This is going to go down in history as one of the biggest scams of the new millennium. You have Al Gore as the Green Evangelist preaching "truths" about the environment basically calling us sinners. Then when he gets caught polluting does he change his environmental destroying ways? No, he throws money at the problem and waves around these 'carbon credits' so he can continue destroying the environment guilt free.
You really want to impress me reduce your 'carbon footprint', and throw away your money on 'carbon credits'. The less money you have the fewer things you'll be able to buy and put in land fills, and otherwise pollute the environment.
Who is regulating this whole 'carbon credit' business anyway? Who is going to ensure these countries are really following through. If they don't then what would happen?
This sounds an awful lot like buying an acre on the moon, or naming your own star.
Quick sign up now for your carbon credit card.....
A new “carbon footprint” credit card on issue in Europe gives an insight into just where the battle against global warming at the consumer level might be heading.
The card would be swiped when making purchases and credits used up according to the carbon footprint of purchases. Once a consumer’s allocation runs out, further credits would have to be purchased with the money going to emission reduction projects.