Dear Scicop,
Thank you very much for the fast reply.
You are absolutely right re the polyclonal population.
As I have mentioned before, my problem is that I have a very small quantity of the mAb so I am not capable to produce it's CDR1.
I have done the screening (by ELISA) with whole mAb in addition to the screening against normal human IgG as a control group. I hoped that may be control group will provide a weaker signal. But unfortunately I get a higher signal even than mab that I have immunized with.
Regarding your question:
I have this mAb which is human and bearing common 16/6 idiotype.
I need to develop an ELISA method for screening of human antibodies in serum for presence or absence of antibodies bearing this common 16/6 Id.
Therefore I need pAb or mAb that can recognize this idiotype.
I would use an anti-idiotyping network but it works only than the antibodies injected within the same species, so it is not particle in my case (we are talking about humans).
I appreciate a lot your professional opinion and will glad to here if you have any ideas regarding my problem.
Thanks in advance,