tweezers there is a dark watermark-like image of a word "age" (antigravitation engine). The image of the word age was written in an earlier experiment, which was before the above Experiment 1, on a scrap, which, in that experiment, was placed under the outside bottom of the glass jar, between two blank scraps, and the three scraps had been taken away 28 days 4 hours before Experiment 2 began, or 8 days 17 hours before Experiment 1 began. The scraps used in Experiment 2 are two other scraps. Please view the picture taken afterwards. At the top right margin of the upper scrap there is a light watermark-like image of the circled letter S. The image of the circled letter S was originally the image drawn on the lower scrap in a later experiment beginning 118 hours 45 minutes after Experiment 2 had finished. The image was used because it looked somewhat like the Taiji symbol. Please view the picture. (3) The antigravitation engine has changed the non-present-spacetime images of the word age and the circled letter S into the present-spacetime images (see Section 1.5 above). 2.2.2 Experiment 3 Replace the glass jar with an airtight food storage container; and the batteries are also placed in this container. The similar experimental results can be obtained. 2.2.3 Experiment 4 Place a double-sided mirror or a light aluminium basin on the disc box. The similar experimental results can be obtained. Please view the picture. 2.3 Control experiments Instead of putting the foam plastic board on the water in a bathtub, place the foam plastic board on the upper edge of a small basin full of water, or place the foam plastic board on a cushion on a table. The other steps are the same as those in Experiment 1. The experimental results described above can not be obtained in the control experiments. 3 Analyses The experimental phenomena mentioned above can be resolved into the following phenomena which happen in an unusual way: going through a wall, moving things, fetching things, changing the shape, seeing through a wall, remote sensing, replicating oneself, automatic tracking, reappearing, preappearing, and changing the density of matter (the paper fibre). For more information, please see the Antigravitation Engine Site. http://xczhx.c59.zgsj.com/indexEnglish.htm
  4. Talking about the dark energy in the universe, one may think of antigravitation. In the antigravitational experiment, time shown on a stopwatch sometimes pauses. 1 Steps of the experiment (1) Prepare three identical quartz stopwatches (chronograph capabilities: dive watch, 1/100 second precision to 24 hours). Let them be Stopwatch A, Stopwatch B and Stopwatch C respectively. (2) Start Stopwatch A and Stopwatch B simultaneously. In the experiment stated in Section 1.2 of the Antigravitation Engine Site (hereafter called the Site), lay Stopwatch B in front of the rotation part of the antigravitation engine, at the head of the boat (without the washbasin). The boat (without the washbasin) is put horizontally on the water in a bathtub. In order to make the speed of the boat not equal to zero, the water in the bathtub should be fresh and clean, the batteries should be newly charged, and the weather should be clear. Turn on the motor. Put Stopwatch A on a table in another room. After 16 hours, turn off the motor. Place Stopwatch A and Stopwatch B side by side. Shoot a video of the readings of the two stopwatches, and take at least 10 photos of them. When the photos are taken, the shutter speed is 1/1000 s. (3) Start Stopwatch A and Stopwatch C simultaneously. Lay Stopwatch C in front of the rotation part of the antigravitation engine, at the head of the "boat". Put the boat on a stool. Turn on the motor. Since the frictional resistance of the stool surface is large, the antigravitation is zero according to Eq. (2) in Section 1.2 of Chapter 1 of the Site. Put Stopwatch A on a table in another room. After 16 hours, turn off the motor. Place Stopwatch A and Stopwatch C side by side. Shoot a video of the readings of the two stopwatches, and take at least 10 photos of them. When the photos are taken, the shutter speed is 1/1000 s. 2 The result of the experiment (1) The video playing in slow motion and playing step by step shows that, compared with the time shown on Stopwatch A and that shown on Stopwatch C, the time shown on Stopwatch B sometimes pauses. (2) When Stopwatch A is close to Stopwatch B, Stopwatch A will be affected by Stopwatch B and hence the uncertainty in the time shown on Stopwatch A will slightly increase. 3 Theory 3.1 (1) In the antigravitational field, a different antigravitational quantum of action corresponds to a different uncertainty in the spacetime, and hence corresponds to a different spacetime. In the antigravitational field, when the mass and the velocity of a particle vary due to the uncertainty relation of quantum mechanics and due to the change in the quantum state, the particle has different antigravitational quanta of action (see Eq. (3) below), and hence it is in different spacetimes. Hence in the antigravitational field, different quantum states often belong to different spacetimes. Therefore, in the antigravitational field, at some moments Stopwatch B is in a quantum state of another spacetime, and hence the time shown on the stopwatch pauses. When it has left the antigravitational field, Stopwatch B will keep the above feature for a short time. 3.2 According to mechanics, Delta E = (1/2) m v v . ( 1 ) According to Equation ( 2 ) of Section 7.10.1 of the Site, m = M v v / (c c) , ( 2 ) where m is the mass of the gfm (gravitational field matter) ball particle of the rotation part of the antigravitation engine. According to Equation ( 3 ) of Section 7.10.1 of the Site, h' = 0.27 G M M v / (c c) , ( 3 ) where h' is the antigravitatioinal quantum of action. According to Equation ( 2 ) of Section 6.8 of the Site, (Delta t) (Delta E) ≥ h' / (4 Pi) . ( 4 ) Substitution of Equations ( 1 ), ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) into Equation ( 4 ) yields Delta t ≥ 0.135 G M / (Pi v v v) , (v is not equal to zero), ( 5 ) where Delta t is the uncertainty in the time, G is Newton's gravitational constant, M is the mass of the rotation part of the antigravitation engine, and v is the speed of the boat moving due to the antigravitational field. In the above experiment, M is 0.00315 kg, v is about 0.00004 m/s , and Delta t is about 0.14 s . If the load on the boat is not too heavy, the carrying device had better not include the washbasin. Instead, put the foam plastic board directly on the water surface. In this way the antigravitational effect is easier to occur. This is because in the antigravitational experiment described in Chapter 4, the uncertainty in the time of a water molecule can be as large as Delta t = 239 days . (See Section 6.21 in Chapter 6 of the Site). So water is the catalyst for change in spacetime. For more information (e.g. the video), please see Chapter 7 of the Antigravitation Engine Site (http://xczhx.c59.zgsj.com/indexEnglish.htm).
  5. Under certain conditions, a wheel driven by a motor can form a gravitational field matter vortex, producing antigravitation, of which the mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic, magnetic, and optical consequences measured in the experiments guided by the theories are 1. the macroscopic quantum mechanical effect, 2. the changed temperature, 3. the changed frequency of the change in the voltage of the electromagnetic wave signals, 4. the enlarged magnetic field, 5. the change in the voltage value of the electromagnetic wave signals, and 6. the antigravitation induced refractive index change effect. For more information, please see the Antigravitation Engine Site, the URL of which is as follows. http://xczhx.c59.zgsj.com/indexEnglish.htm
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