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Everything posted by pery

  1. Hi all, I have a human-human hybridoma, but unfortunately very lazy one. It takes a lot of time to produce even small quantity of the mAb. Is there any way to increase hybridima’s productivity? Thanks in advance, Pery
  2. Thanks a lot for the explanations! I think I will outsource the mAb production. Best regards, Pery
  3. Dear Scicop, Thank you very much for the fast reply. You are absolutely right re the polyclonal population. As I have mentioned before, my problem is that I have a very small quantity of the mAb so I am not capable to produce it's CDR1. I have done the screening (by ELISA) with whole mAb in addition to the screening against normal human IgG as a control group. I hoped that may be control group will provide a weaker signal. But unfortunately I get a higher signal even than mab that I have immunized with. Regarding your question: I have this mAb which is human and bearing common 16/6 idiotype. I need to develop an ELISA method for screening of human antibodies in serum for presence or absence of antibodies bearing this common 16/6 Id. Therefore I need pAb or mAb that can recognize this idiotype. I would use an anti-idiotyping network but it works only than the antibodies injected within the same species, so it is not particle in my case (we are talking about humans). I appreciate a lot your professional opinion and will glad to here if you have any ideas regarding my problem. Thanks in advance, Pery.
  4. Hi all, I need help please. I want to produce polyclonal Ab against the part of the variable region (CDR1 mostly) of human monoclonal Ab (IgG). In my previous trials I've injected mAb into the rabbit and cleaned the pAb on G-sepharose column. Eventually I’ve got the non specific pAb population i.e. it recognizes many common IgG determinants. I have very little quantity of the mAb so I cannot slice it in order to rid of the common parts (like Fc for example). Please advice if there are ways to produce determinant specific anti-Ab antibodies (poly or mono). Thanks in advance. Pery
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