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About ash.bekah

  • Birthday July 14

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  • Favorite Area of Science

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  1. Hello all, I am wondering if a chemical formula can belong to more than one chemical. The one specific compound I am concerned about is a medication called Tramadol. On wikipedia it has the formula listed as: C16H25NO2 My question is: can more than one compound/ chemical have this formula? I am asking for personal reasons (my mother OD'd on this) and this NOT a question for a school project or something. Thanks, Ash
  2. Hello all, have a question I can't figure out. If I understand correctly, it is dopamine that gives the high that get people addicted to drugs and whatnot. However, is it not also what gives people the high and bliss of falling in love? So my question is: if dopamine produces the same feelings in love and addiction is there really a difference between the two? at the basic level are they the same thing? And also if anyone could just shed light on what those differences might be? And any other info please
  3. CharonY, Sorry for the confusion... Let me give you an example. In the fourth paragraph on this page, the amino acid sequence for this medication is given: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ziconotide What I want to know is, how do I figure out the amino acid sequence for the medication "Tramadol" ? I do not want the protein that is part of the human body, that tramadol binds to. I want the amino acid sequence for tramadol. If such a thing exists. I apologize for giving you the wrong info to begin with.
  4. If I know the Amino Acid sequence for something, how do I go about making the chain, and displaying it? This is one of the sequences for the splice variants of the receptor for the medication Tramadol. 1 mdssaaptna snctdalays scspapspgs wvnlshldgn lsdpcgpnrt dlggrdslcp 61 ptgspsmita itimalysiv cvvglfgnfl vmyvivrytk mktatniyif nlaladalat 121 stlpfqsvny lmgtwpfgti lckivisidy ynmftsiftl ctmsvdryia vchpvkaldf 181 rtprnakiin vcnwilssai glpvmfmatt kyrqgsidct ltfshptwyw enllkicvfi 241 fafimpvlii tvcyglmilr lksvrmlsgs kekdrnlrri trmvlvvvav fivcwtpihi 301 yviikalvti pettfqtvsw hfcialgytn sclnpvlyaf ldenfkrcfr efciptssni 361 eqqnstrirq ntrdhpstan tvdrtnhqle nleaetaplp Now, if I want to make a chain of amino acids, what would I use? All of it? I want to do something like this with the protein sequence for Tramadol (mu-opioid receptor) http://fyeahtattoos.com/post/5998856013/its-a-chain-of-amino-acids-spelling-the-word How would I do it? Ash
  5. So it is simply one repeating cycle, over and over again? I know my questions probably seem stupid and the entire idea is more metaphysical than anything... sorry. It's just no one seems to have any idea so help or insight is scarce...
  6. Ok.. I used the word formula for lack of a better one. And apart from the fact that all of the steps involve inputs, do you have any additional thoughts on the idea? I have an idea that with each interaction we have with another individual, we exchange a part of our energy with them. I don't know whether or not that would be feasible, scientifically?
  7. I am trying to discover more about human interaction, and whether it can be scientifically related. Right now I have something that I have been working on, but would like to know if it makes sense. My formula is: sensory and mental input ---> chemical reactions ----> neurological responses ----> emotion. What I am wanting to know is 1) is energy transferred in the process, when we are receiving input? 2) if so, what form is it in? 3) when we have resulting emotion, is it permanant or does it eventually go away after the neurons are fired.. ? Thanks for any input!
  8. 864 minutes
  9. Ok here's a question expanding the original. When we interact with someone, energy is transferred back and forth between the two individuals. From exchanged words, we have meaning, then neurological responses in the brain in response to the original stimuli, create emotions. energy---->words ----> meaning ----> neurological responses -----> residual emotion. Does that little diagram look like it could plausibly make sense or be legit? Do you think emotion resulting from an interaction always remains, in a scientific point of view?
  10. Is there a transfer of Energy when emotions are created from chemical reactions in the brain?
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